Another Beautiful Creature

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Another Beautiful Creature

Unread postby Kalah » 27 Jul 2010, 15:08

Beware the dryad, for she will charm you, disarm you, undress you and ... oyh!

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link: ... php?id=392
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Another Beautiful Creature

Unread postby Angelspit » 27 Jul 2010, 17:42

All right, if BEAUTIFUL tries to CHARM me, I won't RETALIATE. And then my WOOD FAIRY will SOAR.
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Another Beautiful Creature

Unread postby Zamolxis » 27 Jul 2010, 18:59

Priceless. :D

But if you want to make it complete, you could to add that her charms send the image of our RL SO into OBLIVION. Or is it just us getting all trapped in that? :p
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Another Beautiful Creature

Unread postby astral76minor » 28 Jul 2010, 02:13

What if OBLIVION causes the WOOD FAIRY to SOAR in the other way? So if you were so oblivious, then the odds are the WOOD FAIRY would SOAR downward. Sometimes elves like humans, though. You know she's only waiting for the next best thing. The elves are very close to the darkside.
Edited on Wed, Jul 28 2010, 00:10 by astral76minor

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