In the best of possible worlds, that would work that way. Unfortunately, it doesn't. Remember when Ubi dropped Starforce in 2006 ? They did it to please the players. Do you think there was an increase in their sales ? Or do you think more than 90% of the gamers just pirated their games with a smile of their face ? Piracy in videogames has become such an bad habit for so many years than most gamers are doing it on a regular basis without any second thought.Let us play your games the way we want, and we'll be happy to buy them from you.
Unfortunately, making a game cost a lot of money. Even a niche game like Heroes cost several millions of dollars. For AAAA titles like Assassin's Creed 2, it amounts in tens of millions.
As I have been working as a videogame journalist for the best of the past year I saw some figures. On the total number of people playing one specific game, 8% have actually a legit copy. And that's if you're lucky. Now think about it and try to put yourself in the shoes of the people who actually spent around 15 millions dollars and 3 years of work doing that game. Wouldn't you be a bit pissed off ?
The DRM sucks, that's a reality. But you must remember one thing : in the time frame before a game is cracked, it sells. And that's all this is about really. Selling the games, a lot of them if possible, before it is cracked.