What happened after the Kreegan Invasion?

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Unread postby Slayer of Cliffracers » 27 Sep 2010, 10:45

Zenofex wrote: We don't know for sure that the Venom Spawns and the Ice Demons are Kreegans. They could be just artificially created species, serving as bodyguards or support troops during an invasion or whatever. You can apply the same reasoning to the Efreeti and the Cerberi from HoMM III and say that they are different types of Kreegans (three-headed barking Kreegans sounds especially interesting), which isn't true of course. Even if the Ice Demons and the Venom Spawns are Kreegans indeed, I can't see how this changes anything.
Nobody ever draws any distinction between Venom Spawn, Cerberi and such like and the 'Kreegans' in any game I have played. It is still possible though.

If they are created to support the invasion, how come they appear in the 'Fiery Realm' as they do? Cerberi, Venom spawns, Ice Demons all of them recieve their very own island, along with Imps and Devils (the actual Kreegans by your definition).

Would the victorious Kreegans have tolerated competition for resources? Sound unlikely. They must therefore be Kreegans in the proper sense.

If that is so, then it is clear that the Kreegans are many forms of life serving some common purpose and not a single life-form.

And we know from Heroes IV that this purpose is completely at odds with the well-being of any biological life-form.
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Unread postby Corlagon » 27 Sep 2010, 16:40

Slayer of Cliffracers wrote:But yes, a 'pure' biological origin and nature for the Kreegans is completely lame. Devils are not supposed to be just 'hungry little creatures that just had too many babies'. That just inspires pity, not awe or horror. That's nature, not pure evilness.
Hardly, but here's what I think is completely lame - the perception that there actually needs to be "pure evilness" in the storyline to begin with. If you think the Kreegans are just faceless, mindless destroyers who can't be reasoned with by anyone, you musn't have finished the Half-Dead campaign. And yes, indeed, they are natural, or at least they're not particularly supernatural as far as the games imply.

To engage in some wild, unsubstantiatable speculation of my own: maybe the Kreegans are agents of primordial creatures (the Creators) who simply view the Ancients and their defiant, uber-ambitious empire as an out-of-control plague marring the universe. After all, it's the Ancients who are fecklessly tinkering around with the laws of casuality and screwing around with the balance of the natural world(s) in their quest for expansion, not the Kreegans.
Slayer of Cliffracers wrote:You have been explained multiple times already that the Kreegans are aliens, not demons/devils. You've been given proofs not only from the games (which are enough on their own), but from the statements of the people who actually created the original Might & Magic lore and still you are trying to prove that the race in question is not what it is, but what you want it to be. No offence, this is even worse than stubbornness.
Hear hear. Readers beware, the "facts" and conclusions in this thread shouldn't be taken for granted - a large percentage of what's here is pure speculation (even though its main poster hasn't bothered saying so)!
Last edited by Corlagon on 27 Sep 2010, 22:05, edited 2 times in total.

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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 27 Sep 2010, 19:39

Yea, I'm kinda tired of pointing out all the contradictions here. I'd rather spend my time adding configuration support to Arcomage Clone.

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Unread postby XEL II » 28 Sep 2010, 02:23

Corlagon, Ancients are not destructive, while the Kreegans are. They are not just attacking empire of the Ancients, they are infesting and ruining planets to support their colonies. If the Kreegan are in fact agents of the Creators, I can hardly believe that Creators are all that benevolent or safeguaring the balace of the universe. After all, they create vile, chaotic armies and their goal is to dirupt civilisations that Ancients create.

As for Slayer's "demonic Kreegans" theory, there is ABSOLUTELY no proof for that nor facts supporting it. Kreegans indeed have portals, they use them among other thing to summon reinforcements to Infernos. I think a portal was also used by several Kreegans to escape into Fiery Realm during the fall of Eeofol. Kreegans cn also teleport. But there is nothing indicating that they used portals to summon creatures from Fiery Realm. Moreover, the Fiery Realm is just one of many Kreegan-infested worlds, while you make it out to be the source of the Kreegan.
Make you strong places to dwell and practice the evil of your arts. Build great monuments to stand through the ages and remind your followers of the task with which you have been charged. Use these halls of iniquity to perpetrate your schemes against the infestation that has taken the fields and lakes of this land from you, their rightful masters. Never forget the hatred that must finally overcome and consume mankind. Dwell in your dungeons and brood. - Sheltem the Dark

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Unread postby tolich » 28 Sep 2010, 10:54

XEL II wrote:Corlagon, Ancients are not destructive.

