Chaser map - Help!

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Chaser map - Help!

Unread postby Novik » 20 Jun 2011, 07:53

I play at 200% of the original Chinese version. And I have a problem. I visited the mystical garden and now what do I do now. After dialog how to get to dark tower (north).

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Unread postby Salamandre » 20 Jun 2011, 16:56

If you visited the garden the black tower should be accessible now, an obstacle will be removed. Go inside, fight the zealots, then another obstacle will be removed middle map, so you can bring Chaser in that area and defeat him.

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Unread postby Novik » 20 Jun 2011, 17:49

The obstacles weren't removed. I don't know what is wrong.
I have another question: I have two artifacts: Ether Laser and Glance Reviver. Where is the third artifact: Ether Freeze?

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Unread postby Salamandre » 20 Jun 2011, 18:54

Can you post a save please? we are talking about the garden at 18/36/0, right? It will trigger the following dialog:

HAHA~~ How could U find me!
Well, it is not quite difficult to win CHASTER.
There is a black castle in the north,
I make the way, and you could pay there a visit.
Maybe there is something profitable for U.

Then the windmill at 63/4/0 is removed.

Artefacts location:

2/114/0, use water walk, bring 9999 rogues then defeat them.

21/143/0, warrior tomb

95/32/0, sanctuary, visit it once, then water walk back, you will have a fight. Then water walk back to sanctuary to have final fight, you will need either expert ballistic, or remove obstacle, or a lot of shooters + ammo cart.

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Unread postby Novik » 21 Jun 2011, 06:39

About this garden all about. I'm really stupid: P I visited the sanctuary, beat the guards(7x2k zealots), but not returned to the sanctuary.

Thanks Salamandre.

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