Heroes 2 gameplay problems

The old Heroes games developed by New World Computing. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Heroes 2 gameplay problems

Unread postby Willie » 12 Apr 2006, 02:25

Not sure why, but I recently got the urge to play HOMM2 again.

Installation went fine, and the game starts normally. But as soon as I do anything with my hero that would usually make something "disappear" from the map (such as pick up a resource, or win a battle), the the icon doesn't disappear and the game hangs. I can hear the music and move the mouse, but can't click on anything. I must then close the whole game from task manager.

I run Windows XP if that helps.

Can anybody please help??????

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Round Table Knight
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Re: Heroes 2 gameplay problems

Unread postby Kristo » 12 Apr 2006, 03:04

Willie wrote:Not sure why, but I recently got the urge to play HOMM2 again.
Does anyone need a reason to play the best game of the series? :-D
Willie wrote:Installation went fine, and the game starts normally. But as soon as I do anything with my hero that would usually make something "disappear" from the map (such as pick up a resource, or win a battle), the the icon doesn't disappear and the game hangs. I can hear the music and move the mouse, but can't click on anything. I must then close the whole game from task manager.

I run Windows XP if that helps.

Can anybody please help??????
Are you sure the game has really hung, or just delayed due to the music not changing tracks? I'm talking a good 5-10 second delay here - enough to easily frustrate you into closing the game. The solution to that can be found in the FAQ on the Heroes I-IV forum.

Also, are you running full-screen or in a window (press F4 to switch between them)? I've had much more success on WinXP running in windowed mode.

Try both of those ideas and let us know how it goes. Other than the music, I've not experienced any problems with Heroes II on WinXP.

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Unread postby Willie » 12 Apr 2006, 21:08

No it definitely hangs. I waited a good 10 minutes just to be sure. I had already tried the music fix also, just on the off chance that would fix things, but no luck.

I just tried switching to window mode, but that doesn't help either.

Any other ideas? Please???

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Round Table Knight
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Unread postby Kristo » 13 Apr 2006, 02:55

Have you tried one of the built in Windows compatibility modes, either Win95 or Win98?

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Unread postby Willie » 13 Apr 2006, 03:13

Nope, but I just uninstalled it and reinstalled it, and now it works fine. Strange, but I'm not complaining.

Thanks for the help.

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