The Astral Romance Campaaign [H4 WOW]

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The Astral Romance Campaaign [H4 WOW]

Unread postby Duzeom_ » 29 Mar 2011, 12:44

Welcome everyone.

I would like to introduce you my first campaign named The Astral Romance. It is made in H4 WOW, has 4 maps and lots of events. You can get it from Celestial Heavens.

Autor: Michal Krajewski
Name: The Astral Romance

I just wanted to know what you find good in this campaign or what you would change. Would you play my next campaign after playing this?

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Unread postby bot » 30 Mar 2011, 08:43

I believe you have to check the last map of your campaign (the one with the oracles). Sometimes the scripts in homm4 just don't work. Map editor is not so stable, so you have to be sure that an event will happen every time. In this case, the last oracle wasn't revealed after completing the 3 quests, making the scenario unwinnable. If I played your map until that map it means your campaign is OK.

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Unread postby Duzeom_ » 30 Mar 2011, 10:50

There is 4 houses of quest you should visit and accomplish so maybe that's the case.

I played this campaign two times and had few testers, but it was so long ago. No one said that game cannot be finished.

If I remember there is some issue with getting an Hawk from the ship when you are attacked by vampires. When you loss this batle the script is deleted and you cannot get the artifact which is essential.

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Unread postby bot » 31 Mar 2011, 09:06

Maybe you are right, you are the author. It is curious why didn't I find the fourth quest hut. Maybe you should present the tasks more clear. If you don't pay attention to the quest requirement when you visit first the hut, you do not have the chance to find what is the task right clicking on that hut. It is just a suggestion, I hope you don't mind.

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Unread postby Duzeom_ » 31 Mar 2011, 10:11

All the huts are revealed by eye of magi near the prison with Audaz.

I must humbly agree with that right-click information, they are quite mysterious if you hadn't read carefully. I will change it. I wonder, however, is it possible to raplace the version already uploaded on Celestial map base.

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Unread postby Lizzie_G » 19 May 2011, 09:45

Duzeom_ wrote:All the huts are revealed by eye of magi near the prison with Audaz.

I must humbly agree with that right-click information, they are quite mysterious if you hadn't read carefully. I will change it. I wonder, however, is it possible to raplace the version already uploaded on Celestial map base.
They are mysterious indeed:)

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