Some map-making questions

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Some map-making questions

Unread postby fluffe » 03 Jan 2011, 14:23

Hey guys!
I'm creating a big map for eight players, and it's going fine except for a few issues. So I'll just post my questionmarks here and hope someone picks up!

1. I'm trying to make some "mountains/hills" I've made impassable. I've tried to make it so through "Regions", but honestly, I don't get how Regions work. I create one, and name one - but 'edit' only allows me to move it around. I assume I need to chose what the reagion does through scripting? Can anyone tell me if it's only through scripting I can "edit" regions? And if that's the case, does anyone know how a simple "unpassable region" script would look like? ;-)

2. I'm trying to make a certan monster join only a specific player, and act as a normal monster to all other players. Any suggestions?

3. I'm trying to place static "armies" (like the ones at the Tribes intruduction campaign) but I can't seem to find any object that can do the job. Anyone know if there's an object that can do this, or if it's scripting that's needed?

4. Oh, and is it possible to get one hero to look like another? In other words, are the hero portraits hidden somewhere accessible in my heroes 5 folder?

5. How do I make quests through the Seer's Hut?! I remember I could just edit the object in heroes 3, but that's obviously not working now. Is this another scripting task? I so suck a scripting. Like... badly. :/

6. One more thing! How can I make a specific town only have one of the two possible creature upgrades?
Ex: in the haven town of [incert super-awesome name here], Conscripts / Marksman / Squire / Imperial Griffin / Inquisitor / Paladin / Archangel are unavailable, while Brutes / Crossbowman / Vindicator (and so forth) are available.

Any answers would be deeply appritiated!


War Dancer
War Dancer
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Unread postby Franzy » 05 Jan 2011, 07:18

1. RTFM. It's in there. Called Mask.
2. Can be done with a script.
3. Place a monster, then add stacks to it in its properties.
4. Yes! You can even use your own picture! See proiperties tree. (Ctrl+Space).
5. Again, properties tree. It's in there.
6. Yet again, it's in properties tree.

Read the manual. Please :)

Posts: 2
Joined: 03 Jan 2011

Unread postby fluffe » 05 Jan 2011, 09:48

oooh, but reading the manual seems so silly when I can get such charming answers from a great forum dweller such as yourself.

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