Spin the Skill Wheel

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Skill Wheel

Unread postby lumpor » 22 Jun 2009, 19:13

1. Will this wheel ever include campaign heroes? That'd be very useful to me indeed.

2. The haven ultimate seems quite sucky. Is it still worth it if you're planning on getting the required skills anyway?

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Skill Wheel

Unread postby Orfinn » 01 Aug 2009, 12:49

What happened to the skill whell mod for in-game use?

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Skill Wheel

Unread postby Wraithblood » 18 Dec 2010, 20:11

Very nice! However, could you put in the campaign heroes sometime? That would really help me.

Sylvan Luna
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Skill Wheel

Unread postby Sylvan Luna » 29 Jan 2011, 21:37

question: Do I need all three skills to get the ultimate skill?

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Re: Skill Wheel

Unread postby Qurqirish Dragon » 30 Jan 2011, 15:16

Sylvan Luna wrote:question: Do I need all three skills to get the ultimate skill?
If you are looking at the wheel, then you need all skills that point to any specific skill to get it (ultimate or not). Thus, your answer is yes- you do need all three skills that point to the ultimate to get it. This assumes you are playing Tribes- in basic HV you needed more.
Matthew Charlap -353 HoMM map reviews and counting...

Sylvan Luna
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Skill Wheel

Unread postby Sylvan Luna » 30 Jan 2011, 21:46

Thanks. I am new to this game, and I gotta say it's really, and I like it a lot. How can I get the third stage for my troops.
Edited on Sun, Jan 30 2011, 22:10 by Sylvan Luna

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Re: Skill Wheel

Unread postby Qurqirish Dragon » 31 Jan 2011, 15:20

Sylvan Luna wrote:Thanks. I am new to this game, and I gotta say it's really, and I like it a lot. How can I get the third stage for my troops.
Edited on Sun, Jan 30 2011, 22:10 by Sylvan Luna
What do you mean by "third stage"?
I can interpret this a few ways:

1) The 3rd form of a unit. I think this is most likely what you mean. This is only available in the appropriate expansion (not the base game. I forget if HoF has them, or if it was a TotE addition), where alternative upgrades are available. Both upgraded forms are unlocked by building the upgraded unit dwelling. It isn't a third stage, merely an alternate 2nd. The only unit in the HoMM series to have a genuine 3rd stage is the black dragon from HoMM2 (it is the upgrade to the red dragon, which in turn is the upgrade to the green dragon)

2) The level 3 troop. This varies based on town type- revealing the build tree for each town wil show what the prerequisites are.

3) The 3rd row of the build tree. This requires a level 6 town (and any prerequisite buildings)

If you mean something else, please clarify.
Matthew Charlap -353 HoMM map reviews and counting...

Sylvan Luna
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Skill Wheel

Unread postby Sylvan Luna » 01 Feb 2011, 01:58

Thanks, I said third stage, because when ever i say third form, people correct me by saying third stage, and thanks for answering my question, and could u clarify what u have said, because I didn't get the HoF and the ToE thing.

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Re: Skill Wheel

Unread postby Qurqirish Dragon » 01 Feb 2011, 14:56

Sylvan Luna wrote:Thanks, I said third stage, because when ever i say third form, people correct me by saying third stage, and thanks for answering my question, and could u clarify what u have said, because I didn't get the HoF and the ToE thing.
HoF = Hammer of Fate (1st expansion)
TotE = Tribes of the East (2nd expansion)

Some features were added with the expansions. Since I don't know what version you have, I mentioned the differences.
Matthew Charlap -353 HoMM map reviews and counting...

Sylvan Luna
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Skill Wheel

Unread postby Sylvan Luna » 01 Feb 2011, 19:53

I have the 1.3 version. so what expension do I have?
Edited on Tue, Feb 01 2011, 14:53 by Sylvan Luna

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Re: Skill Wheel

Unread postby Qurqirish Dragon » 02 Feb 2011, 14:04

Sylvan Luna wrote:I have the 1.3 version. so what expension do I have?
Edited on Tue, Feb 01 2011, 14:53 by Sylvan Luna
If you bought a physical copy, what does it say on the box?
If you downl;oaded it, what did the download/purchase link say?
In either case, the expansion should be on the title screen when you run it.

