The Demo thread

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 20 Apr 2006, 09:41







Ive just downloaded the demo and played a bit.Unfortunately,the only thing I can say is that this is simply revolting!The game I downloaded wasnt heroes of might and magic at all,but some poor attempt at making a game similar to that marvelous title.

Ok,Ill point out the things I liked first:

* Battlefield isnt minute.I was really relieved to see that battlefield is a bit larger.Although,it still could be much bigger.

* Ambience graphics.Yes,the maps really look real.The trees,structures,mountains,everything is excelent!Even the scaling is better than in the previous parts(not compared to a hero,but to a neutral creature)

* Music and sound.Its nice.It really matches the music of the previous sequels(except HII,of course).

* Skills and abilities.This is a nice improvement,although having 5 levels of skill would be much better.But this is nice the way it is now.

* Specials.Ah,now this is something that simply begged to be returned.Every hero is unique,not just by biography and portrait,but by its usage in the actual game as well.

And now comes the bad part.I advise that you stop reading if you have a weak heart:

* Graphics.For a game that has been developed for so long,and that has such high system requirements,the graphics is pathetic.I know I complained a lot about the toilet style they used for creatures and some heroes,but this is just the matter of preference.I could handle that.But look at the heroes!They are so rough(and I dont mean that they are tough or strong or that many battles toughened them,but rough as in squared,pixelized)and static.This is best seen in cinematics.Ok,it is nice,but it is seriously outdated.This was an average graphic 5 years ago.

* HIV is bad!Here I will just repeat the things that are bad and I wont explain again why:no FoW,shooting through walls,chaining(this means lack of creature movement points and caravans),weekly growth,exactly one upgrade per creature(which is a must,by the way),7 (bland) creatures per town.

* Spells.Fewer spells can be good,if implemented corectly.Which is not the case in this game.In HIV almoust every spell was useful,even though there were tons of them.Even the quicksand had its uses in some situations.So having a lot of spells is a good idea if done correctly.Also,the summon creature spell is really stupid since for the same cost you can summon an imp,or a devil,a scout or a dragon.I wonder what would I choose...

* Heroes of...err,just magic?Wheres the might in here?Every hero can learn basic spells.There isnt a single pure might hero.Sure,you could say that creatures bring might in the game,but the game is heroes of might and magic,not creatures of might and magic.

* Upgrades and expirience.Creature xp,choosable dwelings,chaotic upgrades,.....Ive seen tons of similar proposals to deal with the upgrading of creatures.All of them are far better than what we have now.

* Heroes of humans and elves.Do I need to say anything more?

* More appealing to the masses.This game has been dumbed down from sequel to seuqel.HII had chaotchic upgrades,and you really had to think if youll spend your money on buying unupgraded troops,or upgrading the dweling first.It was a true strategy.And each faction was miles away from the other.Each had a unique way of playing it.HIII gave us the "must upgrade" system.Dumbig down of such a marvelous concept.HIV,dealed with this well,but they gave destroyed the factions uniquness.Sure,there were differences between a barbarian and other factions,but it all came down to buying heroes,and following the same pattern for buildings.HV combined these two into "must upgrade every faction the same way".And why?Because its more easier for newbees to adapt?Wrong!CivIV is more easier for newbies to adapt,yet it is far more complex than any of the previous sequels.Dumbing down doesnt mean it is more appealing to the masses,just the loss of strategy.

* Squares.Big ones,no less!The battlefield grow and grew and grew and...Shrinked?Why?To speed up gameplay?Riiiiight...Im not going to repeat myself on this one as well.

Overal,this game is average.But,considering the title it bears,this is a bad thing.When you hear the name heroes of might and magic,you excpect an excelent game that will chalange you and make you sit for "just one more turn" indefinetily.This is the first HoMM game that I was able to quit without wanting to play just a bit longer.And after being fooled by RAII and EEII,Im not buying a sequel just because it bears a famous name.

Instead of making HV,they shouldve collected all of the heroes from 1 to 4,with all of the expansions and custom maps,and put it all on one DVD.It would be much easier for them to do,and much more appealing for the fans to buy.

