Grigor Minchev

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Grigor Minchev

Unread postby Skeeve » 18 Jun 2010, 19:19

Has anyone played maps by this guy?
He is a prolific HOMM3 map-maker and has some of the most interesting and challenging maps I've ever played.

Unfortunately, none of his maps have any plot to them, but that's not his fault - he's from Bulgaria and doesn't know all that much English.

When playing his maps, I usually go through this order of emotions:
Optimism ---> Caution ---> Frustration ---> Hope ---> Elation.

The frustration comes in when I have to restart the game multiple times because the AI whips my butt. Then, I finally discover the key to the map and that leads to hope and finally elation upon completion.

His maps are well worth playing, even without a plot as they are. Here are just a sampling of them: Accent1, Acceptable, Afrika. (I'm not sure how he chooses names, since they often seem to have nothing to do with the map)

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Unread postby ByteBandit » 18 Jun 2010, 19:46

He was/is one of the pioneers of making maps for H3. True, there is no stories in his maps, but they are so incredible to play, that a story by him in his maps would seem like a non Minchev map to me. He seems like he would rather have you on your toes rather than anything else. He's a master for doing that.

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Unread postby Skeeve » 18 Jun 2010, 20:11

ByteBandit wrote:He seems like he would rather have you on your toes rather than anything else. He's a master for doing that.
I agree. His maps make the player sweat. If you've played "acceptable" you'll know what I mean. That map gave me nightmares. I think I woke up once vaguely expecting an army to come through a portal in my backyard!

By the way, his maps inspired me to start writing reviews of maps I play. I have 100 reviews written so far. Is there a place to post these reviews on ByteBanditMaps on Yahoo? I need to edit them first, but just wondering.

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Unread postby ByteBandit » 18 Jun 2010, 20:30

On Map Archives 1, there is a Grigor Minchev folder. I would guess that would be a good place to put reviews for his maps. You could start a new folder in the Files section titled Reviews and put them in there. That's a good idea! :D

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Unread postby Salamandre » 18 Jun 2010, 22:37

They are genius and poor at same time. An unique style. I am not sure he did not speak english well, as his personal ERM scripts are commented in a perfect english. My self I dislike his maps, but they are still genius, with a personal layout which I saw no where else, and a very special difficulty.

Any did know that Minchev is a legendary chess master who never got beat, until he retired too early? He is a mystery in chess world as well as in Heroes. Maybe thats the reason he enjoyed so much painting aliens heads in his maps. He is an Heroes alien.

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Unread postby Skeeve » 20 Jun 2010, 10:58

Wow - didn't know he was a Chess player. Well, that certainly makes sense. His maps require the utmost in strategic thinking.

As for his English - Well, I got that information directly from the source! I wrote to him and told him that his maps were outstanding, but asked why didn't he include a plot with any of them - and he told me that his English wasn't so good. (Well, he obviously knows some English - maybe it's just too much further work to put into a map and that's what allows him to be such a prolific map maker)

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Unread postby Salamandre » 20 Jun 2010, 16:37

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Unread postby Skeeve » 23 Jun 2010, 17:19

ByteBandit wrote:On Map Archives 1, there is a Grigor Minchev folder. I would guess that would be a good place to put reviews for his maps. You could start a new folder in the Files section titled Reviews and put them in there. That's a good idea! :D
I went to Map Archives 1, but cannot find the Grigor Minchev folder. Is it within another folder somewhere?

By the way - I like the new reorganization! (not sure how new it is, but I haven't been around for a while)

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Unread postby ByteBandit » 23 Jun 2010, 18:24

Since Grigors maps start with the letter 'A,' his folder is located there. :)

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Unread postby Skeeve » 23 Jun 2010, 19:58

Thanks - I see it now.
Do all his maps begin with "A"? I was beginning to wonder that since I'm more or less playing in alphabetical order and it seems like every other map is a Minchev.

His maps really are some of the most challenging ever made. I just started playing "Attain Hard". Dang frustrating map, but I think I found the AI's weakness and I'm going to exploit it.

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The Filth
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Unread postby The Filth » 28 Jul 2011, 19:01

Sorry to bump this old thread. But ive got something on my mind regarding Grigor.
A decade ago i made a couple of maps and uploaded them to a site i cant remember the name of anymore. I also tried uploading on celestial heavens without luck.
The maps i made are ofc long gone being that its a decade ago i made them.
But anyways...a while back i decided to see if i could find one of them as it had a name i know very well. So i do a search for "homm nexus polaris" and what pops up are several results with this map with the author being Grigor....also other versions of the map are among the results as well.
So i emailed Grigor but never got any reply and didnt bother any more with it.
But tonight i sat down listening to the album Nexus Polaris by the band Covenant. And as this album was the inspiration for me making the map I came to think about said map again.
So ive emailed Grigor again and also googled his name which brought me to theis thread.
So id just like to say that I am the original author of the map Nexus Polaris.

I can ofc not prove a single thing about this claim of mine. But you can ask my wife if you dont believe me :P

again sorry for the necro bumb

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Unread postby Skeeve » 31 Jul 2011, 09:10

I'm fairly certain that Grigor's name did not get attached to Nexus Polaris intentionally. For one thing - Grigor doesn't speak English all that well. It would be obvious that the map wasn't his own from the very first timed event (provided you do actually have timed events!)

I would contact the website that posted Nexus, and see if you can get your name back on it. By the way, does your map form a picture on the mini-screen? I think I played this a long..long time ago in a galaxy, no wait, just a long time ago. I can't remember anything about it, so maybe I should play it again!

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Unread postby The Filth » 05 Aug 2011, 10:14

yeah the map formed a picture of a dinosaur and the subterranian map formed a picture of an alien.

I made the map only for the looks of it. was sick and tired of the whole map after spending many hours trying to make it look good :p so it was very unbalanced. cant remember if i had any scripts or events running.

i doubt there is any use in contacting the different sites which has the map avaliable. it just annoys me, thats all..

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