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Unread postby Tress » 28 Sep 2010, 11:15

XEL II wrote:
Corlagon, Ancients are not destructive.
Prottos of starcraft are neither(although they are rather warlike race) but they resort to the same tactics. Actually in very many sci-fi stories/universes powers(even those who are labeled as "good") resort to full planetary purge to destroy overwhelming odds, as morally ambiguous it is .

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Unread postby Avonu » 28 Sep 2010, 11:35

tolich wrote:
XEL II wrote:Corlagon, Ancients are not destructive.
Escaton wasn't one of Ancients, he was their agent, the Guardian. He was CREATED by them. And we never met or saw any Ancients, we only heard or read about them.
Guardians can die or be killed - Corak, Sheltem, Escaton, Dragon Pharaoh in LoMM...

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Unread postby XEL II » 28 Sep 2010, 11:45

I was talking about Ancients worldcrafting/colonisation activities.
Make you strong places to dwell and practice the evil of your arts. Build great monuments to stand through the ages and remind your followers of the task with which you have been charged. Use these halls of iniquity to perpetrate your schemes against the infestation that has taken the fields and lakes of this land from you, their rightful masters. Never forget the hatred that must finally overcome and consume mankind. Dwell in your dungeons and brood. - Sheltem the Dark

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Unread postby Tress » 28 Sep 2010, 11:52

I was talking about Ancients worldcrafting/colonisation activities
Well to be devils advocate(no pun initially intended), Kreegans colonize worlds too, they just prefer to wipe them clean of humans first, but then again ancients do the same in terms of Kreegan life forms.

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Unread postby Avonu » 28 Sep 2010, 12:01

XEL II wrote:I was talking about Ancients worldcrafting/colonisation activities.
Sorry about that.
tress wrote:Well to be devils advocate(no pun initially intended), Kreegans colonize worlds too, they just prefer to wipe them clean of humans first, but then again ancients do the same in terms of Kreegan life forms.
I don't think you can call it "colonize":


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Unread postby Zenofex » 28 Sep 2010, 12:11

The Oracle indeed says it all - the Kreegans are more or less forced to do what they do if they want to survive. It's hard to moralize against the survival instinct (or whatever they have to serve its purpose). The Ancients aren't exacty saints too, given that they don't have any conscientous scrupules to destroy a planet colonized by them just because some hive-ships have landed on it - it hardly can be called a flexible self-defense. :)

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Unread postby Slayer of Cliffracers » 28 Sep 2010, 12:26

Corlagon wrote: Hardly, but here's what I think is completely lame - the perception that there actually needs to be "pure evilness" in the storyline to begin with. If you think the Kreegans are just faceless, mindless destroyers who can't be reasoned with by anyone, you musn't have finished the Half-Dead campaign. And yes, indeed, they are natural, or at least they're not particularly supernatural as far as the games imply.
A devil is not a faceless, mindless destroyer. A devil is a master manipulator, a being that in order to keep it's majesty must actually do as little as possible directly and utilize servants and slaves in it's own case, whose well-being is not it's ultimate objective. This is why in Heroes V Biara is the coolest demonic character of any Heroes game, because she behaves like a devil is supposed to.

If a demon/devil has to appear it must do so in a manner that does not make it's appearance 'cheap', in other words it only appears physically at special occasions.

To make your devils nothing but mortal biological creatures that are prepared to hurt others to get their way, is to diminish them by reducing them to the normal mundane level of evil. To make them creatures 'like us' who by no fault of their own are forced to devour others to survive inspires pity; to make us feel pity for devils is to make them utterly lame.

