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Archdevil's "summon pit lord"

Unread postby avlee » 15 Apr 2006, 13:15

how do I summon pit lords using archdevils?

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Re: Archdevil's "summon pit lord"

Unread postby Orfinn » 15 Apr 2006, 16:31

avlee wrote:how do I summon pit lords using archdevils?
After an enemy stack is killed and when its your arch devils turn, place the cursor above the dead stack, you should be able to raise a pit fiend or two. Hope that helped ;)

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 15 Apr 2006, 18:14

Gaidal Cain wrote: Judging from the experiences I had with the demo though, the beta ought to reflect the game as it was at the start of this week, so they've had a couple of extra days as well.
So ur telling me that it only took them a few days to strip the game of the campaigns and certain features. Then they should be able to fix the remaining bugs in 2+ weeks. .
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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 15 Apr 2006, 18:24

No, it was more like it took them a couple of days to compile together all the parts that was stable enough to release. The demo doesn't represent the game as it was the day the demo was released, that's all.
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2nd campaign map

Unread postby nathanebht » 15 Apr 2006, 19:34

Lets get back on topic, complain about other stuff in another thread.

The 1st campaign map on normal difficulty was fun. I must have killed around five different level 17 demon heroes. Took their undefended castle and cleared the map.

This involved a lot of reloads since at the start I didn't realize the unforgiving nature of the scenario objectives. Also the AI would catch my weaker human hero with no troops and end the game. :( The AI would also move amazing distances and take my town when I moved my heroes too far away. All really good stuff.

The 2nd campaign map where you start with a level 1 (whats up with him being level 1?) demon hero and no towns is stupid. I hate maps that you have to keep restarting repeatedly until, by trial and error, you figure out what to do! This isn't a strategic challenge. Its a fumble around process until you figure out what the map designer wants you to do.

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Re: 2nd campaign map

Unread postby Bandobras Took » 15 Apr 2006, 23:12

nathanebht wrote: The 2nd campaign map where you start with a level 1 (whats up with him being level 1?) demon hero and no towns is stupid. I hate maps that you have to keep restarting repeatedly until, by trial and error, you figure out what to do! This isn't a strategic challenge. Its a fumble around process until you figure out what the map designer wants you to do.
The wizard eye at the beginning shows a one way portal in one area, so I made a beeline for that. I'm just slow enough that Godric always catches up with me. :(

The scenario information button lets you look at all the objectives and clicking on any one of them gives more details.
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Re: Archdevil's "summon pit lord"

Unread postby Salisa » 16 Apr 2006, 01:34

Orfinn wrote:
avlee wrote:how do I summon pit lords using archdevils?
After an enemy stack is killed and when its your arch devils turn, place the cursor above the dead stack, you should be able to raise a pit fiend or two. Hope that helped ;)
This can't be the only way as repeatedly the AI has used Arch Devil's and summoned on their first turn sometimes where no stack has been!

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Unread postby Infiltrator » 16 Apr 2006, 01:47

I attacked the Haven guy pretty early (had 2 archdevils by that time) and it wasn't hard at all, the succubi who joined me outside the gate on the surface were quite a welcome addition. If you let him he's gonna collect all the stuff from his surrounding creature buildings and thats what probably overwhelmed you.

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Unread postby Darkstroem » 16 Apr 2006, 12:50

I attacked the enemy town while the hero was in garrison; I had an army of 18 Arch Devils, 60 Pit Lords, 80 Nightmares, nearly 200 Succubi Mistresses and over 200 Demons and Imps.

He shot 15 Arch Devils with his 800+ Marksmen... 20 Inquisitors killed the whole stack of 200 Demons with one attack... My Nightmares were dead before they even had the chance to attack... That was awful.

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Unread postby Arpanet » 18 Apr 2006, 19:28

Darkstroem wrote:I attacked the enemy town while the hero was in garrison; I had an army of 18 Arch Devils, 60 Pit Lords, 80 Nightmares, nearly 200 Succubi Mistresses and over 200 Demons and Imps.

