While I agree that Gating is the first action your troops are going to take, more often I prefer to get them within attacking range. I would say that less casualties are caused by forcing the confrontation early in a battle; if you hang back, then your opponent will likewise hang back and deal with whatever you've gated to block his shooters.lord_demion wrote:I agree that Inferno is might orriented. To me however this means the job of your hero is to make the job of your troops as easy as possible. To this effect I tend to wait a round or two to have the enemey approach my forces. (Summoning all the while).
I would say that this is again an argument for not waiting -- the key to reducing casualties is to make use of the Inferno's damage-dealing potential ASAP to reduce your opponent's stack sizes.When they get there My hero has softened them up and the tropps jump the units en-masse. Killing them with allowing absolute minimal retailiation. (We want to reduce troop losses as inferno is offensive not defensive.) I even try to make sure it is a gated unit that strikes first to take up the retailiation. Inferno speed and attack (not to mention hellfile) dismembers the units in short order.
Alternatively, War Machines+First Aid Tent will resurrect your troops (and improve your ammo cart in the bargain), while Evasion and Vitality improve durability.Dark magic is key to spliting up and weakening the enemy forces so they are not dealing my units more damage than they can handle, while they do thier job.
War Machines will also let you become a castle breaker with Brimstone Rain, while Defense gives you Hellwrath on Retaliation strikes, indirectly decreasing your casualties.
I agree that Dark Magic is the magic of choice for the Inferno, but I don't believe that a Demon Lord need prioritize Dark Magic in order to be effective. A Demon Lord can profitably focus on Dark Magic, but it's not vital to do so.