I've been a fan of HoMM since the 2nd installment (played it at a friend's house and bought it all plus the expansions ever since). It is a great hot seat game although I'm not like an advanced player (enough to get through the campaign on hard difficulty).
HoMM V is excellent, at least the demo, and I was surprised it was flawlessly playable on my Athlon 1900 XP computer (considering it said Athlon 2000 or 2gig higher). My details setting was on the lowest but it's playing on 1024 at least.
The few problems I have with the demo was:
- Building
It is VERY confusing on what you can build, not build and what is built. They should do it like the old HoMM where it has the name (or at least the whole icon) colored-coded better (and brighter) so I can see what can be build and not without having to put my mouse over for the tooltip.
- Collusion Detection
Sometimes it's hard to see what could be gotten, controlled or what-so/what-not on the map. True the "horse" icon does help but still, sometimes I get that icon where it symbolize I could take/control something but yet, when I reach it.. nothing happens. I have to reposition myself again just to get the item/mine/etc.
- Monster Add/Remove
A minor nickpick, I miss the button to automatically put all the monsters from your garrison to your hero's party. Now I got to drag every one of them to it.
Oh yea, unless it was stated on the readme.txt bugs.. sometimes I get a bug where it is my hero's turn.. BUT instead, it's the succumbus icon instead of my hero. It was weird and confused me if it was the succumbus or my hero's turn. heh
Aside from those problems, I love this game so far! It's been too long since I played HoMM (HoMM4, while it was fun using the heroes, it just felt.. different). I can't wait to buy this game and emerse myself into the world again.
I do miss the old heroes though...
bethrezen wrote:It's there any way easyer to see what spell are affecting one creature during combat?? If enemy put a spell on my troops i don't know what spell it's that...
You right click on your monster (or their monster) to see the spell or whatnot that is effect them. Sadly, there is no way to know what that "spell" does unless you read the manual (which isn't avaliable obviously) or the spellbook.