Talin_Trollbane wrote:i dont give a rotten apple to professional game journalism they always go with the flow and give the high numbers to new games, what you should go with is word on the street or the reviews of very critical RPG veterans or even better check out RPGcodex reviews, those guys are dont hold back even if they like the game.
and i guess no matter how much evidence i dig up from all of my threads and posts all over the internet of how much more deeper fleshed lore and bigger livelier political world Daggerfall/Morrowind has or how more darker and C & C the original Fallouts are from Fallout FPS you will still hold your ground, so think we should leave it to that, since i guess you are one of those new guys who came in after Oblivion got released?
Maybe that's true in general for journalism, but not for this guy. He's been reviewing games since 80's and has always been a spot on with them (he did give Daggerfall a score 80, Morrowind 87 and Oblivion 92 so none of them got any bad scores). And he did point out Oblivions's flaws.
As for me, well, I did own Morrowind before Oblivion. Morrowind looked like something that might interest me and well, I collect PC games (mostly good, but I've got some mishaps like Warlords IV). Ultimately I never really bothered to get into it and I completed Oblivion before I even gave a decent try for Morrowind.
But I can tell I'm not new to RPG games in general (and lets face it, there are better rpg games than any from TES).
In order of when I've played them:
Betrayal At Krondor (like an excellent book, with good combat and rpg mechanics, I didn't finish this before much later since early attempts I faced game crashing bug in chapter 5 I think).
Baldur's Gate (completed it about 4 times)
Baldur's Gate 2 (ditto).
Planescape Torment (completed it only once, gave it a second go but never finished it, great game though)
Baldur's Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal (ok expansion, completed it twice. Story is way too obvious and main villain has likely the most annoying voice I've ever heard in games)
Arcanum of Steamworks and Magik Obscura (Steampunk, excellent game but has some major flaws, completed it twice).
King of Dragon Pass (not many know of this).
Fallout (bit late but I played it through, great but definitely not without flaws)
Fallout 2 (should someday complete this I was turned off by whole tribal thing though, reminded me too much of Mad Max 3 and its tribals I guess)
Icewind Dale (played it with serial and alone, but never finished it. Felt like Baldur's Gate lite, with linear progressing and no companions)
Neverwinter Nights 1 (I couldn't bear to finish the awfully dull single player)
Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (gave it a small try before and after Oblivion)
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (played main plot through without mods first, then played more extensively with expansions and mods, didn't bother much with Shivering Isles though).
Icewind Dale 2 (bit of an improvement over first one, but still not good enough IMO)
Neverwinter Nights 2 (tried it once but long docks section reminded me too much of the first one. Later I gave it a second try and managed to get past boring stages of the game and found pear inside the thick shell, completed main game three times after that)
Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer (story is excellent and reminds me a lot of Planescape Torment, completed it twice)
Mass Effect (completed this three times, story is engaging, dialogue great and world fascinating. It is hybrid though)
Fallout 3 (ok, this IS a RPG/FPS hybrid, but that's not really a problem for me since I've always enjoyed good FPS and first person is the most immersive way to get into the game world. Third person is the way to go for party controlled system though. I've finished main plot three times, but for the last time I got Broken Steel and Point Lookout, which are both good)
Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir (completed this once, but frankly it was bit too shallow)
Deus Ex 2: Invisible War (I have to try the first one sometime but the second didn't interest me much)
The Witcher Enchanced Edition (completed this twice, it is great game)
Dragon Age Origins (as above)
Mass Effect 2 (like first one, but even better because of the companions and their loyalty missions, completed it twice in very short time)
Of course there is Jagged Alliance 1 and 2 which have lot of rpg elements but ultimately they are strategy/tactical games and Bioshock but that is fps with no more rpg elements than Call of Duty 4-6 multiplayer. Note: I consider games like Diablo and Sacred hack and slash, not rpg's. I also play many other genres than RPG as well.
Sorry Ethric, I got bit carried away, but I did at least mention Fallouts. If you must, you can move our discussion into general rpg thread or something.