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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 20 Apr 2006, 23:10

DaemianLucifer wrote: * Music and sound.Its nice.It really matches the music of the previous sequels(except HII,of course).
Confusion. Are you saying H2's is the best of all nothing can touch it, or that you don't like H2's music?
DaemianLucifer wrote: And now comes the bad part.I advise that you stop reading if you have a weak heart:
DaemianLucifer wrote: * Graphics.For a game that has been developed for so long,and that has such high system requirements,the graphics is pathetic.
Sorry, you invalidated yourself by praising the adventure map graphics that take all those system resources. Are you seriously saying that the cinematics are worse than H4's "still picture and text" approach?
DaemianLucifer wrote: * HIV is bad!Here I will just repeat the things that are bad and I wont explain again why:no FoW
Yeah, a FoW makes complete sense when using the ghost mode. :|
DaemianLucifer wrote: ,shooting through walls,
Yes, it makes no sense for the Priest's attack to reach over the walls and hit something. Or the archer's area of effect.
DaemianLucifer wrote: chaining(this means lack of creature movement points and caravans),
And absolutely no spells like Summon Creature meant to be a new take on that process. :|
DaemianLucifer wrote: weekly growth,
I'll give you this one if the day one exploit is once again available.
DaemianLucifer wrote: exactly one upgrade per creature(which is a must,by the way),
Sorry, must? There's no way I'm going to be upgrading my low-level dwellings in the Haven if I'm just going to be turning them into Priests anyway. And the Devil to Archdevil upgrade hasn't struck me as particularly vital, yet. I'm finding a great deal of mileage in not upgrading except for the few where I think the cost is actually worth it. So far, that's included Griffins (you have noticed you're shelling out an awful lot of gold for that one) and Succubi.
DaemianLucifer wrote: 7 (bland) creatures per town.
Yeah, the Griffin's Dive Bomb is absolutely bland. Not to mention the Paladin's healing ability. And even grunt walkers don't have special abilities like Explosion or Shield Bash. :|
DaemianLucifer wrote: * Spells.Fewer spells can be good,if implemented corectly.Which is not the case in this game.
Because . . . . please, give us an example of how fewer spells was incorrectly implemented in this game.
DaemianLucifer wrote: In HIV almoust every spell was useful,even though there were tons of them.Even the quicksand had its uses in some situations.
I can't tell you how thrilled I was when I got Summon Pixie, Summon Wolf, and Summon Leprechaun in my L1 Mage Guild, and later on getting Mass Snake Strike with Mass First Strike in the Chaos Annex. In H4, there were tons of spells that did exactly the same thing. And Life stood a good chance of getting royally screwed with the Wards.
DaemianLucifer wrote: Also,the summon creature spell is really stupid since for the same cost you can summon an imp,or a devil,a scout or a dragon.I wonder what would I choose...
Semi-legitimate complaint. It needs to be tweaked, evidently. But how can someone who spends most of their posts praising caravans (:)) object to a spell like this?
DaemianLucifer wrote: * Heroes of...err,just magic?Wheres the might in here?Every hero can learn basic spells.
Yep, that's never been the case in a Heroes game. :| At least, not without a nominal 500 Gold investment.
DaemianLucifer wrote: There isnt a single pure might hero.Sure,you could say that creatures bring might in the game,but the game is heroes of might and magic,not creatures of might and magic.
Yep all those Heroes have Spell Power and Knowledge. -gasp-

Seriously, did the Sylvan racial ability somehow get modified to not involve the Hero being able to specialize in killing Creatures when I wasn't looking?
DaemianLucifer wrote: * Upgrades and expirience.Creature xp,choosable dwelings,chaotic upgrades,.....Ive seen tons of similar proposals to deal with the upgrading of creatures.All of them are far better than what we have now.
Yes, the Town Point system certainly rams you down one path. :| Of course, if you assume that all upgrades are "must" (which seems to me not only a premature but a stupid assumption -- why I'm going to wait and take upgraded creatures when the unupgraded versions function well enough, I don't know), I can see where that might be an issue.