Since you say v1.3, this sounds like the base game only.
Note that the skill wheel changed between versions, to accomodate new skills, new races, and a change in dependencies.
Matthew Charlap -353 HoMM map reviews and counting...

Sylvan Luna
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Skill Wheel

Unread postby Sylvan Luna » 02 Feb 2011, 14:08

I think I only got the base game, and nothing else, How can I get it or add to it?

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Skill Wheel

Unread postby everetteli » 09 Mar 2011, 01:02

mah bad, didnt see different skill wheel versions

personally i like the updated skill trees
Edited on Fri, Mar 11 2011, 02:04 by everetteli

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Re: Skill Wheel

Unread postby Qurqirish Dragon » 09 Mar 2011, 13:18

everetteli wrote:skills are missing and some requirements are wrong? in essence dead man's curse a requirement for nature's luck is not even on the ranger's board. also wtf light magic??????? not stickin around to find out what other campaigns of mine this can fu,ck up

http://www.heroesofmightandmagic.com/he ... ties.shtml

rather go here, no fancy wheel but at least it's accurate

nature's luck require dead man's curse(luck), stand your ground(defense), and flaming arrows (attack), wheel is WAY off
Edited on Tue, Mar 08 2011, 20:06 by everetteli
Which version of H5 are you playing? The wheel changed significantly with each expansion (not just with adding the new factions). Last time I played, the wheel was dead-on correct.
Matthew Charlap -353 HoMM map reviews and counting...

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Skill Wheel

Unread postby sigma1932 » 21 Mar 2011, 00:15

FYI for those who haven't caught it: The skill wheel here is for the version 3.0 and later only (i.e. Tribes of the East).

If you're playing the Original H5 or Hammers of Fate, the info on heroesofmightandmagic.com will be correct.

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Skill Wheel

Unread postby Karmaz » 30 Mar 2011, 07:21

does the skill wheel apply without the expantions?

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Unread postby Kalah » 07 Oct 2011, 23:32

It is difficult to get and it doesn't always happen. All you can do is choose the right path and hope you get lucky.
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Tyber Zann
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Unread postby Tyber Zann » 10 Sep 2013, 14:52

I think u need the pendant of mastery to bring ur racial skill beyond expert. The pendant adds one mastery level to ur racial skill, so if its at expert, it gets pushed to ultimate while u wear the pendant. It's usually a good, straightforeward bonus. More creatures raised for necros, more gated units for demons, more damage and an extra enemy option in the avengers guild for rangers, half mini-artifact cost for wizards, stronger destruction magic for warlocks, better retaliations and much better discount for troop training for knights; I'm less familiar with the newer factions. I think its cheaper runes for dwarves and faster blood rage increases for orcs (there's no description anywhere for 4th level blood rage so I'm guessing there is none. Blood rage is strong enough as it is.

Anyway, yeah, thats the only way iv seen to get an ultimate level in any skill.

The pendant of mastery, available at ur local artifact merchant

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Unread postby Tyber Zann » 10 Sep 2013, 15:34

For the ultimate 4th perk that's tied to ur racial skill, the one with a ! Rather than a ?, it is rare and difficult and I find usually not worth trying without the memory mentor in ToE. Some of the unique perks are awesome, but they basically require that you fill ur entire skill chart with other skills, many of which are often useless (like tear of asha vision or one of those +2 attribute perks).

Knights probly have the worst 4th perk. It just triples the damage of the knights retaliation strike ability, something I basically only use at the end of the line of spells/abilities. It can be spammed against neutral stacks of tier 6 or 7s, but so can an awesome set of skills that don't suck. I think the only knight who can truly benefit from this is Klause, who gets a bonus to his retaliation strike with each level, on top of his cavalry boosting. I guess when he gets to high levels he can drop dragons by the dozen. Still, I'd rather have a set of skills I choose rather than a damage increase to my hero. It's just not a reliable strategy. My hero will kill you! That's for wizards and warlocks.