But if the 'demons' we encounter are beings created by the real demons, by avoiding those beings having to do the 'dirty work' they become non-lame again.
Corlagon wrote: To engage in some wild, unsubstantiatable speculation of my own: maybe the Kreegans are agents of primordial creatures (the Creators) who simply view the Ancients and their defiant, uber-ambitious empire as an out-of-control plague marring the universe. After all, it's the Ancients who are fecklessly tinkering around with the laws of casuality and screwing around with the balance of the natural world(s) in their quest for expansion, not the Kreegans.
That is very similar to what I am saying. The 'Creators' (an ironic name) inhabited the Primeval magma from which all the worlds (and their creatures) were created by the Ancients.

The Fiery Realm is that primeval magma, the Kreegans come from the Fiery Realm, but the Kreegans that land on the planet open portals to the Fiery Realm directly, which allows the summoning of more Kreegans into existence.

But to defenses placed on their planets by the ancients, there are limitations on what creatures can be summoned, they must resemble existing creatures sufficiently or those defenses will not immediately kick in and swiftly eliminate them (think Escaton on a smaller and more focused scale).

The function of these 'chaotic armies', the Kreegans is to restore everything the Ancients have made to the primeval state (the Fiery Realm). That is not their conscious objective; which is to expand and multiply. Since their function clashes with their objective; yet carrying out their objective unwittingly realizes their function, they are kept ignorant of it.

Corlagon wrote: As for Slayer's "demonic Kreegans" theory, there is ABSOLUTELY no proof for that nor facts supporting it. Kreegans indeed have portals, they use them among other thing to summon reinforcements to Infernos. I think a portal was also used by several Kreegans to escape into Fiery Realm during the fall of Eeofol. Kreegans cn also teleport. But there is nothing indicating that they used portals to summon creatures from Fiery Realm. Moreover, the Fiery Realm is just one of many Kreegan-infested worlds, while you make it out to be the source of the Kreegan.
:flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:

Sometimes I wonder why I bother writing evidence here when I could have so much more fun actually playing Heroes IV OR Might and Magic than trying to debate with a bunch of people who completely ignore anything you post.

You want evidence. Start with Heroes III, about there is absolutely no evidence in the entire game that the Kreegans have queens, are hive-based and even come from space. All evidence in the game points to the Kreegans emerging from portals to another realm, one of the dwellings is actually explicitly named a "demon gate". The Kreegans come from Infernos, the only comment on the origins of the Infernos is this.


It is clear enough that the process of raising a volcano is key to creating a new Inferno city. Who are these underlings? Is the magic of volcano creating normally taught in magic school in Erathia? It can't be easy or cheap to do that and seems an elaborate step to go to if all you need to do is land in your space-ships kill a few dragons and go home again.

In Heroes IV it is explicitly stated that the Fiery Realm is where the demons 'get their power from'. A cursory glance of the Fiery Realm is a place where all that exists is a few tiny islands, each mysteriously adapted to house a specific Kreegan creature, in a endless sea of lava AROUND the potential exit point to Axeoth. The Kreegan creatures there are also mysteriously identical to those in Axeoth (Imps, Devils, Venom Spawns, Cerberi, Ice Demons).

Given that Might and Magic is what this forum is about, look at Anskram Keep in Might and Magic XI. The Imps in Anskram Keep are obviously and explicitly building portals. The imps emerge from said portals do they not?

Is there are Kreegan Queen in Axeoth popping out baby imps that are merely being teleported in by magical (sorry technological) means? Evidently not or else we'd know about it in Heroes IV.
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Unread postby Tress » 28 Sep 2010, 13:08

I don't think you can call it "colonize":
In fact one of reasons europe colonized america was for their resources and living space. So it;s pretty much semantics, and history is written by victor things. Pretty sure Kreegan story is quite different, but in the end that thing Kreegans do can be called "colonization"
Of course Ancients do it in less destructive way, but still.

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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 28 Sep 2010, 13:37

Hmm, I wonder if there are any native life forms on any of the colonised planets. We do know that not all devils are Kreegan, but that still doesn't mean that they are native to other planets than Earth, I guess.

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Unread postby Avonu » 28 Sep 2010, 14:06

The question is: are the Kreegan natural to any planet race or artifical created/evolved race by Ancients enemy as MM3 suggested?