And we absolutely can't customize our armies through creature specialists -- oh wait, you praised that in your list of good things. Silly me. :)
DaemianLucifer wrote: * Heroes of humans and elves.Do I need to say anything more?
Yep, you need to say undead and demons. Not to mention Minotaurs with nipple rings. :)
DaemianLucifer wrote: * More appealing to the masses.This game has been dumbed down from sequel to seuqel.HII had chaotchic upgrades,and you really had to think if youll spend your money on buying unupgraded troops,or upgrading the dweling first.
I did? When was there an honest decision between unupgraded vs. upgraded troops in H2?
DaemianLucifer wrote: It was a true strategy.And each faction was miles away from the other.Each had a unique way of playing it.HIII gave us the "must upgrade" system.Dumbig down of such a marvelous concept.
Yeah, you absolutely didn't focus on your L5s with the Fortress or rely on the Skeleton Horde with the Necropolis. And you naturally upgraded your Gogs because you wanted an area attack that would damage your own troops. You also upgraded to Horned Demons so that you could merge that stack with Demons your Pit Lords raised.
DaemianLucifer wrote: HIV,dealed with this well,but they gave destroyed the factions uniquness.Sure,there were differences between a barbarian and other factions,but it all came down to buying heroes,and following the same pattern for buildings.
Wait, you said they dealt with it well and then proceeded to list how they failed to deal with it well. Which one is it?

I'd contest the "well," in any case. Genies vs. Nagas and Cyclopes vs. Ogre Magi was not much of a choice.
DaemianLucifer wrote: HV combined these two into "must upgrade every faction the same way".
Yeah, I'm not going to be using that training ability at all, thereby saving money on upgrade structures. I'm also not going to be using unupgraded demons as Money for XP in the Inferno. And that's just in the Demo. Perhaps it's not Heroes 5 that's being dumb and uncreative?
DaemianLucifer wrote: * Squares.Big ones,no less!The battlefield grow and grew and grew and...Shrinked?Why?To speed up gameplay?Riiiiight...Im not going to repeat myself on this one as well.
That's a legitimate complaint; good job!
DaemianLucifer wrote: Overal,this game is average.
Until you make up your mind on what you really want, it's doomed to be average. If you could clarify why you feel there are "must" upgrades, that every faction will play the same way, and why the magic system sucks as it stands, this statement would have little more backing.

You may have legitimate reasons for saying so, but I'm not finding them in your post.
DaemianLucifer wrote: But,considering the title it bears,this is a bad thing.When you hear the name heroes of might and magic,you excpect an excelent game that will chalange you and make you sit for "just one more turn" indefinetily.
Which H4 certainly didn't deliver. AI, anyone? What's your opinion on H5's AI?
DaemianLucifer wrote: This is the first HoMM game that I was able to quit without wanting to play just a bit longer.And after being fooled by RAII and EEII,Im not buying a sequel just because it bears a famous name.
Shame, really, that's just what many people said about H4. :|

Tell me, at which point did you quit? On what map? Where did you consider the Demo a complete and wretched failure?
DaemianLucifer wrote: Instead of making HV,they shouldve collected all of the heroes from 1 to 4,with all of the expansions and custom maps,and put it all on one DVD.
But then everybody would have had to go out and buy a DVD-ROM . . . curse these high system requirements! Yeesh.
DaemianLucifer wrote: It would be much easier for them to do,and much more appealing for the fans to buy.
Instead, they decided to do something that would offend people who quit after (apparently, correct me if I'm wrong) a few minutes through the Demo because they couldn't make up their mind what they wanted and decided to come complain for a while before doing something in depth.

What's your thoughts on the Haven's training ability? Don't you find the gold cost for the Griffin's upgraded structure a bit prohibitive? Is the Sacrifice Pit a valid method for Hero Levelling through sacrifice of demons?

Or do you build it simply for the luck penalty it will give besieging forces?

Do you build the mage guild before deciding on magic skills, or do you gamble with magic skills in order to get an early boost?

How's the AI?

Those are some questions I'd like to see answered before we start complaining about a general dumbing down.
Far too many people speak their minds without first verifying the quality of their source material.

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Unread postby HMMFan » 21 Apr 2006, 00:04

Hmm...well, that was quite a take-down, Bandobras. I suppose that my only response to Daemian is that your opinion is, of course, subjective. In other words, it is personal to you. So, for the things that you raised as being objectionable, that's fine. I actually disagree with most if not all of your points. (I really didn't like the H4 ideas - I liked the fog of war concept, I suppose. I didn't like daily growth, caravans, nonupgrade of creatures but choice between two types, or the fact that you didn't have to visit windmills and creature generators. But, that is okay, it is just my preference.)

