The Demo thread

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby JessieLC » 15 Apr 2006, 20:06

After reading some of the comments.......some of us have not read the read me plainly states there are a great many bugs here in the demo and the number in the corner says 0.9 soooo.......but it is till playable and the basic HOMM stuff most of us love is still here.....I can see alot of fine tuning going on or many patches to come after later! I am hoping for a good map editor/random map generator.........some kind of card that says what faction have what creatures and less then 4 CD's in the Regular Editon! One of the things about Dungeon Siege that i like is the game prgramers listened to the players and did not squash the creativity of the mod makers! Hope Ubisoft does the same!

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Unread postby paz666 » 15 Apr 2006, 20:51

am I the only one having tremendous problems with the second campaign map? SPOILERS BELOW

When I have entered the infernal realm, chased by godric, I am faced by a hellish army twice my size? How on earth am I going to beat that?

edit: Oh, so there are inferno troops scattered around the map that joins you if you seek them out. all of a sudden I had 120 cerberi, and the battle was easy..

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Unread postby Salisa » 16 Apr 2006, 02:25

Aspiriins wrote:
chaynhanh wrote:Can someone telll me, where is the WAIT button in combat?
camoon, what's wrong with You - guys?
You still call yourself "fans', even if You don't know, that in HoMM5 there is NO "WAIT" button.
Wildbear wrote:I hate to have to visit the external dwellings each week
Yeah? And in which part You shouldn't do that? Just wake up and enjoy the game, not complain about things, which were in game since HoMM1.
Caradoc wrote:And is there an in-game description of monster stats and abilities? It's a pain to alt-tab out all the time.
So, You are so smart to use "alt-tab", but can't press a right mouse button to get the info about the monsters in game? Shame on You!
Yes there is a WAIT button just press W the current place in turn will be reshuffled to just sightly later in the turn but not as far as when you skip your turn!

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Unread postby Salisa » 16 Apr 2006, 03:08

Orfinn wrote:I have one problem at the end of the first campaign scenario. Agrael appears at the end to attack Nicolay, the objective says I must stop him before he reach Nic, I do so after I have defeated him and the missioin should end so what,it dosent end Nic is just standing there at the south-eastern enterance in the ashlands, hes teal so I cant control him at all and theres nothing more I can do, the cuscene with all those paladins just repets after each turn, thats all. maybe I was too early out to defeat AG? because I went together with Godric at the gate. Any clue wahts wrong?

Its not a big deal I guess it will be all fixed up in the original game but anyway its a bit frustrating after 4months of in game play and victory so close. :devious:
STOP!!!! saving him and let the two AI's battle it out... Saving him is the wrong thing to do!

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Unread postby Orfinn » 16 Apr 2006, 09:33

Awwww shit now I gotta start all over again lol! But thanks for the warning ;)

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Unread postby Campaigner » 16 Apr 2006, 22:31

Orfinn - What difficulty are you playing at?

If it's Heroic then tell me your actions the first week.

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Unread postby cattivo » 16 Apr 2006, 23:08

I have problems with this demo. I can go to the menu and change options but when I want to play the scenario or campaign, appears an error and it returns to windows. I have directx9 , my graphics card is geforce 2 MX, processor -athlon 1700+( beta runs on it). I don't know how to solve this problem.

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Unread postby Caradoc » 17 Apr 2006, 02:15

Salisa wrote:
Caradoc wrote:And is there an in-game description of monster stats and abilities? It's a pain to alt-tab out all the time.
So, You are so smart to use "alt-tab", but can't press a right mouse button to get the info about the monsters in game? Shame on You!
Before I go hang myself in shame, I should note that I want the information when I encounter the enemy (not in battle). Right-click tells me the name, alignment, and number but not the statistics and abilities. Smart ass.
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Unread postby hydro123456 » 17 Apr 2006, 05:39

Does anyone else think that the screen scrolls way too slowly even at the fastest speed? I know it's kind of nitpicking but it really annoys me.

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Unread postby trailMix » 17 Apr 2006, 08:18

So far, my feelings on demo are mixed:

  • 1) Great graphics
    2) Great sound effects
    3) Good campaign music
    4) Integer number grid system is back (combat)!
    5) No more line of sight (combat)

  • 1) Now you have to visit resource providers everyweek
    2) No more caravan
    3) Limited camera angle/zoom
    4) Confusing user interface
    5) Can't tell which building is which (town);
    6) Confusing town build order
    7) Lack of creature information in adventure map
    8) No more simulataneous retaliation
    9) Highly confusing initiatives (how does spell use 1/2 init.?)
  • 1) Wrong item type/label
    2) Broken English in some descriptions
    3) Major main to split/exchange troops/artifacts
    4) Some spells don't work as advertised
Looks like they implemented too much of HoMM3, and nothing from HoMM4. I though HoMM4 was superior to HoMM3, with an exception of tactical combat. That's where NWC really screwed it up, IMO. But I definitely miss the caravan and automatic resource delivery.

