BDJ Mod - Key to Clanker's Lab

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BDJ Mod - Key to Clanker's Lab

Unread postby dli2k3 » 11 May 2008, 21:59

from what I gathered, the Lab is now the coding fortress? I've tried to get in, but the door is locked. I spoke to a Lady K in Evenmore Island who told me that the coding wizard lives on the mainland. Is the lab where I should go next? I think I'm missing something...

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Lady K

Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 11 May 2008, 22:42

In this mod, you've got to pay attention to the new 'dialogs' or you'll be forever missing 'the boat'. Lady K's dialog holds the key to beginning your journey at finding the Coding Wiz.

Here's the dialog.

Ah, my old friend Lord Godwinson! I trust that he is doing well?

So you’ve decided to take the journey to find BDJ the Coding Wizard? He’s a strange one, that Wizard. A mysterious legend in Erathia who, above all, covets his privacy and guards his secrets closely. But if you can find him, the rewards are worth the journey!

I do know this. To reach this wizard you must first run The Gauntlet. The Lector EAO is the foremost authority on this ‘gauntlet’. She travels quite a bit, but she does return to her home in Erathia each Summer. Seek her out. She may be able to assist you on your journey.

No, this is **not** your standard MM7 game!

Have fun.

"BDJ the Coding Wizard has moved out of the Coding Fortress, has retired from Might & Magic game modification, and now lives a peaceful life in Alto Lino, Republic de Panama.

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 12 May 2008, 08:17

Just to add some info... Playing the MOD is better to prepare screenshots with "new" quest dialogs/ conversations (or write them on the paper), because this info will not appear in diary, so it is easy to miss this important information.

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Unread postby dli2k3 » 12 May 2008, 19:33

Yes, I rely way too much on the diary and autonotes...Anyway, thanks to BDJ for the info, I'll pay more attention from now on.

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Re: Lady K

Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 08 Jan 2011, 15:18

Big Daddy Jim wrote:
Here's the dialog.

Ah, my old friend Lord Godwinson! I trust that he is doing well?

So you’ve decided to take the journey to find BDJ the Coding Wizard? He’s a strange one, that Wizard. A mysterious legend in Erathia who, above all, covets his privacy and guards his secrets closely. But if you can find him, the rewards are worth the journey!

I do know this. To reach this wizard you must first run The Gauntlet. The Lector EAO is the foremost authority on this ‘gauntlet’. She travels quite a bit, but she does return to her home in Erathia each Summer. Seek her out. She may be able to assist you on your journey.

i'm stucked with this part of the game (have tome to play maestro mob from the beginning till the end). but cannot fund that traveller woman! where she is and what date? is that empty summer residence next to arcomage prize chest? i waited in tavern whole summer time and she never appears O.o
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Re: Lady K

Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 09 Jan 2011, 13:40

vladimir-maestro wrote:
Big Daddy Jim wrote:
Here's the dialog.

Ah, my old friend Lord Godwinson! I trust that he is doing well?

So you’ve decided to take the journey to find BDJ the Coding Wizard? He’s a strange one, that Wizard. A mysterious legend in Erathia who, above all, covets his privacy and guards his secrets closely. But if you can find him, the rewards are worth the journey!

I do know this. To reach this wizard you must first run The Gauntlet. The Lector EAO is the foremost authority on this ‘gauntlet’. She travels quite a bit, but she does return to her home in Erathia each Summer. Seek her out. She may be able to assist you on your journey.

i'm stucked with this part of the game (have tome to play maestro mob from the beginning till the end). but cannot fund that traveller woman! where she is and what date? is that empty summer residence next to arcomage prize chest? i waited in tavern whole summer time and she never appears O.o
Here's where The Lector is;


She will only appear after you have talked with the Lady Kathryn. She appears as a result of an On Reload Event that only activates during the Summer months. If you enter Erathia in the Spring months and stay there awaiting her to appear in the Summer months, she will not. You'll have to leave Erathia and then return for her to occupy here house.


"BDJ the Coding Wizard has moved out of the Coding Fortress, has retired from Might & Magic game modification, and now lives a peaceful life in Alto Lino, Republic de Panama.

