Timeline Order of Play - What do I do next?

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Unread postby MMXAlamar » 16 Jan 2011, 23:04

Avonu wrote:Rather it was from Dungeon and Devils H3 campaign. You know, the Kreegan attacked Erathia right after Night of the Shooting Star but I don't remember if there is info about how long it pass before Dungeon Overlords subdue them - probably it happened in 1163 AS.
I'm a little confused about this part...It seems like the Kreegans landed in two places probably with two different spaceships, because the Hive is located on the Northwestern corner of Enroth in Sweet Water, and Colony Zod is located on the Eastern coast of Antagairch. Now I'm assuming that the Night of Shooting Stars was caused by the Hive landing on Enroth, which would make the Kreegans there probably an invasion force to take over the continent of Enroth. But this raises many questions for me. When did the Kreegan get to Eeofol? And when did they get to Enroth?

If I have this totally wrong, then what was the Night of the Shooting Stars?

Also there's one more thing that puzzles me. There's a Kreegan tower-like structure in Sweet Water, and the same tower can be found underwater in Shoals beside the Lincoln. I don't really understand the purpose of these structures at all.


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Unread postby Avonu » 17 Jan 2011, 08:13

MMXAlamar wrote:I'm a little confused about this part...It seems like the Kreegans landed in two places probably with two different spaceships, because the Hive is located on the Northwestern corner of Enroth in Sweet Water, and Colony Zod is located on the Eastern coast of Antagairch. Now I'm assuming that the Night of Shooting Stars was caused by the Hive landing on Enroth, which would make the Kreegans there probably an invasion force to take over the continent of Enroth. But this raises many questions for me. When did the Kreegan get to Eeofol? And when did they get to Enroth?
Look at MM6 intro and you will have an answer. They landed in Sweet Water but right after that few ships (or whatever it was) were send to other places - one of them with their king Xenofex to Eeofol.

Are you sure that:
1. we can assume that story from books are connected to rest of MM/HoMM story (besides of few names and Tim Lang state and don't see their influence to rest of lore)?
2. it is the same Necros as in CoMM? After all Necro(s) is common name in fantasy, same as Draco(n) or Elvin, as many more names probably.

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Unread postby XEL II » 17 Jan 2011, 10:41

The Sea of Mist was released around the same time that WoMM and Shifters were released and NWC took part in making the The Sea of Mist story, so it's most likely same Necros.

Yes, novels are connectd to the rest of the universe, just like in Star War, Warhammer, WarCraft, StarCraft, etc.
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Unread postby Demilich » 17 Jan 2011, 11:43

Necros is the same guy. I asked about him Mel Odom via email, and he confirmed this fact

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Unread postby Avonu » 17 Jan 2011, 15:34

OK, if I understand correct, Necros from CoMM and from Sea ofMist is same person, right?

That still don't prove main reason of this Necros' debate: that HIV's god of death is Necros.

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Unread postby XEL II » 17 Jan 2011, 15:39

Even so, similarities are abundant and it wouldn't be parsimonious if there are two "god of death" type guys connected to the same setting of Axeoth :)
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Unread postby Avonu » 17 Jan 2011, 15:46

But we already have two gods of death on Axeoth: from HIV Gauldoth's campaign and Skrelos from Arselgard in MMIX. ;)

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Unread postby XEL II » 17 Jan 2011, 15:52

I mean "the malevolent god of death guy" :)

Gavin Magnus appears to be one of the founders of Bracada, but he didn't always rule it, only during several periods of time (MotE, HoMM 3-MM 7). There were his descendant kings, such as King Magnus II. By the way, the date of Celeste foundation (499 AS) suggests that Bracaduun crumbled and was succeded by Bracada around mid 5th century AS.
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Unread postby Avonu » 17 Jan 2011, 15:56

My answer is in another topic, by why you think that Celeste was build when Bracada formed but not few decades/centauries later? Many today capitols were build long after they countries were formed.

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Unread postby XEL II » 17 Jan 2011, 16:06

The text about the founding of Celeste, which states it was built "as the centerpiece of the kingdom of Bracada", gives a strong impression that Celeste was founded during the early days of Bracada.
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Unread postby Avonu » 17 Jan 2011, 16:08

Well, I think it was build as a new city and capital by Magnus II as show of his power or something like that. I don't think this text indicate it was choose as capital for new formed realm - Bracada.

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Unread postby Corlagon » 17 Jan 2011, 17:14

Demilich is right, I saw that same email. Necros is Necros. And of course the book is "canon"; it was even going to be used for MM9 at one point.

Three Gods of Death connected to Axeoth: Skraelos, Malevolent-Guy and Gurate. So yes, they might want to cut down a bit :P

It's quite a stretch to say Bracada was founded 500s AS. The Necromancy Origin said Deyja is nearly a millennium old by 1165, hence Bracada, which predates Deyja, has got to be even older which would put its creation around approx. 100s-300s at the very latest.

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Unread postby XEL II » 18 Jan 2011, 19:18

Yes, first half of 300s is pretty reasonable. CotU would take place in the early 400s, then. In fact, I placed both games in said time periods in my timeline analysis.

Gurate is most likely just a mythical deity, like the one whose ritual spellcaster conducts when casting Divine Intervention.
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Re: Timeline Order of Play - What do I do next?

Unread postby GreatEmerald » 29 Oct 2017, 09:02

Huh, well, looking back it looks like XEL II is right and MM6:MoH starts before HoMM3:RoE and during HoMM3:SoD, because otherwise there would be no kreegan to forge an alliance with in SoD. The general impression beforehand was that MoH happens in parallel to RoE but that's clearly not true...

That throws a bit of a wrench in my works. Hrm.

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