HOMM5 multiplayer quick question

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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HOMM5 multiplayer quick question

Unread postby Mellagon » 20 Dec 2010, 05:06

If I want to play multiplayer at home, myself and a roommate, do I need two copies of every game? (i.e. two copies of the main, the expansions, etc). Or can I just purchase one and have her also install it and both of us play from a single copy?

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Unread postby Mirez » 20 Dec 2010, 09:28

Hi Mellagon, welcome to the round table.

Well for starters, you only need tribes of the east. It's a stand alone game so there would be no point it getting h5 nilla and HoF at all (unless you want the campaigns but you can download them as mod for ToTe as well).

The good thing about ToTe is that you need no disk to play it. So you can just install it on both computers and play it through lan. If you insist to play through the online function you'll have to get 2 copies of ToTe. Or play on gameranger.
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