Your likes/dislikes in Heroes6 game design

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby admira99 » 20 Aug 2010, 03:58

- Creature art so far: Griffin have a much better pose now compare to HV to say a few
- town convert

- Rumor said about no town screen that is the biggest letdown, all heroes game has them and they always been part of heroes game literally and one of many reason why I keep coming back to play the game, a big no-no

Mixed feeling:
- 4 resources: so far I can't really tell and rumors said about unique resource.
- Initiative: In HV, HV's Initiative is one of my favorite feature in HV. But yes the balancing probably an issue here since one unit can move twice while others extremely slow. But I'll leave the judgment after real play
- Linked Mine to Town. While this is probably good but the method of the feature itself still lack of detail. This is my suggestion/guess:
1. Linked Mines must be build and can be linked to any town of your choice. The cost and build time (in days) will be determined on the range form the considered mines to the town of choice.
- Heroes unique ability and skill (there is no longer random choices): Probably good, need a very careful implementation. If implemented perfectly, you will get a very good list of heroes with unique playing style. But I'll leave at it. Observing this new feature for now.

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Unread postby innokenti » 20 Aug 2010, 09:47

Pol wrote: (PS The above mentioned trickery does featured only sw renderer or you was able to reactivate some true hw engine? I remember that I wasn't. Originally played this game on Ati Rage pro card and was spoiled by its graphic quality. SW renderer is nothing compared to this.)
Well, a couple of years ago I did have access to a computer roughly from the time which had an ATI Monster (was it ATI? can't remember) which did the trick for HW rendering.

But more recently I've played it using just software rendering on my netbook. Satisfying! :D

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Unread postby Banedon » 20 Aug 2010, 11:20

Probably my biggest dislike about Heroes 6 so far is that it looks so very very much like Heroes 5. In fact given the screenshots I've seen so far it might be possible to fool some casual players that the screen is from Heroes 5 when it really is from Heroes 6. That isn't possible from any of the previous Heroes series.

I like the idea of being able to convert towns. I've seen that before from Age of Wonders (I believe - never played that game beyond the demo). Only danger is that now owning two towns is a far bigger advantage than owning one.

Lack of an initiative system is fine and maybe even preferable, because the random nature of how units end up on the "next-to-move" sequence can have dramatic consequences. However, it also means you can't have fast-and-slow creatures like H5 Treants anymore ...

For everything else, I'd wait for more info to comment. Haven't read most of the posts in this thread as well but this caught my eye:
For those who don't know how WoG does down changing:
You need to demolish all the town buildings first- and each one done in a single day gets progressively more expensive. You also need to have a sufficiently strong force to do this (as the town residents don't want the town destroyed!). Once you destroy the village hall, then the town becomes a deserted town- you lose ownership, and nobody can enter for a week. After that time, you can recapture the razed town and build a new village hall of your hero's type, or the original type (one WoG hero specialty is to rebuild any town type)

For any reasonably built town, this takes around 3 weeks game time. Even if you have the large resources needed to demolish everything in one day (or the town is low level), it still takes a week- and then you have an empty town to build from scratch.
The only problem with that is it'd have no practical use. 3 weeks is a long time, and if you have to invest resources into destroying the town as well ... then why not just keep it there and reap the rewards from the Village Hall? 500g / turn is better than nothing. If you have to keep your hero there as well to destroy buildings, then, well, I don't think anyone would destroy the towns.
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Unread postby Metal Wolf » 20 Aug 2010, 14:21

I think (and hope!) that there is a misunderstanding about H6 having no town screens.

As far as i know, it was said that the player will be able to see how much the town is developed just by looking at it from the adventure map and without the need to enter it. That doesn't contrast having town screens after all.

On a personal note, I don't think any developing team would DARE removing one of the features that represent and related to HOMM so much.

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Unread postby MattII » 20 Aug 2010, 19:25

1. Possibility of new creatures
2. The in-battle graphics

On the fence:
1. Two types of Heroes
2. Town Conversion
3. Only 5 towns
4. New hero progression options (I want more info before I decide)

1. Only 4 resources
2. Mines linked to towns
3. Adventure map scale is still way off
4. Removed initiative
5. Battlefields are still too small
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 20 Aug 2010, 19:43

admira99 wrote: - Initiative: In HV, HV's Initiative is one of my favorite feature in HV. But yes the balancing probably an issue here since one unit can move twice while others extremely slow. But I'll leave the judgement after real play
You do realise that's incredibly easy to fix by just having the values be close enough that you'd only get the fastest unit having 4 moves for every 3 the slowest makes...

