Quick ultimate question

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Quick ultimate question

Unread postby JackintheMox » 14 Nov 2010, 23:06

I don't play a lot of HOMM V but I've started playing a bit more recently (TOTE). I've been playing some very large random games against the computer using Sylvan and Wyngaal and have a question about his opportunity to get the ultimate Sylvan skill, namely that I can't get it offered to me.

In the last game I played, this was my skill distribution:

Level 31:
Expert Luck -> Resourcefulness
Expert Logistics -> Silent Stalker + Pathfinding
Expert Attack -> Tactics + Archery + Battle Frenzy
Expert Light Magic -> Master of Wrath + Stormwind + Refined Mana
Expert Summoning Magic -> Master of Conjuration + Master of Earthblood + Master of Life
Rain of Arrows + Imbue Shot + Deadeye Shot + Expert Avenger

Upon hitting Level 32, I was offered two possibilities:
Scouting or Death March

I was not offered Soldier's Luck or Familiar Ground at any point, which I don't understand. According to the skillwheel, I should be able to get either skill. Not sure why I didn't get Soldier's Luck offered but shouldn't Familiar Ground be offered once I get Pathfinding and Silent Stalker or is the skillwheel outdated? Or was Wyngaal nerfed to not be allowed to get certain skills (i.e. possibility to not get Elven Luck or the Sylvan Ultimate?)

Thanks in advance!

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Unread postby nye_player » 14 Nov 2010, 23:51

the problem is that the odds were against you. the skills and abilities offered in heroes V are chance based and so you never get to guarantee what you'll be offered. this is going to dealt with in heroes VI but that's just a part of the game. what i would normally do is just leave 1 or 2 skills to advanced that way i will still have some room for error.

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Unread postby JackintheMox » 15 Nov 2010, 00:35

I agree that odds may have been against me for that particular level up but not for the entire time that those skill levels were available to me. It seems extraordinarily unlucky that I was never offered those two skills, one being available for 20+ levels and the other for at least 10-15 levels. I was more curious if Wyngaal had been denied these skills via a nerfing.

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Unread postby parcaleste » 15 Nov 2010, 06:46

This happens all the time, don't worry.

The best solution?

Find Memory Mentor.

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