Faction Personality and Quiz

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Faction Personality and Quiz

Unread postby lightningkmf » 16 Jul 2011, 20:40

Hello I am new to the Might and Magic series but have been enjoying the beta play thus far. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in describing the personality and play style of each faction or if you could possibly think up a quiz that one could take to see what a good faction for that person may be?

I am also curious about the leveling up of heroes. Does each faction have a certain spell school they are better at? Such as Sanctuary being the best at water.

Thanks in advance

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Re: Faction Personality and Quiz

Unread postby ThunderTitan » 16 Jul 2011, 20:59

lightningkmf wrote: Does each faction have a certain spell school they are better at? Such as Sanctuary being the best at water.
It certainly doesn't seem so...
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Unread postby lightningkmf » 16 Jul 2011, 21:12

Yea I did find that a bit odd.

I have played as the necropolis and Sanctuary thus far. It seems like Necropolis has a WAY stronger faction passive. Is that true or am I doing something wrong?

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Unread postby mr.hackcrag » 16 Jul 2011, 21:25

Here's my Quiz:

Do you like to smash things with a club while wearing wacky masks? If so, Stronghold fits you like a glove.

Do you like to build armies that are virtually indistinguishable from one another and you don't suffer from terrible red colorblindness. Well, Inferno is for you.

Do you like to use units that are named things in which they have no resemblance to whatsoever? Look no further than Necropolis.

Do you enjoy reading manga on the beach and wonder what it would be like to pee in a Kappa's head? If that's something you've thought about, think about choosing Sanctuary.

Do you like hearing the phrase, "Griffin Eternal?" If you do, choose Haven.

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Unread postby lightningkmf » 16 Jul 2011, 23:45

any other thoughts?

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Unread postby mr.hackcrag » 17 Jul 2011, 05:20

ThunderTitan wrote: It certainly doesn't seem so...
Maybe Sanctuary magic heroes will specialize in water magic? ;|
lightningkmf wrote:any other thoughts?
Do I need to make another quiz? Fine, answer these questions and I'll tell you the best faction for you.

1. What's your favorite color?

2. Which of these would you most like as a pet: Bird, Snake, Dog, Tarantula, Ferret?

3. You go for a casual walk in the forest and a bear suddenly jumps out from a cave. Do you:

A: Make a run for it.
B: Attempt to put the bear in a bear hug.
C: Call your friends up on your iphone for help.
D: Play dead
E: Give the bear your picnic basket

4. Which would be your favorite thing to eat: Chicken, Cheese, Tofu, Water Melon, Bell Peppers

Questions Stolen from Ogre Battle:

5. What do you look for most in a mate:

A: Tenderness
B: Physical Beauty
C: Purity
D: Wisdom
E: Strength

6. You discover a traitor amongst your ranks. What do you do?

A: Banish the traitor
B: Give the traitor 100 lashes
C: Execute the traitor
D: Pardon the traitor
E: Lock up the traitor

7. If you could save only one person from the flames of battle, who would you choose:

A: Your decrepit mother
B: Your lover
C: Your child
D: Your best friend
E: Your pet

I still think the first quiz should have been sufficient... Anyway, just answer honestly.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 17 Jul 2011, 11:17

mr.hackcrag wrote:
ThunderTitan wrote: It certainly doesn't seem so...
Maybe Sanctuary magic heroes will specialize in water magic? ;|
But any hero who has access to the water magic school can do that and there's no bonus for being from Sanctuary...
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Unread postby Mirez » 17 Jul 2011, 12:25

except their units are immune to water and amphibian

not to mention their heroes have abilities such as 'Tsunami' and 'Monsoon'
treants are dendrosexual 0_o

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 17 Jul 2011, 12:44

But that's not a bonus when using water magic, is one when the enemy does...
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Unread postby Mirez » 17 Jul 2011, 13:27

of course not, having units immune to fire sure is useful when you pack a lot of fire spells
treants are dendrosexual 0_o

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Unread postby mr.hackcrag » 17 Jul 2011, 18:34

ThunderTitan wrote: But any hero who has access to the water magic school can do that and there's no bonus for being from Sanctuary...
I meant that a Sanc. hero's specialty would be like a specific water spell having increased damage/effect per level up, like H3 style. Although, with the new level up system, I doubt they would start with the spell, which means this idea probably doesn't exist.

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Unread postby mr.hackcrag » 18 Jul 2011, 15:34

Believe it or not, I spent I a lot of time and energy making that quiz... :cry:

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Unread postby Kalah » 18 Jul 2011, 16:04

1. Blue.
2. Dog.
3. Give the bear my picnic basket.
4. Chicken.
5. (Of these alternatives) B: Physical Beauty.
6. E: Lock up the traitor (to extract information).
7. My child.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 18 Jul 2011, 18:31

mr.hackcrag wrote: I meant that a Sanc. hero's specialty would be like a specific water spell having increased damage/effect per level up, like H3 style. Although, with the new level up system, I doubt they would start with the spell, which means this idea probably doesn't exist.
Oh, they do have some water spell specialities, but as you can custom build a hero it's not Sanctuary only...