Of course that would also require longer battles, with a wider battlefield etc... actually i never got why H5 needed faster battles... aren't battles more interesting for people who aren't that much into TBS anyhow?!

[quote="Bane"The Man"don"] Lack of an initiative system is fine and maybe even preferable, because the random nature of how units end up on the "next-to-move" sequence can have dramatic consequences.[/quote]

Instead of random they could just have it start normally with the fastest unit... maybe with a bonus from any movement skills the hero has.
Probably my biggest dislike about Heroes 6 so far is that it looks so very very much like Heroes 5. In fact given the screenshots I've seen so far it might be possible to fool some casual players that the screen is from Heroes 5 when it really is from Heroes 6. That isn't possible from any of the previous Heroes series.
You seriously need to play more 3D games... sure, it's the same engine (or close), but the colour palette alone differentiates it enough.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 20 Aug 2010, 19:50

MattII wrote: On the fence:
1. Two types of Heroes
What?! Why?!
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Unread postby MattII » 20 Aug 2010, 21:09

My views on the issue are complex, part of me wants it because it provides more opportunities than a single type of hero, but I have a few ideas in mind that might make having fixed hero types obsolete.

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Unread postby danijel1990 » 20 Aug 2010, 21:39

Metal Wolf wrote:I think (and hope!) that there is a misunderstanding about H6 having no town screens.

As far as i know, it was said that the player will be able to see how much the town is developed just by looking at it from the adventure map and without the need to enter it. That doesn't contrast having town screens after all.

On a personal note, I don't think any developing team would DARE removing one of the features that represent and related to HOMM so much.
I totally agree, removing such feature would not be a good move but I like the idea of a town expanding on the adventure map, it's surely gonna be an eye candy:))...
Also, how come only 4 resources? That would really suck if trying to build up 2 towns at the same time as the same resource is needed in both of them..
Who will stand against Titans if there's no Dungeon (and no Black Dragons as well)?
Converting towns? No thank you..xD

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 20 Aug 2010, 22:44

MattII wrote:My views on the issue are complex, part of me wants it because it provides more opportunities than a single type of hero, but I have a few ideas in mind that might make having fixed hero types obsolete.

Are you sure you're not confusing this with another game?! Except 5 and 4 all the Heroes games had heroes just start out with random skills that where thematically appropriate (might for might heroes, magic for magic heroes), and almost unique to that hero (there where more heroes then combinations though).
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Unread postby MattII » 20 Aug 2010, 23:07

ThunderTitan wrote: Are you sure you're not confusing this with another game?! Except 5 and 4 all the Heroes games had heroes just start out with random skills that where thematically appropriate (might for might heroes, magic for magic heroes), and almost unique to that hero (there where more heroes then combinations though).
Well since each type of hero is more inclined towards a certain type of skill, so there will be more variety. Not that much admittedly, not like in H1-4 where you could put pretty much any faction's creature with any hero and not have to worry about morale or skills or anything, but it will provide a little bit more variety.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 21 Aug 2010, 12:03

MattII wrote:
ThunderTitan wrote: Are you sure you're not confusing this with another game?! Except 5 and 4 all the Heroes games had heroes just start out with random skills that where thematically appropriate (might for might heroes, magic for magic heroes), and almost unique to that hero (there where more heroes then combinations though).
Well since each type of hero is more inclined towards a certain type of skill, so there will be more variety. Not that much admittedly, not like in H1-4 where you could put pretty much any faction's creature with any hero and not have to worry about morale or skills or anything, but it will provide a little bit more variety.
I think you misunderstood... i meant how where not h1-3's heroes basically un-fixed hero types... their classes where just basically backstory.
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Unread postby yodus » 21 Aug 2010, 16:59

-New graphic with correct characters proportions, and lot of animations
-Necropolis art Egyptian-style with Sphinx replacing bone dragon and pyramid town look (great idea!)
-World/Maps design (at least those on revealed screenshots) - it looks splendidly
- Town conversions - why not
- Heroes of Might and Heroes of Magic separation
- Town control area
- Adventure map detailed towns
- Black hole - i have played Mark of Chaos (because i loved dark omen) and i wasn't disappointed, graphic and art-style was very good
- heaven creatures looks pretty good
- Alternative town development paths (or it's a rumor ?)

