Heroes VI Vampire Art

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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 04 Sep 2010, 22:07

Actually, they have stealth, so they don't attack people in the battlefield, but instead wait while they go to sleep, infiltrate their camp and drink blood at night.

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Unread postby Rion » 05 Sep 2010, 09:21

ThunderTitan wrote:That's why vampires have super-strength, so the can pry off the pesky armour from around the victim's neck before biting.
GreatEmerald wrote:Actually, they have stealth, so they don't attack people in the battlefield, but instead wait while they go to sleep, infiltrate their camp and drink blood at night.
All this really proves is that everyone have their own view on how Vampires behave.
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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 05 Sep 2010, 10:18

Indeed. The MM tradition about vampires is quite different, too. We often see them on the battlefield, in HoMM3 they use their hands to suck blood, in HoMM4 they generate an energy field from their mouths, in MM8 they can't be in direct sunlight without the Nightshade amulet, although I think that it's just very inconvenient for them, but not lethal. Destroy Undead light is, though, but it's not just ordinary light.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 05 Sep 2010, 11:14

GreatEmerald wrote:in HoMM3 they use their hands to suck blood,
What did you think i based my argument of how they should attack on?! And they also did that in HoMM2...
Rion wrote: All this really proves is that everyone have their own view on how Vampires behave.
That's because everybody and their grandmother started making up their won stuff about it once vampires became popular...

But my point up there was about Heroes vampires and how they where originally envisioned, attacking with their hands and heads...
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Unread postby Rion » 05 Sep 2010, 11:43

ThunderTitan wrote: That's because everybody and their grandmother started making up their won stuff about it once vampires became popular...
If by "once they became" you mean "from the very first books about Vampires", then yes. According to the original european myths about Vampires, Vampires are non-sentient corpses whose only thought is feed on humans and they can be recognized because they (among other things) have eyebrows meeting over the nose, hairy palms and all fingers are equally long.
But my point up there was about Heroes vampires and how they where originally envisioned, attacking with their hands and heads...
From what I know about the Heroes series, a lot of things have changed from how they were originally envisioned. I always hated the Vampires of Heroes IV, and avoided them whenever I could.
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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 05 Sep 2010, 19:00

Of course, venom spawn are a whole lot better than vampires - without them, Necropolis doesn't have any ranged troops!

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 06 Sep 2010, 08:46

Rion wrote:
ThunderTitan wrote: That's because everybody and their grandmother started making up their won stuff about it once vampires became popular...
If by "once they became" you mean "from the very first books about Vampires", then yes. According to the original european myths about Vampires, Vampires are non-sentient corpses whose only thought is feed on humans and they can be recognized because they (among other things) have eyebrows meeting over the nose, hairy palms and all fingers are equally long.
How is something that stops to count beads or seeds you throw in the ground non-sentient?!

And Dracula (which wasn't the first book about it though) had some of those disgusting features too btw.

Plus, some of the features that come from folk beliefs are actually taken from other blood sucking creatures that we call vampires now because we feel the need to put all creatures that have some features in common under the same name for some reason... i mean the chinese "vampire" doesn't even suck blood.
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Unread postby Tress » 06 Sep 2010, 10:46

Long pale hair is getting little cliche for vampires/sentient undead(Kain , Artahs) but nonetheless looks cool.
Each writer makes their own vampires and there is nothing wrong with that as long as they retain core vampire features. Changing one or two is not that bad. Even World of Darkness vampires differ alot from Stokers, but both are considered normal vampire concepts.
At least one theory why people see vampires as they are is because of rabid bats that bit people that made them inadequate and sensitive to bright light.
And they really need to stop giving Vampires swords
It is bit odd they can drain health with sword, and for example vampire units in new king bounty can drain health only in bat form, and not while in rapier armed humanoid form. But first is fact that HOMM vampires are not vampires in classic sense. They are either evolved liches, or ritually transformed humans.Secondly there are alot of good vampire concepts around that use swords, Legacy of Kain, Kain for example.
That's why vampires have super-strength, so the can pry off the pesky armour from around the victim's neck before biting.
Perhaps works on peasants with pitchforks, but I am sure that if they go to battle with adequate enemy like pit fiends,sword can prove to be more than handy. I would even say that biting treants with fangs would be awkward at best.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 07 Sep 2010, 06:54

tress wrote:Secondly there are alot of good vampire concepts around that use swords, Legacy of Kain, Kain for example.
Yeah, and while he uses any of the Reavers he doesn't feed, the sword does (with soul or blood, depending on it's state at the time).
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Unread postby Kalah » 07 Sep 2010, 11:59

Like I said, take it off, hand it to the enemy and say: "Here, hold this."
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