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Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 09 Jan 2011, 15:42

thats why! i waited for her for 3 years and as you told - waited her since may =\

gladdly i got save in spring and still have time to move to another place =)

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moved and played while june...
returned in erathia at 6th june but she is apsent at her home O.o
i guess quest is ruined and i will never solve it now:( 
and if you are here can you help me with the dilema?!

i got 4 ninjas party (masters, monks) and found maestro (remember that guy?). and now i wanna change - will maestro transform my masters into liches after i solve his task? and what if after that i will find BDJ - would he will be able to change liches again into priests? cause liches are sorceres class but dark way...and not sure of he could swap them.

i wanna have all GM magics + combat skills of monks =) so hard to play maestro mod without GM in body magics.
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Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 09 Jan 2011, 16:06

vladimir-maestro wrote: and if you are here can you help me with the dilema?!

i got 4 ninjas party (masters, monks) and found maestro (remember that guy?). and now i wanna change - will maestro transform my masters into liches after i solve his task? and what if after that i will find BDJ - would he will be able to change liches again into priests? cause liches are sorceres class but dark way...and not sure of he could swap them.

i wanna have all GM magics + combat skills of monks =) so hard to play maestro mod without GM in body magics.

Of course I remember 'maestro', the Lich promoter. I think that your ninja party can probably receive the promo to Lich, but I am not sure. Try it and let us know. However, the Lich class will not be recognized by BDJ for selecting a second class, so you won't be able to change the Lich back into priests. If you attempted to do so, you'd probably get the message that you don't qualify for a class change.

"BDJ the Coding Wizard has moved out of the Coding Fortress, has retired from Might & Magic game modification, and now lives a peaceful life in Alto Lino, Republic de Panama.

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Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 09 Jan 2011, 17:54

i'll try a lich promo then cause that EOA lady do not want to rest at her home.

sadly that i won't be GM at body - had to spend alot of points into body magic to be able to heal "friends" due to jester fight.

found 2 beautiful mistakes that helps to cheat the game:

1) evenmorn island rich man:
enter sun temple, kill everything there to be able to rest there. then out it and collect all gold in 2 chests near home portal pedistal - you can be lucky and even do not hurt by ghosts and gargoiles - run back to sun temple. save game and exit again... 1 hour of game time +10.000 gold =)

2) fire ring cave:
take quest to gain fire ring (emerald island cave) go there and kill that red dragons - it would be very painfull until you get paralyzing wand =) then save game and start to pick up dragon corpses... pick one or two - save and load - all 3 bodies will be there...pick again and save\load - again we got 3 bodies with gold, ultimate items and artifacts!!!
mine monks were 30 level noobs but leved that cave with +300 AC bonus and about 100 melee and ranged damages O.o i looted everything i wanted from them and still continue to go there when lack of gold for training =)
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Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 09 Jan 2011, 17:58

vladimir-maestro wrote:
found 2 beautiful mistakes that helps to cheat the game:

1) evenmorn island rich man:

2) fire ring cave:
KOOL! Glad ya found these. There are actually three other similar 'cheats' in the game.

"BDJ the Coding Wizard has moved out of the Coding Fortress, has retired from Might & Magic game modification, and now lives a peaceful life in Alto Lino, Republic de Panama.

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Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 09 Jan 2011, 21:47

i guess that 2 are gragon queen and king's caves but didn't try it - too hard to get there, emerald is easier ;)
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Unread postby Naal » 14 Jan 2011, 18:50

You actually don't need paralyze for the red dragons. If you have GM light which you can get pretty early in the game you can just cast the three buff spells and melee them to death.

For evermorn island you can also just set a beacon near the chests. Every time you return with beacon the area respawns. Also don't forget the genie lamps you can use to get max stats, skills etc.

You can also abuse the arena and not wait till Sunday as there's a teleporter near the wizard promoter.

I played Maestro mod twice and not everyone can become a Lich. I know wizard, cleric, and druid can. I remember my first play through one of my characters couldn't be turned to a Lich. Might be only magic users or something?

Once you get to the dragon king cave the cave on emerald island will take you straight to the dragon king cave. I don't remember if this was in BDJ mod, Maestro mod, or both.

Also the multiple looting trick on emerald island I only got to work on Maestro mod. I don't think that exists on Rev4. Once the body is looted it didn't come back after loading.

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