Bug in Campaign Freyda's Dilemma- Negotiations Pt 2.

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Bug in Campaign Freyda's Dilemma- Negotiations Pt 2.

Unread postby Virtual-Bird » 08 Jan 2011, 09:45

Hey all...

I've just started playin HOMM5 again after ~12mths and went back to a saved campaign game, Part II: Greetings from the Dwarves. I now remember why I gave up.

My massive army consists of Freyda with 1 Conscript. Attack 12, Defence 17.

Reading the walkthrough, it seems to be different to what I have


EVERYthing is surrounded by Hordes of creatures - even before I go through the transporter at 3 (EG artifact at blue D1. Apparently Im supposed to just pick it up) = Die

Nothing joins me anywhere I go before or after transporter.

I go thru transporter, (D2 and D3) artifacts surrounded by hordes and destroy me (again, sounds like I'm supposed to just pick em up), underground the wolves are hordes, and destroy me instantly, same for phoenix (I hit them once!), just before them on the left, there are 2 ways to go and the arena all have hordes which attack and kill me.

I cannot seem go anywhere. Is there a bug in my version, have I done something wrong before going to the Dwarves before it goes to part 2 of the game that is causing me to have this issue?

Anyone got any ideas or a clue??

Thanks VB

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Unread postby Mirez » 08 Jan 2011, 14:56

You're not supposed to have 1 conscript but a small army (the one you needed to gather to pass the garrison. I suggest you restart the map.
treants are dendrosexual 0_o

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