skype: alex.g.parshin
Today I would like to present my project.
For about four month now, I am working for a project on a decompilation, reconstruction, upgrading and tuning of Might and Magic 6/7/8 engine. As a base, I've taken an original MM engine (7th) and decompiled it. But the result of decompilation is very unstable, all data structures are messed, so I analyze the code, find the dependencies, correct the errors, and then rebuild it. The difference is when rebuilding, I can add any features I like, even those not supported by the engine. This is a big work, so I reconstruct and add the features one-by-one. The latest stable version includes:
* all the animations, videos, sounds and music are played from original dataset (*.vid and *.snd files) using the engine.
* Decompression and parsing of LOD files
* Loading and rendering RGB, Transparent and palette textures.
* TGA and PNG textures, data override folders
* DirectDraw4 render (DirectDraw2 support was cut due to huge amount of excess code)
* Input using DirectInput8
* Font rendering (except little issues)
* First game state (MainMenuUI) is operational:
* Second game state (PlayerCreationUI) operational.
* Loading Outdoor maps (*.odm), actors (creatures), icon/texture frame tables
* First touch to events (*.evt)
Currently working on first in-game render and parsing world management/update code:
* 12.06.2010 Minimap and in-game GUI are fixed!
* 15.07.2010 3D Render on it's way, weird colors are because palettes are not set up correctly
* 29.09.2010 Actors (NPCs, monsters), objetcs, dropped items and other placeables are rendered and animated. Little problems with palette colors are being solved (getting rid of the palettes actually). Interactable actors are on the way.
* 30.09.2010 Colors are finally fixed.
* Walking, colliding, jumping, falling, drowning. Inventory.
* 05.12.2011 Terrain is finally rendered, many thanks to mkienenb and his mm8leveleditor sourcecode.
First playable demo will come shortly after.
My goals here:
(1) Fully reconstruct the original engine.
(2) Update render to modern Direct3D 10 graphics maintaining back-compatibility with mm6/7/8 resources.
(3) Create a base for the community which can be enchanted by everyone willing to contribute, e.g. keep the engine open-source for programmers and provide various flexible tools for artists and modders so anyone can create his own adventures in the world of Enroth.
(4) Additionally, there are some ideas for multiplayer.
Current project status:
stage (1) ~35% completed ( 70 000 / 193 000 lines of code parsed)
Expected feedback:
* Ideas, wishes, support.
* Strongly required C/C++ programmers with basic knowledge in assembler.
* 2D artists