As to whether it will be a success, let's wait and see. I am buying it.

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Unread postby Derek » 21 Apr 2006, 00:43

"I did? When was there an honest decision between unupgraded vs. upgraded troops in H2?"

The upgraded troops, if you bought minotaurs and then upgraded them to kings, was-I think-50% more gold than if you had just bought the kings straight. Not really strategy though, considering all you needed was the dragons.

Honestly, about the only serious coplaints that I can throw against HV, now anyways, are:

1. The graphics are a system hog and probably could have been toned down.
2. The towns are all kind of the same.(This is not to say that other heroes games did it better, but it would been have nice to see some new stuff here.)
3. The new battle mode is not as much fun as I would have liked. Units that are slow like Hydras just never get a move through.
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Bandobras Took
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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 21 Apr 2006, 01:21

Derek wrote:"I did? When was there an honest decision between unupgraded vs. upgraded troops in H2?"

The upgraded troops, if you bought minotaurs and then upgraded them to kings, was-I think-50% more gold than if you had just bought the kings straight. Not really strategy though, considering all you needed was the dragons.

Honestly, about the only serious coplaints that I can throw against HV, now anyways, are:

1. The graphics are a system hog and probably could have been toned down.
2. The towns are all kind of the same.(This is not to say that other heroes games did it better, but it would been have nice to see some new stuff here.)
3. The new battle mode is not as much fun as I would have liked. Units that are slow like Hydras just never get a move through.
I still think we need to see the full game before we talk about all the towns being the same, but I'll agree with #3; slow units are in even more serious trouble in this incarnation.

As for #1, how does the game run on the lowest settings? Has anybody run it with a system far below the minimum specs?
Far too many people speak their minds without first verifying the quality of their source material.

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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 21 Apr 2006, 04:38

HMMFan wrote:Hmm...well, that was quite a take-down, Bandobras.
Actually I do have to shamefacedly admit that I confused the Infernal Gate with the Sacrfice Pit. :jester:
Far too many people speak their minds without first verifying the quality of their source material.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 21 Apr 2006, 13:57

Bandobras Took wrote:Confusion. Are you saying H2's is the best of all nothing can touch it, or that you don't like H2's music?
Youre right,I dont like HII music,I adore it!
Bandobras Took wrote: Sorry, you invalidated yourself by praising the adventure map graphics that take all those system resources. Are you seriously saying that the cinematics are worse than H4's "still picture and text" approach?
Yes it is worse.And graphics is not just what you see on the adveture map.The map is just a background,and it is very nice.But background isnt what makes the game.
Bandobras Took wrote: Yeah, a FoW makes complete sense when using the ghost mode. :|
Yes it does.I dont get it what some people have against FoW.Please,can anyone tell me a single flaw of a turn based FoW?
Bandobras Took wrote: Yes, it makes no sense for the Priest's attack to reach over the walls and hit something. Or the archer's area of effect.
So we should adapt the majority to the few exceptions?And it would be much better if only a few units could shoot over walls,and that it is their specialty.
Bandobras Took wrote: And absolutely no spells like Summon Creature meant to be a new take on that process. :|
You missunderstood me.I dont care if there are caravans,summon creature,or whatever.Im bothered by you being able to transfer one creature from hero to hero across the whole map.If creatures hade their own movement poits,even without heroless armies,I wouldnt mind.
Bandobras Took wrote: I'll give you this one if the day one exploit is once again available.
I think it is,unfortunatelly.That is why I hate it.
Bandobras Took wrote: Sorry, must? There's no way I'm going to be upgrading my low-level dwellings in the Haven if I'm just going to be turning them into Priests anyway. And the Devil to Archdevil upgrade hasn't struck me as particularly vital, yet. I'm finding a great deal of mileage in not upgrading except for the few where I think the cost is actually worth it. So far, that's included Griffins (you have noticed you're shelling out an awful lot of gold for that one) and Succubi.
Ok,not a must,true.The thing is I dont like upgrades the way they are,and here is why:

They are instant.If they took some time,that would be very nice.

