Yes, they are nearly copy of themselves, especially for might heroes (well, Necro heroes don't need skills with Laedership/Morale bonus).lightningkmf wrote:Do factions even speciallize in might or magic anymore? Are the might heroes from each faction a copy of other might heroes except for their reputation bonuses?same for magic?
Magic is a little different - your hero doesn't have access to all magi school and some spells can damage your creatures instead of helping them (heal for Necro and Inferno - but you have always Regeneration from Earth Magic or Drain Life from Dark).
Guess which factions I am playing the most often?mr.hackcrag wrote:Avonu, the H6 faction that best matches your personality is Inferno, with Necro a close second place.Thanks for taking the quiz and I hope your happy with your results.

But I think faction which the most matches me wil be Dark Elves'/Warlock's... when it appear.
You can add Sorceress', Wizard's and Warlock's faction for this quiz.