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Unread postby protecyon » 17 Oct 2005, 06:03

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:

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Unread postby hahakocka » 17 Oct 2005, 06:03

Good news but exaxtly when will the demo release?

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Unread postby Marcus333 » 17 Oct 2005, 08:48

I like that the demo will be released well before the game. That's nice. Also the grail is back. That's good too. And the square grid.

But no old heroes... Kind of sad, but true...

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Unread postby LindaG » 17 Oct 2005, 10:59

I am excited to see the demo. It is sad that none of the old heroes will be there, but I'm okay with that.

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Unread postby Anthriel » 17 Oct 2005, 12:29

Trusting the AI programmers? Now that is a funny way to anounce the lack of a feature ...

It almost makes it sound as if this feature wouldn't have any merit, even though it definately does have.

Also, I'm somewhat sad about the absence of Sandro. It's not as if they would have to use his history or anything. Just a random lich named Sandro would have made me more happy about the game. :/
Edited on Mon, Oct 17 2005, 06:32 by Anthriel

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Unread postby Falsted » 17 Oct 2005, 12:34

Yeah, to lose the old Heroes is going to suck :( But I guess it was kinda expected.
Edited on Mon, Oct 17 2005, 06:35 by Falsted

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Unread postby hahakocka » 17 Oct 2005, 12:50

And what mean that well before? It can that tha game demos will be release in earlier for example that I liked in December for Chrismas?

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Unread postby paz666 » 17 Oct 2005, 13:37

Why the square grid? I think it looks so limited compared to the hexagonal grid. I can't recall any old heroes games using square grids? Must be prior to Homm 3 then..

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Unread postby dragonn » 17 Oct 2005, 13:46

What no Crag Hack, Sandro or Adela! Even Bron was lost in action. Well I should have guessed that Nival will trick us, but then again it is not so important (who am I kidding :( ). Can wait for the demo though...
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Unread postby Sikon » 17 Oct 2005, 13:53

Larisa said that the square grid allowed for 8 directions instead of 6 and for more strategic freedom overall.

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Unread postby Anthriel » 17 Oct 2005, 16:57

I don't buy that. With a square grid, it will be extremely hard to block enemy creatures. Position of creatures will be less important, because it will be easier to circumvent them.

Furthermore, square grid tend to be rather illogical. Diagonal movement is either a lot faster, or a lot slower than it should be.
Edited on Mon, Oct 17 2005, 10:58 by Anthriel

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Unread postby jeff » 17 Oct 2005, 20:58

It is very disappointing that the old heroes will not return and I can not think of any real reason for this, so I guess mapmakers will have to keep them alive.
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Unread postby CloudRiderX » 17 Oct 2005, 22:06

Man, what a bummer. I kinda knew from the start, so it doesn't depress me as much, but it still irritating that they won't be adding ANY, let alone a few. I mean, that was always fun for me, using characters in h4 that were in h2 and h3. Sandro has been there from the beginning, also, Lord Haart, Christian, Crag Hack, Darkstorm, just to name a few. And what's with the square grid? Thats so boring and simple, its nice to see creatures face directions besides forward, like in h4.
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Unread postby kurios » 18 Oct 2005, 00:17


magic system not based on factions....that might be good. So i guess you'll be able to learn what spells you want (or can find). That might make magic kinda boring though...i thought magic in HOMM# was boring. But then i played 4 before i played 3 so maybe its a perspective thing. In HOMM3 you just tried to earn the same effective spells and the rest just go unused. With more of a restricted magic system you have to use the ones you get and they become part of your strategy. Maybe not....let just wait and see.

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Unread postby CloudRiderX » 18 Oct 2005, 01:05

Yeah, h3 was somewhat repetitive, because everyone wanted the same spells. I only use damage spells in h3. But in h4, you use anything you have. The h4 system was fun, if they made it more balanced though, it would be perfect. What i wonder about though is why they don't just try out the might and magic spell groups. Mind, Body, Spirit, maybe add Light and Dark....
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Unread postby Lord_Haart » 18 Oct 2005, 10:07

Perhaps we'll be able to name our heroes? That would solve everything, no?

And of course their campaign isn't about old heroes, but we can make campaigns for the oldies. (I shottgun the name "Revenge is Sweet" for my map >:)

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Unread postby Akul » 18 Oct 2005, 11:57

What more answers I get, that more it is confirmed H5 is MOSTLY the clone of H3. Removing great thing from H4 is a stupid idea. Here's why:

No caravans?!

In H3 I hated recruiting, ehm, heroes just too transport my creatures from dweling to castle or from one castle to another. Frustration level will grow up again in H5.

Spells will not be based on faction?!

In H4 was great that every town had its own magic school. That made it unique and every town would need to use another strategy. In H3 way you have only one strategy and thats it.

Spells sometimes failing?!

Where to the hell is there strategy?! One spell becomes responsible for you loss. This is gona be fan!!! :D

I don't want to say anything else. I am preparing to wait for Heroes of Might and Magic 6. Perhaps it won't be a clone of H5!

To Lord_Hart:

No, we won't. Why? Because it is a H4 feature. If you didn't know, clicking on Heroes name in the tavern made you possible to change heroes name. And as you can see, there won't be any other H4 feature besides Fog of War (what every normal strategy today has) and 2 towns wearing H4 names (Academy & Heaven)
Edited on Tue, Oct 18 2005, 05:59 by Sauron
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Unread postby 5t14z » 18 Oct 2005, 11:59

I read somewhere, that this Larissa was a H3 fan and hated H4 or worse don not even mention it.

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Unread postby dragonn » 18 Oct 2005, 13:05

Yeah, I think that the magic system in H4 was better and more interesting. Each town had it's own strategy like summoning in Nature or offense in Chaos. The only bad thing about it was the fact that there were too many levels of abilities to aquaire, and so to master all abilities you would have to aquaire level 125! Well I know there were buildings to help you with it, but it was a problem to do so.

And Lord_Haart: the heroes would not have their own personalities = no uniqe hero abilities like +5% to Magic Talent with Sandro or speciality Dragons for Mutare.

It would be fine if Nival designers used their idea from Etherlords in Heroes V. The Heroes there were similiar in shapes, but they had diffrent faces, coulors or weapons they held. Maybe they could do it for the heroes in Heroes :). This would add some more personality for each hero...
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Unread postby dragonn » 18 Oct 2005, 13:08

Oh yeah, and caravans was not a bad idea afterall. I think they should have stayed in the game...
Edited on Tue, Oct 18 2005, 07:11 by dragonn
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