Xhane Q&A at CoG

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Unread postby jeff » 23 Dec 2010, 22:07

Having only one means it is pointless to have any, which means either make it so owning and losing them creates a tactical or strategic advantage, and that I do agree with.
Mala Ipsa Nova :bugsquash:

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Xhane Q&A at CoG

Unread postby hellegennes » 24 Dec 2010, 00:33

Resource management was crucial to Heroes in early to medium game, depending on the map. After a point it becomes redundant. This is realistic. This is what happened in older times when trying to build an empire. That resources become obsolete in large maps is not an issue. Low level units become obsolete too. Strategic aims change when you go deeper into the game. Also, how pointless it is depends on the mapmaker and how well encompasses mines in order to retain strategy i.e. their density and ease of access (guarded or secluded mines).

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