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The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby vicheron » 21 Aug 2010, 23:56

Mitzah wrote:Yes, but they said they wanted to make bigger maps this time.
Bigger compared to what game? Maps in Heroes 5 were much smaller than maps in Heroes 3 and 4.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 22 Aug 2010, 13:28

No way they can make them as big as when the game was 2D... maybe in 10 years.

But bigger then H5's should be possible by now.
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Unread postby ecsunotos » 30 Aug 2010, 04:57

What ever the system requirement will be, I hope I will afford it !!!

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Unread postby Znork » 30 Aug 2010, 07:27

One of the bigest problems for h5 was that it could not run on the onbard g cards of newer laptops. So i would belive minimum would be for laptops to run it.

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Unread postby Mirez » 30 Aug 2010, 10:28

Even the few seconds of load time it takes for the AI to move in heroes 3 pisses me off. I guess nowadays we aren't used to waiting for anything anymore. I remember I got the 'instant travel bug' in the last campaign. It was a pain in the ass waiting 20 minutes for the AI to move around but even more to replay the map. :s
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 31 Aug 2010, 06:32

I think they're putting something in the water to make us have no patience...
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Unread postby Raelag84 » 08 Sep 2010, 20:47

I am kind of ignorant of computers, but it so happens I will be buying a new one and I would like it to be able play HOMM 6 when it comes out.

any suggestions?

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Unread postby Kalah » 08 Sep 2010, 21:48

Any "gaming PC" you buy today will most likely be able to run H6 without much difficulty.
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Unread postby King Imp » 09 Sep 2010, 02:45

Raelag84 wrote:I am kind of ignorant of computers, but it so happens I will be buying a new one and I would like it to be able play HOMM 6 when it comes out.

any suggestions?

Here's my suggestion. Buy a new one in March when the game is scheduled to be released. This way you have the most up to date system out there.

If I can swing the money, that's what I plan on doing.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 09 Sep 2010, 08:50

And you could keep an eye on this for inspiration: ... 31990.html
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Demistfying The Specs

Unread postby rainwilds » 23 Jan 2011, 04:10

For those talking about upgrading their computers to a 'gaming machine'; you most likely wont need too because Heroes 5 was a single threaded application using only a single core out of todays 4-core CPUs. That is why many of us, even though we have good gaming PCs, still find HoMM5 slow and laggy.

My hope is that the developers redesigned the gaming engine to now take advantage of multiple cores. For those of you who may not know what I'm talking about here's an analogy:

Its a bit like having more elves (cores) under one roof (CPU) delivering and processing Santa's (data) pressies! The more workers the faster the delivery! Intel CPUs featuring multi-cores have existed since 2005! So high time for fast Heroes gaming!

The other thing that will hopefully be utilised well is the graphics card. The new 6 series ATI cards can process DirectX 11 games. Since the game has been in development a few years ago chances are it will be DirectX 9 but hopefully 10 with all of its lovely eye candies!

So if you have a Dual or Quad core processor there's no need to upgrade I would predict. That is unless they still (begrudgingly) are utilising only a single core; in which case having the latest CPU with a faster clock speed will help.

One last techo thing. Heroes 5 is 32bit; which effectivly means it is limited in how much computer memory it can use. Which is another reason why Huge and Impossible maps are so slow; there just isn't enough memory available to store the map. Hopefully they've had the time to program the game for 64bit PCs; in which case your PC with 4GB+ of RAM will be used. Impossible maps will become possible!

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Re: Demistfying The Specs

Unread postby TheUndeadKing » 24 Jan 2011, 14:25

rainwilds wrote:Since the game has been in development a few years ago chances are it will be DirectX 9 but hopefully 10 with all of its lovely eye candies!
The game will definitely support DirectX 9, because the game has to be able to run on Windows XP. My guess is there will be some DirectX 10 & 11 effects for Windows Vista/7 users, but nothing major or spectacular.
rainwilds wrote:One last techo thing. Heroes 5 is 32bit; which effectivly means it is limited in how much computer memory it can use. Which is another reason why Huge and Impossible maps are so slow; there just isn't enough memory available to store the map.
Haha, it's not because it's 32bit, it's because H5 was badly optimized! A well optimized 32bit turn based strategy game should never require more than 2GB RAM, let alone 4GB RAM.
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Re: Demistfying The Specs

Unread postby rainwilds » 25 Jan 2011, 02:48

TheUndeadKing wrote:Haha, it's not because it's 32bit, it's because H5 was badly optimized! A well optimized 32bit turn based strategy game should never require more than 2GB RAM, let alone 4GB RAM.
Yeah you are right to a point: however, Crysis is a 64bit game and does utilise the additional RAM. Keep in mind though that it is a first person-shooter with a heavy 3D environment. Heroes probably would run the same 32 or 64bit.

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