Mixed feelings:
- 4 resources, it's not a such a bad idea, but i will miss sulfur, mercury and gems. Maybe now resources will be more important on further part of the game, not only on beginnings
- looks of Vampire lord, eeh it's much more better than HV, but..
- No initiative - which always makes me pissed of when playing against Sylvan, but i must admit that initiative made heroes V more unpredictable and dynamic
- "windowed" town screens - i'm worried about this. Separated screen gives more art potential. Hope that will be done with a taste

- only 5 factions !?
- battlefields 12x12 are to small in case of huge battles.
- undead green-glowing elements right from Heroes V - i'think eyes of undeads should be hollow and black (some how scary) -not glowing techno-parade-colored christmas tree . One good thing that skin is no more green (HV fat-zombie - extreme fail) but white-pale

- Do you think that they will implement a alternative upgrades ? I think it was one of the best Niveal team ideas - with the small effort (couple of new textures and statistics) it brings a lot of diversity to the game
- I hope that developers will make a powerful editor, that would give community chance to great mods and maps. (I don't expect power of Starcraft 2 editor)

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Unread postby MistWeaver » 21 Aug 2010, 18:32

yodus wrote:undead green-glowing elements right from Heroes V - i'think eyes of undeads should be hollow and black (some how scary) -not glowing techno-parade-colored christmas tree . One good thing that skin is no more green (HV fat-zombie - extreme fail) but white-pale
couldn't agree more on that ^
yodus wrote: Questions:
- Do you think that they will implement a alternative upgrades ? I think it was one of the best Niveal team ideas - with the small effort (couple of new textures and statistics) it brings a lot of diversity to the game
No, it was already noted that there will be only 1 upgrade for each creature. And I personally would like them to keep it this way.

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Unread postby Mirez » 21 Aug 2010, 18:44

really? damn that sucks, I really enjoyed having 2 upgrades

although I must confess I chose the same upgrades 99% of the time just because they were better and I just liked the new extra units ^_^
treants are dendrosexual 0_o

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Town window

Unread postby yodus » 21 Aug 2010, 21:07 - according to latest news this is town window. This is what i was worried about, interface cut-down to minimum :( No place for artistic landscapes and views. So disappointing..

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Unread postby Kosh » 21 Aug 2010, 21:19

I'm on the fence about so much. Castle control area, 4 resources, fewer factions. There's potential to go either way, like/dislike, depending on how it actually works in-game.

I am disliking the fact that I'm worrying about whether this is even going to 'feel' like a HoMM game or not :/ Especially with this focus on "RPG"... HoMM is a Turn-Based STRATEGY series... so as long s they don't forget that I still have hope :)

A definite dislike I can give though is the Square battlefield! I reallyyy miss the Hex field. Another would be the name, Might and Magic Heroes... MMH? MaMH? /barf this is suppose to be HoMM ><

I hope we get more detailed information very soon so we can understand and provide feedback (if they are indeed incorporating the community feedback into this iteration).

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Unread postby Blocks100 » 21 Aug 2010, 21:23

Yikes, that is really unambitious! I am not convinced of this idea of seeing the town grow on the game map either - the leaked shots of the Necro town (presumably fully built) looks boring, with no animation or anything. If they are to go this route, I want to see legions of undead swarming in the moat, bats circling the spires etc - but there was none of this.

They better at least develop different signature tunes for the town screens - that is such a HUGE tradition for the series. To abandon that would be heresy.

EDIT : Just read Marzhin's post about the animated town screens and music - thank goodness for that!

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Re: Town window

Unread postby OliverFA » 21 Aug 2010, 23:22

yodus wrote: - according to latest news this is town window. This is what i was worried about, interface cut-down to minimum :( No place for artistic landscapes and views. So disappointing..
And we are supposed to believe it is not Heroes streamlined for the masses :(

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 22 Aug 2010, 13:32

It's not even full screen.... C'MON!!!
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