Your thoughts on M&M 8 and 9

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Unread postby Talin_Trollbane » 24 Mar 2010, 17:19

DaveO wrote: P.S. - Did I happen to mention that I'm actually a part of MM8, and am one of the guardians to Lord Brinne's Tomb?
and how you managed with that i dont know, i was on those forums too but me no one recognized with an ingame appearance. :disagree:
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Unread postby Variol » 24 Mar 2010, 17:53

I just skimmed the posts but for me, MM8 was great, MM9 was trash. I played it once, then the second time it was just too painful. They deserve what they got!

I always solo in MM8. It would be nice the have some NPC's to offset some weaknesses.

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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 24 Mar 2010, 18:14

tress wrote:Thats pretty much means that only static lightning generates propper shadows.
Since I've been working on UE2 for a long time, I can say that it is definitely not true. For example, Unreal Game, Unreal 1 port to UT2004, includes a corridor that has lights turn off, then red lights turn on with a Skaarj jumping out. So it works just fine there. But I can't give you any visual confirmation since I don't have my PC here right now.

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Unread postby Corlagon » 24 Mar 2010, 19:39

Talin_Trollbane wrote:and how you managed with that i dont know, i was on those forums too but me no one recognized with an ingame appearance. :disagree:
Wooden Flautists only I guess :)

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Unread postby Deadguy118 » 27 Mar 2010, 20:13

8 is a definite step down from M&M VI and VII. It's also incredibly easy, and kind of unbalanced. But it's still alright.

Meanwhile, IX is a mess. With the TELP patch, it's at least playable, but that doesn't change the fact that it's kind of dull and uninspired. There are plenty of good ideas buried underneath all the crap, but that doesn't exactly help when the game itself is simply boring.

Maybe if NWC had anywhere from 6 months to a year more of development time we could see those ideas come to fruition, but maybe not. In any case, Might and Magic IX is a good definition for "wasted potential"
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Unread postby ShadowLiberal » 28 Mar 2010, 19:52

I've never really gotten past the first island in M&M8, I just get frustrated and bored and quit because of how powerful all the enemies are, and I didn't really like the whole having people join you thing.

M&M9 was a bad joke for so many reasons, some of which I'm surprised no one has mentioned here.

-You only had 2 classes at the start of the game to pick from, a might and magic based class, and had to promote them to more specific classes as you advanced in the game. What was wrong with starting as a wizard or a knight, or a cleric? Fans tend to want more choices, not less.

-I also recall that one of the first people my party spoke to when I started the game was our 'grandpa', I mean are you serious? You can pick between several races for your party, yet he's everyone's 'grandpa'? That sounds like something that someone coding their own game and releasing it for free on the Internet would do, not a professional game making company.

-It was very unclear what you had to do as I recall. I took a boat ride somewhere (I think that was all I could do in the area I started at) and wondered around some empty islands, all I found was a small group of dragon flies one place, a dungeon with monsters way too powerful for a level 1 party to take on, and some sea monsters all by themselves in the water who could single handedly kill my entire party (I only killed the sea monster once, but it had killed all but 1 person in my party, and I had no clue where a temple/town was on the map so I was forced to reload and undo that victory).

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Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 28 Mar 2010, 20:52

ShadowLiberal wrote:I've never really gotten past the first island in M&M8, I just get frustrated and bored and quit because of how powerful all the enemies are, and I didn't really like the whole having people join you thing.

Actually, I feel that MM8 is the strongest at the very beginning areas and early quests. You really have to utilize everything you're given to it's true potential.

The fun goes down quickly after that. You have access to most of the powerful stuff too easily (dragons, dark magic, L50 characters etc). Even when choosing not to use dragons I felt it was too easy.
After the early game, the only part of the game I really enjoy is the balthazar's lair. It goes downhill really quick after that. The entire Regnan pirate episode was a farce (albeit with very cool music), and the elemental planes "quests" were BORING AS HECK. And I wanted to fight Escaton, goddammit.

