Zenofex wrote:
This is not about habits but about predisposition. As already pointed out, many Western-type states allow military service for both men and women and yet the latter remain a distinct minority in the armies. Ask as many as you want whether they want to become soldiers, the answer will be predominantly negative and the old habits and the male oppression have nothing to do with such a response.
Also, women still make on average less money then men... they must not want money right.
It's hard to find delicate flowers in the army, why would I think of a female soldier like that?
That was kinda the point... pay attention.
Because I don't see a long line of women in front of the recruiting stations even though nobody forbids them to join the army?
And there aren't many men that wear dresses either... except if they're scottish... it's funny how social norms work.
And because it's a scientific fact that the average woman is physically weaker than the average man - something which tends to play a very significant role in the army where intelligence and good looks aren't important at all?
There's a minimum physical fitness required to join most armies nowadays... as long as you pass that there's no reason to turn any recruit away no matter the gender...
I do but you will have a very hard time proving that the women feel oppressed because there are much more male than female soldiers.
Feeling oppressed and the reason why something is like it is are two different things...
sezerp wrote:
Not enlisting women was actually very pragmatic, it is all about allocation of resources really. Only women can bear children.
And keeping them away from other men/putting a chastity belt on assured known parentage on both sides... i'm sure all this stuff had some form of pragmatism at it's base...
sezerp wrote:At the same time their value as soldiers was questionable at best.
If we ignore the baby making requirement (it's not just about defeat, there's also the fact that 1 guy can impregnate a big number of women almost continuously while a women would be out 10 months at least each time, even in victory you'd still lose people) it would be extra soldiers, and that always helps.