They are mandatory.Meaning that every creature has exactly one upgrade.This creates idiotic names,specials repeating,blandness,and many,many more.

They cost you just money.If you have the money to pay,youll always buy an upgrade.Now if they had some other requirment like the buildings require town level,I wouldnt mind at all.Or,if the cost of upgrading a creature was greater than the difference between the basic and upgraded creature,I wouldnt mind.
Bandobras Took wrote: Yeah, the Griffin's Dive Bomb is absolutely bland. Not to mention the Paladin's healing ability. And even grunt walkers don't have special abilities like Explosion or Shield Bash. :|
Walker,flyer,ranged unit,caster.Thats the base of every town.And there are three more fillers.Sure,there are interesting abilities.But charge combo is stupid.
Bandobras Took wrote: Because . . . . please, give us an example of how fewer spells was incorrectly implemented in this game.
Ok,spells are boring.Same as weeks.Same as races.In order to balance things out,it became dull.You know,some things dont need to have opposites.Look at HII.No direct opposites,yet it was balanced.
Bandobras Took wrote: I can't tell you how thrilled I was when I got Summon Pixie, Summon Wolf, and Summon Leprechaun in my L1 Mage Guild, and later on getting Mass Snake Strike with Mass First Strike in the Chaos Annex. In H4, there were tons of spells that did exactly the same thing. And Life stood a good chance of getting royally screwed with the Wards.
True.But I dont remember a single spell I couldnt find a use for.I even got defeated once because of the sacrifize,which I find one of the useless spells.Yet you can be fooled by randomness now as well.Are you saying randomness is bad?
Bandobras Took wrote: Semi-legitimate complaint. It needs to be tweaked, evidently. But how can someone who spends most of their posts praising caravans (:)) object to a spell like this?
Im not praising caravans,Im praising individual creature movement.
Bandobras Took wrote: Yep all those Heroes have Spell Power and Knowledge. -gasp-

Seriously, did the Sylvan racial ability somehow get modified to not involve the Hero being able to specialize in killing Creatures when I wasn't looking?
What does sylvan racial ability have to do with this?It isnt pure might,now isnt it?
Bandobras Took wrote: Yes, the Town Point system certainly rams you down one path. :| Of course, if you assume that all upgrades are "must" (which seems to me not only a premature but a stupid assumption -- why I'm going to wait and take upgraded creatures when the unupgraded versions function well enough, I don't know), I can see where that might be an issue.
Ok,town level is a very nice improvement.But it doesnt affect unit upgrading.And cost of upgrading creatures is,again,just the simple difference between the costs of normal and upgraded creature.So,you dont have to think,you can always buy your creatures,knowing youll upgrade them later if you have money.
Bandobras Took wrote: And we absolutely can't customize our armies through creature specialists -- oh wait, you praised that in your list of good things. Silly me. :)
Yes we can.But it means that your creature will
Bandobras Took wrote: Yep, you need to say undead and demons. Not to mention Minotaurs with nipple rings. :)
Oh,right.Undead are a mix of all races,right?Wrong!All of them are human,except for the dragons.
Bandobras Took wrote: I did? When was there an honest decision between unupgraded vs. upgraded troops in H2?
Dragons,for example.Or titans and dragons.
Bandobras Took wrote: Yeah, you absolutely didn't focus on your L5s with the Fortress or rely on the Skeleton Horde with the Necropolis. And you naturally upgraded your Gogs because you wanted an area attack that would damage your own troops. You also upgraded to Horned Demons so that you could merge that stack with Demons your Pit Lords raised.
I didnt say races werent diferent in HIII,I just said the creatures werent unique upgrade-wise and cost-wise.
Bandobras Took wrote: Wait, you said they dealt with it well and then proceeded to list how they failed to deal with it well. Which one is it?
I said they dealt well with the upgrade problem,yet they failed with different races uniqueness problem,since all of them focused on heroes.
Bandobras Took wrote: I'd contest the "well," in any case. Genies vs. Nagas and Cyclopes vs. Ogre Magi was not much of a choice.
Ok,it wasnt balanced because it was rushed.But look at equi.There you really have to think what to buy.
Bandobras Took wrote: Yeah, I'm not going to be using that training ability at all, thereby saving money on upgrade structures. I'm also not going to be using unupgraded demons as Money for XP in the Inferno. And that's just in the Demo. Perhaps it's not Heroes 5 that's being dumb and uncreative?
Ok,I must admit,I rushed this statement.
Bandobras Took wrote: Until you make up your mind on what you really want, it's doomed to be average. If you could clarify why you feel there are "must" upgrades, that every faction will play the same way, and why the magic system sucks as it stands, this statement would have little more backing.