MM9? Never played it, never will.

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Unread postby DaveO » 29 Mar 2010, 00:03

I like to start the bounty quests almost from the beginning. It certainly offers an opportunity to be profitable, and the last reward provides very good experience for any party members. Doing the bounties, quests, and ridding each area of enemies(except the starting island) will certainly keep you busy.
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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 29 Mar 2010, 06:40

UndeadHalfOrc wrote:Actually, I feel that MM8 is the strongest at the very beginning areas and early quests. You really have to utilize everything you're given to it's true potential.

The fun goes down quickly after that. You have access to most of the powerful stuff too easily (dragons, dark magic, L50 characters etc). Even when choosing not to use dragons I felt it was too easy.
After the early game, the only part of the game I really enjoy is the balthazar's lair. It goes downhill really quick after that. The entire Regnan pirate episode was a farce (albeit with very cool music), and the elemental planes "quests" were BORING AS HECK. And I wanted to fight Escaton, goddammit.
Yea, I think that the start of MM8 is the most challenging, too. After that it's a lot easier. And yes, I don't get why the Regnan part goes into play that late in the game. I mean, I could have completed it like half way through the game. The cannon launch is funny, though :)

Maybe you wanted to fight Sheltem in earlier games, too? ;)

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Unread postby TheCoolinator » 29 Mar 2010, 15:01

ShadowLiberal wrote:I've never really gotten past the first island in M&M8, I just get frustrated and bored and quit because of how powerful all the enemies are, and I didn't really like the whole having people join you thing.
I just wanted to quote this because its exactly what I was thinking when I loaded up MM8 for the first time. It was just so different from MM7 that I couldn't get used to it. I wish I would have beared through it until it got a little better.

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Unread postby Sure Valla » 29 Mar 2010, 17:07

Same, but after i got off it really started to enjoy it!!

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Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 29 Mar 2010, 17:46

GreatEmerald wrote:
UndeadHalfOrc wrote:Actually, I feel that MM8 is the strongest at the very beginning areas and early quests. You really have to utilize everything you're given to it's true potential.

The fun goes down quickly after that. You have access to most of the powerful stuff too easily (dragons, dark magic, L50 characters etc). Even when choosing not to use dragons I felt it was too easy.
After the early game, the only part of the game I really enjoy is the balthazar's lair. It goes downhill really quick after that. The entire Regnan pirate episode was a farce (albeit with very cool music), and the elemental planes "quests" were BORING AS HECK. And I wanted to fight Escaton, goddammit.
Yea, I think that the start of MM8 is the most challenging, too. After that it's a lot easier. And yes, I don't get why the Regnan part goes into play that late in the game. I mean, I could have completed it like half way through the game. The cannon launch is funny, though :)

Maybe you wanted to fight Sheltem in earlier games, too? ;)
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Unread postby Bowerbank » 31 Mar 2010, 03:51

I've still not managed to play mm9 past the sewers after 4 attempts, it just seemed to feel empty and boring. As for mm8 it was just a fresh piece of content at the time, enough to hydrate your need for might and magic. 6-8 still have there replay values, so in terms of a might and magic fan; 8 is a must play.

I liked the vampire class if im honest, although their unique magic was weak I still enjoyed playing and it didn't feel like a carried class.

Although now my MM disks have died, thankfully have a sold out version of 7 and purchased the GoG mm1-6 but 8 is no longer in my collection :(

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Unread postby koval321 » 02 Apr 2010, 07:21

In fact both games are great, but peoples expect to see something else.

MM8 have best (and worst) team characters, original begining and style (sometime it was worst)

MM9 have best music and 3D graphic (and worst 2D graphic) also bad playing style, no freedom on world travell

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Unread postby jeff4815 » 03 Apr 2010, 14:06

Might and Magic 8 was my favourite of the series. It had a lot of potential and it's a shame they didn't develop it to its fullest. Despite it's flaws, I still really liked it.
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