A better 4th perk would be arcane omniscience for wizards, which automatically gives the wizard every single spell in the game regardless of skills or mastery. This is awesome, but still limited. Again, ur sacrificing most of ur skill options (I say most cause some are skills Ud want anyway, like sorcery and enlightenment), but your also sacrificing magic perks. I think the ability allows the wizard to cast any spell at expert level, but it doesn not provide the bonuses granted by the individual magic schools. So, while an omniscient wizard may know every spell, he will not be as effective with spells from schools that other wizards have specialized in. Since 2 schools is often enough anyway, arcane omniscient seems like overkill. You'll never have a chance to use every spell in one battle. U might as well pick the spells u want, and master those schools (dark has all the fancy mind control magic which seems to be all the rage, but I usually use summoning with wizards, and dark or destructive if it comes up.

Some are hard to descide. The elves 4th perk gives them a constant 100% to achieve a good luck bonus on attacks. So, basically, this doubles the damage of your entire army, as opposed to hoping u get double damage hits. This is extremely awesome, but, requires absurd sacrifices. The biggest being no archery perk, which seems like a shot in the foot for a ranger. The bonus provided by archery increases all ranged damage by %20, so when a shooter does get good luck, it doubles that damage (damage + %20) X2), which can't be done with the 4th perk. Not to mention melee damage with the attack skill itself, but rangers rely on shooters, so its more pertinent.

I think Necromancers get a lame 4th perk as well. Stronger banshee howls. Oooooooo. Take that enemy morale and initiative! Well, it is a good ability, but again, not worth the sacrifices. I can't even remember the details (which things u can't have), but I do know that most dark magic spells are much more effective at expert level than banshee howl is, even super banshee howl. By the time iv cast mass slow, weakness, confusion, puppet master, frenzy, blindness, then you might consider using a banshee howl. Or more likely another blindness. See, its just not worth it. Once ur enemy is bogged down in dark magic debuffs, a banshee howl will be the last of their worries.

Let's see, trying to remember more. I think demons get the immediate gating, but I might be wrong. The thing that let's them gate stacks that pop up immediately and are almost at full ATB, like what Biara was doing at the end of the campaign. Probably one of the most useful ones, but Im sure there's at least a couple dumb skills u gotta get to get it. I don't use demons all that much, but I find my demon lords have a fairly demanding skill quota as might heroes. They just don't have much spellpower, which means to survive they need things like attack/defense, logistics, war machines, luck/leadership (luck is usually a better choice if u must choose). Half assing ur might build for a faster gating is a big gamble. U can already get swift gating from logistics, which reduces the wait time %50. Half way there at the cost of 1 perk, rather than ur entire skill chart. Hmmmmm.

(After playing as a demon recently, I saw/remembered that swift gating only reduces the wait time of the unit that triggers the gating, not the unit being gated.)

Warlocks, I thiiiinnnk, heroes luck. The thing that let's a warlock get a good luck bonus when they use a destructive spell, doubling damage. Like what Ylaya had in the last mission. It does kick ass, but compromising ur magic skills is risky. Warlocks are a little less skill dependant than wizards. They basically only NEED 2 slots to be effective, destruction and sorcery. Wizards need closer to 4 to add an extra magic school and enlightenment.

There's more. But I gotta get to work. It seems like its not really worth it to get the 4th perk, especially since its a big gamble and u can seriously screw urself if it doesn't work out. It's worth trying out for fun at least. Zann
Edited on Fri, Sep 13 2013, 10:35 by Tyber Zann

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Tyber Zann
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Skill Wheel

Unread postby Tyber Zann » 10 Sep 2013, 19:29

Ill see what dwarves and orcs can do.

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