The only thing that I'm undecided was the skills. So far some skills don't make a whole lot of sense to me.

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Unread postby Orfinn » 17 Apr 2006, 10:18

Campaigner wrote:Orfinn - What difficulty are you playing at?

If it's Heroic then tell me your actions the first week.
No dude, Im playing at normal more than a challenge for me :)

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Unread postby Kalah » 17 Apr 2006, 11:55

Here's my pro/con list...

1. Gameplay. It works beautifully.
2. Adventure map graphics. Very nice, though you need a high-end PC for it to work properly.
3. Addictedness rating. The game gets you. Suddenly it's 4 a.m.

1. Graphics. Up close the heroes and their horses look terrible! The animation process hasn't changed much since Final Fantasy 7, apparently, and humans don't look human at all. They are composed of right angles. When is the gaming industry going to learn that the interlude videos should be made on the drawing board, like the good 'ol cartoons? In fact, the only good animation I have been able to find so far is that of the Colossus/Titan. That's the only creature that looks real.
2. Story. Fine, it's a good story. But the way it is told is just silly. Full of clichés, and next, I am getting to the..
3. Voiceovers. They suck. 'nuff said.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 17 Apr 2006, 12:05

Is it just me or the chick that does Isabel also worked on Black&White?

It not so much that the voiceovers are bad, but that the 1o different accents are distracting as hell.

Also, on the normal map the game ran on max pretty good, but in the campaign it sometime worked slow even on minimum. Then again maybe that was because of how much time the computer and the game was running at that moment.

And did anyone notice that the Angels/Archangels are female and barefooted? :D
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Unread postby Kalah » 17 Apr 2006, 18:53

I noticed the angels, yes... didn't like them too much, but it's especially the battle animation that bothers me. It looks like that big 'ol sword is just too heavy for them.

Best Haven creature animation is the (imperial) griffin. Did you try that Battle Dive? :-D
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Unread postby Salisa » 17 Apr 2006, 20:15

Kalah wrote:I noticed the angels, yes... didn't like them too much, but it's especially the battle animation that bothers me. It looks like that big 'ol sword is just too heavy for them.

Best Haven creature animation is the (imperial) griffin. Did you try that Battle Dive? :-D
I agree they just look SILLY with that huge old sword, which they can hardly wield, I mean look at how they use it!

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Unread postby trailMix » 17 Apr 2006, 22:41

Kalah wrote: [snip]

Best Haven creature animation is the (imperial) griffin. Did you try that Battle Dive? :-D
I did. I couldn't understand what happened. I did battle dive, and the griffin just disappeared. It then reappeared after the battle was just about over. Yes it was a short battle but still.. I can't think of any good use for it, except if you need to reach the target without having the griffin take any damage.

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 17 Apr 2006, 22:52

Err- it allows the griffin to go off the battlefield and target any square it wants, and it will do much more damage than normally. Can be a very effective way to take out a stack of shooters if you don't mind the beating it'll take from any other units in the vicinity.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 17 Apr 2006, 22:55

Battle Dive = ranged troop killer. You can also use it to make 4 slot creatures stop before their max move range.

Also unlimited retal is useful in the situation GC described, and because of the rather small BF ur other units will usualy be in range by the time ur griffin dives .
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Unread postby Kalah » 18 Apr 2006, 00:35

The Battle dive is very effective, but only against troops that don't move (i.e. shooters). It takes the griffins off the battlefield and for one round they cannot be fired at. That's very nice. Protect those precious griffins.

On the other hand, if your targeted stack should happen to move, or die, for that matter, they're screwed.
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Unread postby Caradoc » 18 Apr 2006, 06:32

Kalah wrote:The Battle dive is very effective, but only against troops that don't move (i.e. shooters). It takes the griffins off the battlefield and for one round they cannot be fired at. That's very nice. Protect those precious griffins.

On the other hand, if your targeted stack should happen to move, or die, for that matter, they're screwed.
And do be careful using them to seige castles. Unless you attack square on (or with tactics), there a good chance they will impail on the stakes on the way out. Ouch.
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