You may have legitimate reasons for saying so, but I'm not finding them in your post.
DaemianLucifer wrote: Which H4 certainly didn't deliver. AI, anyone? What's your opinion on H5's AI?
Editor and equilibris anyone?Even though it had crappy AI,many are still enjoying it.How many games can do the same?
Bandobras Took wrote: Shame, really, that's just what many people said about H4. :|

Tell me, at which point did you quit? On what map? Where did you consider the Demo a complete and wretched failure?
You know,I really am starting to wonder if it was a mistake I was looking at the development process.Perhaps I couldve liked the game if I wasnt disapointed by the way it developed,and with the bits of info they released.
Bandobras Took wrote: But then everybody would have had to go out and buy a DVD-ROM . . . curse these high system requirements! Yeesh.
Oh,and the game wont come out on DVD?
Bandobras Took wrote: Instead, they decided to do something that would offend people who quit after (apparently, correct me if I'm wrong) a few minutes through the Demo because they couldn't make up their mind what they wanted and decided to come complain for a while before doing something in depth.
Err,no...I complained a lot from the start.I followed the development process and got disapointed almost on every step.And since I got fooled by RAII and EEII,I decided not to make the same mistake again.
Bandobras Took wrote: What's your thoughts on the Haven's training ability? Don't you find the gold cost for the Griffin's upgraded structure a bit prohibitive? Is the Sacrifice Pit a valid method for Hero Levelling through sacrifice of demons?

Or do you build it simply for the luck penalty it will give besieging forces?

Do you build the mage guild before deciding on magic skills, or do you gamble with magic skills in order to get an early boost?

How's the AI?

Those are some questions I'd like to see answered before we start complaining about a general dumbing down.
Ok,I like some of the special abilities.The training is nice,and so is the elemental vision.But,I dont like the sylvan ability at all.It seems to weak,compared to the rest.

Yes,special buildings are nice,but...It is still one uninovative special per town.

AI seems fine,but that needs more playing to be sure.

And I did say I like the abilities since you need to consider the spells youll get.But,you also had to do that in previous games.What if you focused on earth magic,and got nothing more than view earth and magic missle from your mage guild?Or,if you advanced in GM death instead of GM order and get sacrifice and hypnotize?

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 21 Apr 2006, 14:19

DaemianLucifer wrote:
Bandobras Took wrote: And absolutely no spells like Summon Creature meant to be a new take on that process. :|
You missunderstood me.I dont care if there are caravans,summon creature,or whatever.Im bothered by you being able to transfer one creature from hero to hero across the whole map.If creatures hade their own movement poits,even without heroless armies,I wouldnt mind.
Bandobras Took wrote: I'll give you this one if the day one exploit is once again available.
I think it is,unfortunatelly.That is why I hate it.
With the above summon creature spell, and a badly placed magic well (or a lot of spellpoints), I think day 1 exploits just have become a lot easier. Say what you will of chains, but it at least took some skill to set them up...
Last edited by Gaidal Cain on 21 Apr 2006, 15:59, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread postby Derek » 21 Apr 2006, 15:10

Bandobras Took wrote:
Derek wrote:"I did? When was there an honest decision between unupgraded vs. upgraded troops in H2?"

The upgraded troops, if you bought minotaurs and then upgraded them to kings, was-I think-50% more gold than if you had just bought the kings straight. Not really strategy though, considering all you needed was the dragons.