He shot 15 Arch Devils with his 800+ Marksmen... 20 Inquisitors killed the whole stack of 200 Demons with one attack... My Nightmares were dead before they even had the chance to attack... That was awful.
Don't attack him while he's in a castle. Find him when he's out in the open.

The marksmen are a huge problem. If you let them join the battle you'll lose. Solution? Don't let them join the battle. Use Frenzy on them every time your hero gets a turn - the AI likes to put its Squires (a 300+ stack IIRC) directly in front of the Marksmen to guard them... you see where I'm going with this. Let the Marksmen and Squires beat up on each other and focus on the rest of the Haven troops. By the time your hero runs out of mana (or by the time all the enemy troops are dead) the Marksmen should be down to a nice manageable number.

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Unread postby niteshade6 » 18 Apr 2006, 20:22

Regarding the AI, I suspect that he is yet another custom AI. He seems to be setup to only defend and nip out to grab resources and never to attack. Kind of like how some of the heroes in the campaign have specific goals they try to do to the exclusion of all else. He was even pretty cautious about making sure he never ended within 1 move of my hero unless he was in the castle, although it was obviously possible to catch him in the open still.

I could be wrong, but I got a hunch that he was not using the default AI.

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Unread postby thec » 20 Apr 2006, 10:16

Hey guys,

does anybody of you know how to build the "Lord of Torments" in the Custom-Map, where you gotta play Inferno? It says that I need "Tears of Asha" in hands, but what is it and where do I get it?

Thanks a lot.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 20 Apr 2006, 11:59

The map doesn't have any obelisks, so there probably there isn't a Tear of Asha on it. So you can't build it on that map.
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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 20 Apr 2006, 16:35

Unless one can guessdig and get the direction messages... Oh my, how stupid wouldn't that be?

Anyway, as ThunderTitan indicated, that structure is the Inferno's version of the Grail structure, which means that you generally need to visit obelisks and get a map for where to dig.
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Unread postby vicheron » 21 Apr 2006, 06:55

I'm pretty sure that the computer uses the training skill since they have massive numbers of marksmen but a relatively small number of conscripts.

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Unread postby Ethric » 21 Apr 2006, 09:46

I do hope the AI can intelligently use skills like training, but it might just be scripted-in troops.
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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 21 Apr 2006, 13:10

Ethric wrote:I do hope the AI can intelligently use skills like training, but it might just be scripted-in troops.
Forget the AI . . . I'm hoping I can intelligently use skills like training. :)

The AI seems to be doing okay with gating. I think the real test will be with the Academy and whether the AI will be creating artifacts for their creature stacks.
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Unread postby Orfinn » 21 Apr 2006, 15:32

Bandobras Took wrote:
Ethric wrote:I do hope the AI can intelligently use skills like training, but it might just be scripted-in troops.
Forget the AI . . . I'm hoping I can intelligently use skills like training. :)

The AI seems to be doing okay with gating. I think the real test will be with the Academy and whether the AI will be creating artifacts for their creature stacks.
Yeah the A.I are annoying when they use gating but I like the challenge to avoid my magic and ranged troops beeing surrounded by gated infernals :-D

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 21 Apr 2006, 18:39

The AI in the first campaign map didn't try to get his castle back after i took it, so it looks like the problem isn't specific to that sp map. Big problem if this makes it in the final game.
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Unread postby thec » 22 Apr 2006, 10:43

I won the Custom-Map by capturing all of the buildings of my enemy. He didn't leave his town. Then I went away and the computer tried to recapture all his production buildings. So I just ran straight to his castle, captured it without any resistance and tried to recruit some of his angels and so on. After a week or so, I won without fighting him, because he didn't try to get his castle back. The enemy hero simply disappeared. Strange.

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