casual gamer help!

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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casual gamer help!

Unread postby tycho0042 » 23 May 2010, 18:31

so, a friend and I are trying to do some multiplayer homm5: ToE
problem is we don't have any multiplayer maps that we can;

A) Choose our own factions
B) Team up!

I tried to randomly generate a map but that didn't work out so well since it still leaves it FFA. I tried to change the teams options in the map editor but that made it so the map wasn't even visible to the game! said something about rmg marker being lost and removing multiplayer regeneration.
Is there an FAQ somwhere for setting up multiplayer games quickly without the hours of frustration we've already endured?

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War Dancer
War Dancer
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Unread postby Corelanis » 23 May 2010, 21:44

There's some good HV maps actually on the main site do a search to see if any meet your requirements.
if there are awesome, if not see if some are close you can then edit the teams and since they arent randomly generated they wont be locked out by any random map crap.

edited for clarity
Corelanis used baton pass The Heroes Round Table sent out [the poster below me]

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