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Unread postby niteshade6 » 17 Apr 2006, 21:26

Yeah you lose the game if you don't free Isabel by the end of week 1. On occasions when I freed her early it did not seem to make the enemy come any sooner, but I could be wrong about that. It may be just on a timer.

And yeah the major heroes who come and attack your city in campaign 1 are goal oriented. They will not deviate from their course to attack except to visit speed boosters. There are regular heroes running around too though.

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Unread postby Sir Charles » 17 Apr 2006, 22:58

ThunderTitan wrote:So the grail is random... cool!
Not only that, but with an advanced ability called Grail Vision, you can dig for the grail and still get it even if your dig-site is slightly off. You just have to be in the general area to get it. :O)
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Unread postby Orfinn » 18 Apr 2006, 06:49

niteshade6 wrote: And yeah the major heroes who come and attack your city in campaign 1 are goal oriented. They will not deviate from their course to attack except to visit speed boosters. There are regular heroes running around too though.
I know, they crazy after sieging your town, they even stops fully if you set a hero in their way and if theres no way past your hero, the enemy will just stand there while you can build up troops and fortifications almost uninterupted this is especially a bonus if you have the grail in the town. It might take a while but your forces will be unstoppable. :devil:

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 18 Apr 2006, 11:00

Sir Charles wrote: Not only that, but with an advanced ability called Grail Vision, you can dig for the grail and still get it even if your dig-site is slightly off. You just have to be in the general area to get it. :O)
I noticed that one in the skill pages! But how worth it is it? Maybe on a large map, for a secondary hero.
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Unread postby Valthin » 18 Apr 2006, 11:47


I've got a problem... In the first scenerio i gathered an army big enough to beat every attacker without any problem, but to win the scenerio i must find the grail...
I've found all obelisks but on the puzzle map screen everything is black, so i can't find it...

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 18 Apr 2006, 11:51

But you could just hire some heroes, send them around the map and have them dig. When ur close it should tell you. If it says that they found nothing just look elsewhere.
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Unread postby Kalah » 18 Apr 2006, 14:08

When I dug one space too far to the north, I got the message: "It is somewhere to the south"...
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Unread postby Orfinn » 18 Apr 2006, 14:10

I know, its just like the mini games "It gets warmer, colder" or "Now its bird, turtle" or a combination of the two :)

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 18 Apr 2006, 15:10

Anyone care to test the limits of the grail announcement?
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Unread postby megalol » 28 May 2006, 00:59

Hi guys, I'm playing the actual game , no demo, and when I get to this part with Isabel to be freed, everything works as planned : managed to push back the inferno invaders,well actually they keep coming forever (although much less of a threat) , I hire another hero, get the cutscene with G talking about teh tear, but after I found the 3 obelisks, I had a blue image in which I can clearly recognize the place ; close to one of the 2 haven forts where you recruit cavaliers and griffins I think, but when I try to dig, the icon just stays greyed, whatever/wherever my heroes are :s period, so I'm kinda stuck, cleared pretty much all the map except the crazy garrison of the Inferno, and well I can't get this tear...any idea ?

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Unread postby Kalah » 28 May 2006, 02:43

Where was that located again? Just east of the northernmost garrison? Try digging there.
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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 28 May 2006, 06:56

You need to spend a whole days' movement for digging. This means you need to hit end turn when you're at the spot where you want to dig, and then dig the next day.
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Unread postby megalol » 28 May 2006, 09:27

kk thx !

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