Heroes VI Pit Lord

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Heroes VI Pit Lord

Unread postby Kalah » 01 Dec 2010, 00:26

Based on its predecessor from Heroes V, the Pit lord is one of the better-looking creatures so far. It kinda looks like the LotR Balrog, but let's not let such a <i>bagatelle</i> spoil it ...

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:
https://www.celestialheavens.com/show_b ... php?id=422
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Heroes VI Pit Lord

Unread postby hellegennes » 01 Dec 2010, 02:43

Well, both this and the demon from the teaser, look like Balrog. And all three look like Diablo. It is clear to me that H6 developers drew inspiration from Blizzard games. Look at the howl of the demon in the teaser. Look at how it matches the howl of the Infernal in WOW's intro. It's exactly the same. That's very similar to Diablo's look and howl in the Diablo III teaser.

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Heroes VI Pit Lord

Unread postby vicheron » 01 Dec 2010, 04:22

The art in Blizzard games aren't exactly original either. Blizzard takes plenty of stuff from Dungeons and Dragons and Warhammer.

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Heroes VI Pit Lord

Unread postby hellegennes » 01 Dec 2010, 04:27

I am not talking about originality of concept, I am talking about the style being almost identical. Just have a look at these two teaser trailers (H6 and Wow) and you 'll see...

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Heroes VI Pit Lord

Unread postby vicheron » 01 Dec 2010, 06:19

I was also talking about artistic style. Blizzard practically stole the artistic style of Games Workshop, it's most obvious with Starcraft and Warcraft.

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Heroes VI Pit Lord

Unread postby hellegennes » 01 Dec 2010, 10:22

You cannot really compare static figures with animated graphics. Plus I don't bother to call it stealing; I've said "drew inspiration". And even if a comparison could hold true for Blizzard's games to Games Workshops' figures, it's completely out of the point; which is: why copy a style from a different game when you have your own series? These designs would perfectly fit to Wow games or warhammer if you insist on the correlation. But not with HoMM. It's like Rowling changing the description of Harry Potter's critters, in the later books, to match those of Tolkien.

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Heroes VI Pit Lord

Unread postby HodgePodge » 01 Dec 2010, 19:04

I mean, let's face it, there are only so many ways to draw an evil Demon (or Daemon) without it looking completely silly. :devil: :rofl:
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Heroes VI Pit Lord

Unread postby michiganjf » 01 Dec 2010, 20:32

Looks fine to me.

Just be creative about creature abilities to make play interesting and varied, and I'll be happy.

I just hope Heroes VI gives the battlefield itself more of a personality than previous versions... that, combined with creative creature abilities designed to solve various battlefield obstacles/problems will do far more for the game than worrying about what creatures look like or what they're called.

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Heroes VI Pit Lord

Unread postby michiganjf » 01 Dec 2010, 20:37

...and yes, I've played the franchise devotedly since the original King's Bounty.

I simply care more about fun and the challenges of play than I ever have about the story line, though I know others can be sticklers for continuity.

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Heroes VI Pit Lord

Unread postby JSE » 01 Dec 2010, 23:56

Okay, admittedly: This one looks no worse than his predecessor in Heroes 5. But isn't it sad that this is one of the few positive things one can say about the creature artwork so far?


@ michiganjf:

I think we all care about fun -- and most of us will probably care about strategy and challenge. Does that mean, though, that we should not criticise unsuitable stylistic decisions on the developer's side? Even for die-hard strategy players, a game's style will influence the overall enjoyment and quality of gameplay to a certain degree.
Edited on Wed, Dec 01 2010, 21:32 by JSE

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Heroes VI Pit Lord

Unread postby Bahototh » 02 Dec 2010, 07:13

Well, one thing that is positive to me is that the "evil" factions actually look quite menacing and, well, evil. The Good races look shiny and warm. One could say that's a bit of retro-vibe. Sure, some of the new troops don't look too good, but when hasn't that been the case?

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Heroes VI Pit Lord

Unread postby JSE » 03 Dec 2010, 03:24

@ Bahototh:

Does your question imply that there were some "bad" creature designs in all Heroes games? If so: Personally, I have never been so visually "turned off" by any of the New World Computing designs than by most of the "new era" artworks.

While they are professionally done (which I respect), they are often over-the-top and almost surreal. The original Heroes art was wonderfully detailed, semi-realistic, and characteristic -- the new style combines the Warcraft look with anime aesthetics to something arbitrary, boring, and partly ridiculous.

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Re: Heroes VI Pit Lord

Unread postby GreatEmerald » 03 Dec 2010, 04:34

JSE wrote:If so: Personally, I have never been so visually "turned off" by any of the New World Computing designs than by most of the "new era" artworks.

While they are professionally done (which I respect), they are often over-the-top and almost surreal. The original Heroes art was wonderfully detailed, semi-realistic, and characteristic -- the new style combines the Warcraft look with anime aesthetics to something arbitrary, boring, and partly ridiculous.
Exactly my thoughts.

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Heroes VI Pit Lord

Unread postby hellegennes » 03 Dec 2010, 05:29

Mine too.

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