Heroes VI pictures

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby Soronarr » 31 Aug 2010, 07:29

I had no trouble telling them apart.
I mean the general design...The color selection could be a bit more brighter, but they wanted a dark and gritty feel.

The models are very detailed and beautifly animated....the higher-lvl ones can sometimes be a bit more...redicolous. But for the most part - awesome design.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 31 Aug 2010, 07:40

Well the art is pretty good for most, but the engine is really annoying, everything looks like it's made from paper mache or something, and the adv map is where the blending in is most annoyingly present. And the game is buggy as hell... but at least they're patching it rather regularly...

But the art really doesn't fit Heroes, and being darker was always Disciples' thing. I really don't get why you all want every game you play to be the same...
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Unread postby Soronarr » 31 Aug 2010, 07:49

Who said I want every game to be the same?

You fail at reading comprehension.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 31 Aug 2010, 08:07

Soronarr wrote:Who said I want every game to be the same?

You fail at reading comprehension.
Because you didn't say you wanted the art to be more like in Disciples at all... (and other people want other features in, it was aimed at them too, not just you).
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Unread postby Soronarr » 31 Aug 2010, 10:34

So how does that translate into "all games are the same"? Enlighten me.

B.t.w. - the heroes franchise didn't have a single art style trought it's existence, so saying that art style isn't Hereos is a bit daft. The art style is whatever the developers make it to be.

And when I say "more like disciples" I mean more realistic in terms or proportions and general design. It doesn't mean "paint everything brown". Disciples 3 overdid it a bit with that, but it did have nice and vibrant graphics in some places (forests, grass)

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Unread postby Humakt » 31 Aug 2010, 14:53

Archaven wrote:Would like it if they could remove the turn based mechanism in adventure map. I had like more of King's Bounty: The Legend and Armored Princess more than Heroes now due to this factor. Maybe it's bad for multiplayer but i had really hoped it would be like KB. Now this is a radical change.. Most probably would anger thousands of purist Heroes fan. But i used to be a Heroes fan, i just somehow like the free roam in adventure map more. As stated just by personal preference :)
World is full of RTS-games, we don't want another one. And King's Bounty is not even a strategy game.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 31 Aug 2010, 16:28

Soronarr wrote:
B.t.w. - the heroes franchise didn't have a single art style trought it's existence, so saying that art style isn't Hereos is a bit daft. The art style is whatever the developers make it to be.
Until H5 you could say it did, and it was always somewhat brighter style, with H3 being the less brightest.
So how does that translate into "all games are the same"? Enlighten me.
Because wanting to make it more like another game in any way is how it starts. Remember, i wasn't saying you want them to be the same in everything... but it is a slippery slope, innit.
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Unread postby Soronarr » 01 Sep 2010, 11:14

I've never seen a more bull**** argument. Ever.

There is slippery slope.
Dear Lord, some other game handeled a specific issue/element better, and I?d like H6 to learn from that.....HORRIFIYNG! I FELL TO THE DARK SIDE!!! :hoo:

OH, woe is me! :(

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Unread postby ecsunotos » 02 Sep 2010, 00:50

Humakt wrote: And King's Bounty is not even a strategy game.
What's the definition of strategy game ?

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 02 Sep 2010, 06:17

Soronarr wrote:^
There is slippery slope.
Dear Lord, some other game handeled a specific issue/element better, and I?d like H6 to learn from that.....HORRIFIYNG! I FELL TO THE DARK SIDE!!! :hoo:

OH, woe is me! :(
Except that it didn't handle it better in any objective way, it handled it differently (darker art) and you liked it better... and putting in an art style that is basically the opposite of the one used in 1-4 alters the feel of the game (just look at H5, feels totally weird).
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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 02 Sep 2010, 14:40

Err... "the one they used in 1-4"?
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Unread postby Nelgirith » 02 Sep 2010, 15:38

ecsunotos wrote:
Humakt wrote: And King's Bounty is not even a strategy game.
What's the definition of strategy game ?
Definately not KB. KB is about as strategic as a Doom-like ;|

Cast huge AE spell, use superdwagon-skill, send in the dragons, get to next fight.

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Unread postby ecsunotos » 03 Sep 2010, 02:32

Never play KB :P
I thought KB is TBS, because it is a predecessor of HoMM series (?)

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 03 Sep 2010, 10:10

Nelgirith wrote:
ecsunotos wrote:
Humakt wrote: And King's Bounty is not even a strategy game.
What's the definition of strategy game ?
Definately not KB. KB is about as strategic as a Doom-like ;|

Cast huge AE spell, use superdwagon-skill, send in the dragons, get to next fight.
That's not it not being a strategy game, it's having some OP strategies, chess is still a strategy game even if one players has nothing but Queens instead of the regular pieces.
Gaidal Cain wrote:Err... "the one they used in 1-4"?
i mean what the different styles had in common, just like the Disciples games have a certain darker style to their art. And H5 had in common with Warcraft3.
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Unread postby ketchua » 04 Sep 2010, 00:48

Nelgirith wrote:KB is about as strategic as a Doom-like ;|
Imma guess that you haven't tried playing on "impossible" mode?

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 07 Sep 2010, 08:33


[img]http://www.heroworld.net/screenshot/h6/ ... zine-3.jpg[/img]

If those are the 5 siblings, then it looks like one of the towns will be an Air faction... and the other the Elves?!

Haven and Inferno are obvious, but i can't figure out which of the 2 on the right are Necropolis, they're both a bit pale, but the one on the far right seems to have the spider legs motif "wings" on her clothes...

But the insubstantial looking guy is the most interesting... maybe we're getting the Free Cities as a faction (which means another human faction i guess, hopefully one with more non-human units in it)?!
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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 07 Sep 2010, 08:49

The one in green is a Sylvan, duuh. And the one on the far right is Necro, she's got a hood and an evil smirk.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 07 Sep 2010, 09:07

That's what i tohugh too, but the necro is also green, and they're both pale... annoying.
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Unread postby Tress » 07 Sep 2010, 09:22

Cast huge AE spell, use superdwagon-skill, send in the dragons, get to next fight.
Works until you understand that those 3-4 k damage you do on 50k health stack is nothing and you have drained 2/3 of mana pool in first turn(at least in original it went that way, on princess high magic is bit cut on that matter). Then you have to improvise.
Haven and Inferno are obvious, but i can't figure out which of the 2 on the right are Necropolis, they're both a bit pale, but the one on the far right seems to have the spider legs motif "wings" on her clothes...
95% far right is necro, as they have tendency for hoods,spider motif and her face looks more devious, also one without hood have golden hair rather than pale(can be just reflection thou). Other pale person doesnt strike me as necromancer.Might as well be associated with elves.
Far left - can only speculate , might as well be wizard in invisibility. Hard to believe they would add free cities as extra faction filled with humans, then again they worship air dragon.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 07 Sep 2010, 09:38

Maybe she's pale because it's not the wood elves she's with (and the Black Dragon is still in, as it should be, or this will be the first game without it - purple or not in the first one)... but still, the glowing green is necro's thing in the screen so far... but now it looks like another faction has it too...
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