Isabel and Agrael was very easy to build. Never any tough decisions about which skills to take. But with Markal, jeez I got no idea.
I've decided to either go for the Ultimate ability or Herald of Death (sweet ability I tell ya!) but I don't know whether to go for Dark or Summoning magic....and depending on that I have to choose from Enlightenment and Sorcery....
My reasoning goes like this:
Summoning magic - Magic beats might, heed my words and win every fight
Summoning is very strong for Necromancers since Summoning benefits greatly from high Spellpower which is Necromancers primary stat.
Summoning doesn't have area & mass spells, so Sorcery will be put to extremely good use.
Since Spellpower becomes so important, Enlightenment will boost Spellpower to extreme lvls making the most of Summoning magic. I will also choose Intelligence to boost my poor knowledge.
With Expert Summoning magic and Enlightenment, Raise Dead will probably raise 1000hp per cast

Negatives: I'll only get Attack as a mightskill but that might be enough....Summoning magic is also unpredictable and got "strange" spells. Not direct like Dark magic.
Dark magic - Crippling the enemy and boosting our legions
Dark magic is the strongest school in the game but the majority of its spells doesn't benefit from high Spellpower. A few do (Decay and Netherworld. Blind & Puppet Master lasts long enough) but howoften are they used?
Dark magic got strong area & mass spells so Sorcery will maybe be put to good use. Depends on much mana I'll have. Tempting to take Sorcery --> Magic Insight to get Phantom Forces.
Dark magic takes away the need for Enlightenment since I wont rely on Spellpower. My high Spellpower will still come to good use with Destructive spells and Raise Dead.
Without Enlightenment & perhaps Sorcery, I can take mightskills instead.
Negatives: Unoptimised hybrid hero that will make half- or very poor use out of the magicskills Sorcery & Enlightenment.
Then we got the Dark Energy which wasn't there when I played Markals campaign back in 2006. I choosed Logistics but it doesn't seem useful since I engage in too many fights without being able to raise anything since I ran out of DE points the first day!! I then only raised Skeleton Archers, Vampires/Vampire Lords, Liches/Arch Liches and Wights & Wraiths but I still ran out of DE points in two days....
I'm only on the 2nd mission but I'm thinking of starting over (AGAIN! damn that eastern patrol bug....!) and not picking Logistics this time.
So what do you say..?