HoF last mission/game freezing

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HoF last mission/game freezing

Unread postby sarafina0976 » 12 Jul 2010, 01:58

I found this problem is the "bug list" thread, but didn't see a fix for it. Here's what it says on the thread:

The game can crash when Freyda comes near the final castle. The camera is supposed to shift to show the castle, but for some reason it sometimes locks up (permanent hourglass). "

That's exactly what happens. I fight the garrison guards, the camera scrolls a bit north then just freezes. Is there a fix for this? Thanks in advance.

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Unread postby Mirez » 12 Jul 2010, 10:13

it might be a pain but replaying the mission is your best option
treants are dendrosexual 0_o

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