Honestly, about the only serious coplaints that I can throw against HV, now anyways, are:

1. The graphics are a system hog and probably could have been toned down.
2. The towns are all kind of the same.(This is not to say that other heroes games did it better, but it would been have nice to see some new stuff here.)
3. The new battle mode is not as much fun as I would have liked. Units that are slow like Hydras just never get a move through.
I still think we need to see the full game before we talk about all the towns being the same, but I'll agree with #3; slow units are in even more serious trouble in this incarnation.

As for #1, how does the game run on the lowest settings? Has anybody run it with a system far below the minimum specs?
I'm running with 256 MB graphics card and 256 MD ram and while it runs, I need to turn it off if it is running for about 2/3 hours. Are these the minimum settings? Maybe...but it certainly feels like it at times.

Granted some of my complaints do need to wait for the final version to see if they are going to be there, but since neither have been addressed since the beta I am quite afraid of what will happen. And as an aside, doesn't it bother you that every town has a spellcasting unit and that every town's top level unit, besides Titans, flies in some manner?
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Unread postby Orfinn » 21 Apr 2006, 15:25

And as an aside, doesn't it bother you that every town has a spellcasting unit and that every town's top level unit, besides Titans, flies in some manner?
Yeah noticed that too, but have you noticed that most 6lvl units are ground punders and magic users? Some levels are more suitable of one kind of attack than others but having more 7lvl groundpounders with melee in the exapansion would be great though :)

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 22 Apr 2006, 13:22

Bloody 'ell! I though i'd try the duel mode and after making a game my whole PC froze when I tried selecting a hero. I reseted it, and when win restarted my entire firefox link folder was gone.... 8|
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Unread postby Kalah » 22 Apr 2006, 16:56

Anybody want to try MP with me?
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Unread postby Orfinn » 22 Apr 2006, 17:06

Kalah wrote:Anybody want to try MP with me?
Yeah would be nice to take a duel with you, do you call yourself Kalah ingame too?

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Unread postby Kalah » 22 Apr 2006, 17:16

Haven't tried it yet, but yes, that is my preferred name...
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Unread postby Orfinn » 22 Apr 2006, 17:20

Kalah wrote:Haven't tried it yet, but yes, that is my preferred name...
Right see you there soon. I can start host a game if you want named Orfinn's game

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Unread postby theGryphon » 22 Apr 2006, 17:37

For my taste, the quality of 3D graphics could have been better. But that means even higher HW requirements. For those who wouldn't be able match them, it would mean freezing screens, lagging hero gallops and creature animations, pausing music, etc. So, I think they played clever by comprimising the quality of 3D and making the game accessible to many fans out there.

Seeing there are people that complain about the quality of 3D disregarding this issue, and others already complaining about lagging screens even at the lowest quality setting, I'm confident in my view that Ubi has made a clever comprimise. My system could handle much higher quality settings but I'm not going to be as selfish as to blame Ubi about that.

Cut scenes on the other hand really need help. I hated the still pictures in HIV. Ubi should've done it much better with the 3D toys. Still, maybe they already did it. You know it was only a demo with a cramped AI, bugs, and pathetic text.

* goes away with fingers crossed *

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Unread postby Orfinn » 22 Apr 2006, 17:39

The lip sunc in the cutscenes werent bad but they should follow the words the characters says more correctly.

Oh and Kalah I use the channels 2, 3, 4 or 7 in duel mode mostly ;)

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Unread postby Derek » 22 Apr 2006, 21:06

How many people are playing Duel Mode(?), aka the best thing in the game. Sylvan seems overpowered as of right now due to those crazily powerful Elves/Druids.

Any thoughts on this mode? If they include 20+ heroes this could be a selling point.
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Unread postby Orfinn » 22 Apr 2006, 21:45

Derek wrote:How many people are playing Duel Mode(?), aka the best thing in the game. Sylvan seems overpowered as of right now due to those crazily powerful Elves/Druids.

Any thoughts on this mode? If they include 20+ heroes this could be a selling point.
Im playing duel mode sometimes.

There will be 18 premade duel heroes, 6 are in the demo. Lets hope some of them can beat orris and his hunters, even a beginner can beat the crap out of others with him as hero.

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Unread postby Kalah » 22 Apr 2006, 22:12

And you should be able to set up your own custom armies too, right? If so, you could always give the newbies a handicap by giving them a bigger army...
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