Playing HOF with the Vanillia 1.6 features

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Playing HOF with the Vanillia 1.6 features

Unread postby herb0815 » 27 Apr 2010, 20:57

After a long time I installed Heroes V again and patched it to the latest version 1.6. I love all the new features like est. danger of enemy stacks and the wait button in combat.

So I bought the gold edition and installed Hammers of Fate. It is on the latest version 2.1 (At least autoupdate says so), but it has not this 2 features.

Now my question, is there a way to play Hammers of Fate with the features of Heroes 5 vanillia, or are they only exclusive for 1.6 and TOTE?

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Unread postby Mirez » 28 Apr 2010, 14:25

strange, hof had the wait function if I recall correctly
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 01 May 2010, 20:08

H5 had the wait function from the start after complaints about it in the beta. But it had no button for it, you had to press W every time.
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