Unread postby legendoferthia » 09 Oct 2010, 08:19
Since the conversion from 2d to 3d, I had to make a few changes. There is still one known major problem I am going to have to fix. Due to the complexity of my treasure system, weapons, armor, and equipment names can get extremely long and it gets cut off in the menus. For instance you find a Dragon Slaying Diamond Heroic Sword of Incineration + 25. It will get cut off and you won't see the entire name... I haven't really bothered fixing this yet due to trying to get thsi story going. However, the story is my main concern right now. Once I get more into it, I will ask a few people to help test it out. I just don't want to send out a broken and incomplete demo. However, I am having a lot more time these days, so work is getting done rapidly. Today I just finished converting three more outdoor area maps from the 2d version. One thing I can promise with the 3d version is that it is going to be much bigger world to explore which adds more depth like side quests and such.
For those who are a little thrown off with the random encounter system, you shouldn't feel disappointed. I am not a big fan of random encounters myself, but I believe I have created the gameplay to be much more complex and dynamic then any final fantasy or dragon warrior game.
When I began this project, the first thing I thought was actually the random encounter system. Might and Magic isn't like that, despite 2 and 1. However, I pulled through. I adventured through my own doughts and just pushed forward. I think once you begin to play the game, you will understand a little more.
You have been pretty persistent with my project. Once this gets a little more complete, I promise you will be the first person who can test this.