How do you beat the Inferno Campaign Map?

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How do you beat the Inferno Campaign Map?

Unread postby Bandobras Took » 15 Apr 2006, 17:50

Godric's too fast! I can dismiss all my troops save Cerberi and he'll be running around with a load of footmen and he's still faster than me. In my current try, I made it to the kennels in the underground before he caught up.

Please tell me that the campaign won't use my Godric from the human map, as I ended up giving him logistics.
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Unread postby MuadDib » 15 Apr 2006, 18:42

Grab any item / building giving you more speed. Recon the fastest route and dont stop by to collect flowers. In the end, you can finish with two turns of margins.

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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 15 Apr 2006, 18:58

So is the map using Godric from the human map? As I understood the initial post, this refers to some kind of carry over, right?

BTW, what do you have to do in the missions in the demo? I can't d/l the demo, that's why I want to know.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 15 Apr 2006, 19:00

- save Isabel and take Dunmore (city)
- beat up Agrael
- beat up another Inferno hero protecting Dunmore
- find the Tears of Asha (grail)

And that's about where i got to.
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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 15 Apr 2006, 19:03

The Grail is called Tears of Asha? That's one nice improvement! It sounds so good!
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 15 Apr 2006, 19:07

And also wet.

But what I don't get is why Inferno also uses the Tears of Asha, when they worship Chaos. You'd think it would actualy just hurt them.
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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 15 Apr 2006, 23:10

The Inferno campaign map requires you to outrun a massive army led by Godric. I've gotten to the red tent and the undergound, but he's always caught up to me before I reach safe ground.
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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 16 Apr 2006, 00:14

ThunderTitan wrote: But what I don't get is why Inferno also uses the Tears of Asha, when they worship Chaos. You'd think it would actualy just hurt them.
Are you sure? Maybe they find the Grail in the same way, though named something more appropriate for them...
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Re: How do you beat the Inferno Campaign Map?

Unread postby Salisa » 16 Apr 2006, 01:04

Bandobras Took wrote:Godric's too fast! I can dismiss all my troops save Cerberi and he'll be running around with a load of footmen and he's still faster than me. In my current try, I made it to the kennels in the underground before he caught up

Please tell me that the campaign won't use my Godric from the human map, as I ended up giving him logistics.
Edit: This is a spoiler as I answered the question!

First as far as I can tell creatures do not affect how far the hero moves like Homm3, it's not like HoMM4..

How I won, after failing twice, First attack the preist's and get the boot's before going to viewing tower.
next go down first grass trail to your right kill horde of peasants get artifact of far seein.. Now, go back to the road and skip or kill peasants near the roadway, I kill them for resources, you need all you can get along the way..
Continue to follow the road until you reach the post that give stats then head down grass way to lookout tower, the hell hounds will join you, in fact most all infernal creatures will join you, keep going down the grass way turn right and buy archers at their building then head left collect all resources along the way... don't head for the red tent leave it for later..
Instead turn right collect everthing you can, if you have the money buy tent and cart.
turn right at the next grass trail, collect all you can follow it back to the main road.. Turn right follow it, collecting all, take a lillte detour get the imps but then go back and hide in the sanctuary.. you now may have to skip several turns allowing the enemy heroes to clear out the area (sometimes that hero wont' do this until later) to the red tent and Godric will hang around you... When the other hero clears out the tent area or Godric heads back the way he came away from you continue down the road the way you were heading back to the grass that leads to the look out tower head down the grass way hide in the sancutary, now stay until the other hero clears out the area by the red tent and Godric moves away from you ( again this may vary but if the tent area isn't cleared you'll need to wait).. after that go to the red tent , collecting all the stuff the AI left you, use the tranporter, if Godric is far enough away after this kill the druids get the artifact... Then visit the red tower and go down to the under ground.. Stay on the path, I don't fight anything along here I dont' have too, but I collect all i can and grow my army.. When you go back above ground you will need all you have to finish.. The End

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 16 Apr 2006, 09:35

Gaidal Cain wrote: Are you sure? Maybe they find the Grail in the same way, though named something more appropriate for them...
The building description for the Grail structure says it needs the Tears. Can't use Inferno in the beta to find the Tears, so i'm gonna take the building descriptions word on it.
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Unread postby Orfinn » 16 Apr 2006, 09:39

Tears of Asha is a good name, everyone wants it good and evil they dont care for the grails name, the only things that matters is that the grail gives them a fantastic free grail structure which has different names from town to town. :devious:

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Unread postby Kalah » 16 Apr 2006, 12:25

Does the Grail have a special name for each faction?
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 16 Apr 2006, 13:30

Both the Inferno and Haven have the same description of needing the Tears of Asha, so that's the new name for all.
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Unread postby Orfinn » 17 Apr 2006, 16:47

I meant the name of the grail struccture for each town, I really doubt that Inferno have a grail structure with a name like Elraths Sentinel which is the name of Havens g-structure.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 17 Apr 2006, 16:54

And I was answering Kalah. :D

But seeing as Nicolai's necklace melts demons you'd think an order artifact like the Tears would do the same.
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Unread postby niteshade6 » 17 Apr 2006, 17:34

To get back to the original topic, be sure to grab the boots of speed in the beginning and be sure to take logistics every time it's offered (pathfinding may help underground too, I'm not sure). Also stop by the stables along the way.

The final thing to be careful about is when you use the monolith to teleport towards the underground. Depending on how much movement you have and where Godric is, you may end up teleporting closer to him then you started. Consider waiting a turn if this is the case. You can always hide in the sanctuary if need be.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 17 Apr 2006, 18:29

niteshade6 wrote:To get back to the original topic, be sure to grab the boots of speed in the beginning and be sure to take logistics every time it's offered (pathfinding may help underground too, I'm not sure). Also stop by the stables along the way.
Pathfinding is good for the grass part. The underground actualy works in ur favour, as Godric seems to have a major movement penalty on it.
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Unread postby niteshade6 » 17 Apr 2006, 19:20

Seemed like I had a significant movement penalty underground as well. I definetely was not moving as far as it seemed like I should. Could be just my imagination I guess.

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Unread postby brycej » 17 Apr 2006, 20:01

I am still trying to get Isabel to beat the first stack that arrives at Dunmire.

I don't know whether there is any randomness in the scenario. I
couldn't convert the peasants even though I built the training grounds.
When I clicked on the training button and tried to upgrade, it said
that I was lacking either the facility or my hero didn't have the
training skill. I had the training facility. Isabel apparently didn't
have that skill.

I think maybe Godric may have had it in earlier attempt.

In one try for some reason Isabel had no mana. I don't know whether I
had my mage guild built yet. In my last try she had 30 mana. I came
close but still lost. Need a few more troops (and probably some better
tactics). I notice the enemy always attacks on the last day of the
week so you can't resupply. I need to improve my tactics obviously.

Is it worth it to try to get troops from the town-like structure on the way to Dunmire. It seems like you don't gain much from it.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 17 Apr 2006, 20:39

All knights start with the Counterstrike skill which also lets you train your troops. Isabel seems to have it in the third slot though, and it's sub-skills show up with the normal ones, so she might be bugged. The demo is not the final version.
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