H3-SOD campaign question: My hero has gone missing!

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H3-SOD campaign question: My hero has gone missing!

Unread postby heromagraev » 09 Apr 2006, 12:11

Can somebody please help me with this problem.

I'm playing the campaign "Unholy Alliance" and one of the scenarioes should start with Gem and Clancy as my heroes (lvl 25). But I get Clancy and some random druid at lvl 25 instead.

When we started the campaign we could choose between 4 different scenarioes. We chose to take them in another order than suggested by the game but surely that shouldn't be a problem?

The scenario says that I mustn't loose Gem so maybe I should be relieved I don't have her... I'm just worried that I will be unable to finish the campaign without Gem.

Has anybody had a similar problem, or know of the solution? Thanks in advance for any replies.

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Re: H3-SOD campaign question: My hero has gone missing!

Unread postby Pol » 09 Apr 2006, 12:19

That's known bug. See here ;)
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thanks, but

Unread postby heromagraev » 10 Apr 2006, 05:55

Thanks for the quick reply!

All the other scenarioes in the campaign did start with a randomized hero, but at least it started with the expected ones (ie. we started with Crag Hack, although his skills were different). That is the issue adressed in the FAQ.

Our problem concerns the fact, that we don't even start with the hero we need to transfer to the next map.

I tried cheating and finishing with Coronius and Clancy (nwcredpill), and then the next scenario featured a lvl 1 Gem! Maybe we'll just have to live with that. :(

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Re: H3-SOD campaign question: My hero has gone missing!

Unread postby Pitsu » 10 Apr 2006, 08:23

heromagraev wrote: I'm playing the campaign "Unholy Alliance" and one of the scenarioes should start with Gem and Clancy as my heroes (lvl 25). But I get Clancy and some random druid at lvl 25 instead.
It has been long since this bug was discussed last time, so I may be mistaken. Wasn't this bug caused by Gem's divided identity? Namely there are two Gem heroes in the game (sorceress and druid) and on some maps in Gem campaign due to a bug one may hire a second hero with the same ID. If that happens, Gem does not carry over to next missions. Anyway, the cause is in last map where Gem and Clancy both were OK. Perhaps it is enough to replay its ending and dismiss all other heroes than "correct" Gem and Clancy.

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Unread postby heromagraev » 15 Apr 2006, 06:43

Thanks for the reply.

I guess the reason is clear then. Unfortunately there is no save to return to...

We got the "new" Gem up to lvl 20, so it all worked out ok in the end. :)

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