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Unread postby Corlagon » 28 Sep 2010, 16:16

XEL II wrote:Corlagon, Ancients are not destructive, while the Kreegans are. They are not just attacking empire of the Ancients, they are infesting and ruining planets to support their colonies. If the Kreegan are in fact agents of the Creators, I can hardly believe that Creators are all that benevolent or safeguaring the balace of the universe. After all, they create vile, chaotic armies and their goal is to dirupt civilisations that Ancients create.
Indirect or not, there are indeed Escaton and Sheltem, and all the destruction they caused. Also, keep in mind that the description "vile chaotic armies" is 100% biased - it was spat out by one of the Ancients' own computers on one of their major colonies. It's absolutely to be expected that they consider the Creators and their offspring vile and chaotic, considering they're at war - if a writer wanted to introduce the Creators, it wouldn't be a great stretch to cast them as more "benevolent" (or, at least, justified) beings than their description implies. On the other hand, the Ancients are tinkering with suns, playing with time travel, imprisoning primordial things like the Elemental Lords in their quest to "boldly go where no man has gone before"... maybe they've gone as far as they should, where the Creators are concerned.

I don't think the backstory simply amounts to "Ancients = Good, Kreegans = Evil". There are hints of moral ambiguity. For instance, if it weren't for the Kreegans' support, Axeoth would've certainly been reduced to a festering puddle full of nothing but oozing dead bodies by Kalibarr in Heroes IV.

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Unread postby Tress » 28 Sep 2010, 16:24

I don't think you can call it "colonize":
So we take Ancient created device and ask for formulation. I guess we could ask in North Korea who started war and get answer as well... Not that I think Oracles formulation would be false, but there certainly will be some bias.
there are indeed Escaton and Sheltem,
Well sheltam was just runaway wagon. That isnt really something that would make Ancients bad, on the other hand, creating such agent as Estacon includes some moral ambiguity, but I think it is seen and its moral side is discussed in sci fi stories thousands of times. General idea anyway is that worlds that are sent to be destroyed would be overrun by Kreegans eventually anyway. Enroth/Antagarich was somewhat exception to rule.
I don't think the backstory simply amounts to "Ancients = Good, Kreegans = Evil". There are hints of moral ambiguity. For instance, if it weren't for the Kreegans' support, Axeoth would've certainly been reduced to a festering puddle full of nothing but oozing dead bodies by Kalibarr in Heroes IV.
Well while I agree to fact that ancient formulation cant be taken as 100% truth, fact that Kreegans helped avert another Armageddon, wasn't really motivated by some sort of high morale principles of said "creatures". Beisdes if there wouldnt be one, there would probably be another way, just recruiting kreegan lord was fastest and most convenient way.
P.S Gauldoth should have some shame in calling himself savior, specially after fact that it was him that fished Kallibar out, restored his power , and gave artifacts of immense strenght without giving second thought in first place. After he fixes crap he's quite responsible for, he calls himself savior......

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Unread postby Corlagon » 28 Sep 2010, 16:36

I think it was Gauldoth himself who said "without Suraze, I have no chance of defeating Kalibarr before the Convergence strikes" or something to that effect. Of course you can actually win the scenario without his help, but that's immaterial.

Whatever their moral intentions, the Kreegans did actually help save the world and this is lampshaded in the story, which I think is decent evidence that they are absolutely not to be considered a race of cookie-cutter villains.

I assume Gauldoth calling himself "your saviour" is tongue-in-cheek humour on his part (in the same monologue, he mentions that he despises the fanatics who believe in saviours to begin with).

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Unread postby XEL II » 28 Sep 2010, 17:06

Heroes III doesn't say Kreegan emerge from the portal to another realm AT ALL.
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Unread postby Zenofex » 28 Sep 2010, 18:46

@Slayer, indeed you shouldn't bother arguing - just play the M&M games, enjoy them and maybe after several months or so you will be zealously fighting your own current arguments.
The question is: are the Kreegan natural to any planet race or artifical created/evolved race by Ancients enemy as MM3 suggested?
They could be naturally evolved species, "adopted" by the Creators and sent on collision course with the Ancients. Or they could be some kind of sentient bio-robots as you say. But we are lacking any substantial background information about the Creators or the Ancients to make any claims.
By the way, weren't the Kreegans called an "elder race"?

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