Mirez wrote:of course not, having units immune to fire sure is useful when you pack a lot of fire spells
Fire is associated with AoE, while water isn't... so it's less useful really...
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Unread postby mr.hackcrag » 18 Jul 2011, 20:15

Kalah wrote:1. Blue.
2. Dog.
3. Give the bear my picnic basket.
4. Chicken.
5. (Of these alternatives) B: Physical Beauty.
6. E: Lock up the traitor (to extract information).
7. My child.
Kalah, the H6 faction that best matches your personality is Haven! :-D Thanks for taking the quiz. I hope your happy with your results. :S

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Unread postby Avonu » 18 Jul 2011, 21:12

mr.hackcrag wrote:1. What's your favorite color?
None, none at all.
mr.hackcrag wrote:2. Which of these would you most like as a pet: Bird, Snake, Dog, Tarantula, Ferret?
A rat
mr.hackcrag wrote:3. You go for a casual walk in the forest and a bear suddenly jumps out from a cave. Do you:

A: Make a run for it.
B: Attempt to put the bear in a bear hug.
C: Call your friends up on your iphone for help.
D: Play dead
E: Give the bear your picnic basket
A bear in forest? You are lucky if you encounter them in mountain in National Park.
But to answer your question: I will call Elmyra Duff.
mr.hackcrag wrote:4. Which would be your favorite thing to eat: Chicken, Cheese, Tofu, Water Melon, Bell Peppers
I don't know - water melon maybe? Depends of how I would feel in that moment.
mr.hackcrag wrote:5. What do you look for most in a mate:

A: Tenderness
B: Physical Beauty
C: Purity
D: Wisdom
E: Strength
Nothing and all.
mr.hackcrag wrote:6. You discover a traitor amongst your ranks. What do you do?

A: Banish the traitor
B: Give the traitor 100 lashes
C: Execute the traitor
D: Pardon the traitor
E: Lock up the traitor
Nothing. Just wait and observe.
mr.hackcrag wrote:7. If you could save only one person from the flames of battle, who would you choose:

A: Your decrepit mother
B: Your lover
C: Your child
D: Your best friend
E: Your pet
Yourself :P
There is always a third way. Always.

ThunderTitan wrote:
mr.hackcrag wrote:
ThunderTitan wrote: It certainly doesn't seem so...
Maybe Sanctuary magic heroes will specialize in water magic? ;|
But any hero who has access to the water magic school can do that and there's no bonus for being from Sanctuary...
Sanctuary magic IS water and maybe air too. After all, one of their unique building has four day bonus to water or air magic. Not to mention that Irina Dynasty Weapon is water magic based staff.

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Unread postby lightningkmf » 18 Jul 2011, 23:28

Do factions even speciallize in might or magic anymore? Are the might heroes from each faction a copy of other might heroes except for their reputation bonuses?same for magic?

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Unread postby mr.hackcrag » 19 Jul 2011, 01:34

Avonu, the H6 faction that best matches your personality is Inferno, with Necro a close second place. :-D Thanks for taking the quiz and I hope your happy with your results. :S

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Unread postby lightningkmf » 19 Jul 2011, 01:58

mr.hackcrag wrote: 1. What's your favorite color?
blue black and yellow.. probably in that order.
2. Which of these would you most like as a pet: Bird, Snake, Dog, Tarantula, Ferret?
rply snake
3. You go for a casual walk in the forest and a bear suddenly jumps out from a cave. Do you:

A: Make a run for it.
B: Attempt to put the bear in a bear hug.
C: Call your friends up on your iphone for help.
D: Play dead
E: Give the bear your picnic basket
make a run for it.
in a rp sense. I would have sent someone ahead to check for the bear. I would always want to be a few steps ahead of my opponents.
4. Which would be your favorite thing to eat: Chicken, Cheese, Tofu, Water Melon, Bell Peppers
chicken.... though really steak
Questions Stolen from Ogre Battle:

5. What do you look for most in a mate:

A: Tenderness
B: Physical Beauty
C: Purity
D: Wisdom
E: Strength
out of that list tenderness but I would say similar interests with a fun easy going personality.
game rp sense. I do not need distractions. People are pawns to be moved and played in my game.
6. You discover a traitor amongst your ranks. What do you do?

A: Banish the traitor
B: Give the traitor 100 lashes
C: Execute the traitor
D: Pardon the traitor
E: Lock up the traitor
real life lock up.
rply execute
7. If you could save only one person from the flames of battle, who would you choose:

A: Your decrepit mother
B: Your lover
C: Your child
D: Your best friend
E: Your pet
lover in reality
in a rpish game I would save whoever was the most beneficial to my character and he could use the most.

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Unread postby mr.hackcrag » 19 Jul 2011, 02:26

Lightningkmf, the H6 faction that best matches your personality is:

Real Life: Haven
Role Play: Necro with Sanctuary a close second place

Thanks for taking the quiz and I hope you like your results. :S

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