Astrologers Tower

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Astrologers Tower

Unread postby Bonzer » 19 Mar 2010, 19:40

When using the Asrtologer's Tower is it posible to change a week other than the present week? For example, the present week is of Lich, next week is of Orc, third week is of fever.

I am told by the blind astrologer that if I pay him 10k gold I can change a week. I can choose from skeleton, conjunction and gold.

It is well worth spending 10k to change the week of fever to the week of gold, but I only seem to be change the present week.

Can weeks be changed in advance? If so how?

Thanks for any help.

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Unread postby parcaleste » 21 Mar 2010, 06:57

I think this one was nerfed with the TotE patch and you actually CAN'T change already coming week. I found this pretty annoying just like with the part all of the weeks are been scripted since you start the game (and like when you do the exact the same thing in a battle it will trigger luck, morale, etc).

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Unread postby Bonzer » 23 Mar 2010, 11:24

Thanks for that Para,

After posting I had a chance to change the week from imp to Witch (as I was playing Dungeon) and the "creatures available" tally in the recruitment screen showed there were more available than usual due to the "moon week".

So it looks like if you change the current week during the week (after day 1) you still get the benefit. However whether that was just the tally showing moon week benefits or whether there were actually more creatures available I didn't check (duhhh!).

What I will do one day, next time the situation occurs, is to change a current week from Plague or Fever to anyhing else and see if get my missing creatures back!

I will repost when that occurs and let people know.
In the meantime, if anyone else has anything to add....

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Unread postby parcaleste » 23 Mar 2010, 15:22

No matter which day you change the week (let's say day 6), at the end of the turn on day 7 it will change AGAIN to the day it was scripted to. Plague, Gold, whatever. So you DON'T have 7 more days, you are only changing the current week (or what's left of it).

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