HodgePodge wrote:I have a 3.0 GHz processor and a 200 Gb Hard Drive. I don't know what kind of video card I have but I bought my computer 1½ years ago … do you peeps think Oblivion will run okay on my machine? I'd kinda like to get it … unless it's really buggy.
I began to play it after seeing it running, it is not the bug-nest morrowind was but it does have bugs. Now telling if it will be playable on your pc without knowing your video card and the amount of ram you have is about impossible. However it looks like it'll be ok on the cpu side.
Now on my own little comments...
I enjoy the game a lot until now (I'm only lvl8 but still, it matters a lot), but there are a few big design flaws. The most annoying one is a technical issue: the complete lack of optimization. I had to tweak the ini file for hours before I get something visually acceptable. For example, all reflections but terrain are off by default, so you see the reflection of the terrain in the water, but not that of the bridge over the river, it looked dumb enough to make me forget the goblin which was attacking me when I noticed.
The second technical issue is some weird ability people have to see you and speak to you when you aren't on the same floor. You just hear "hello friend, how are you?" from somewhere behind you, turn the head, look around, and nothing, then you hear foot steps above you.
Then more on the gameplay, there's that... "user" interface, I bet it wasn't thought with the user in mind. There's a mod available to increase the list's size but it isn't enough to correct all issues about its use.
Now completely on the gameplay, there are things so dumb that it is annoying to me. For example there's a "level scale" or something, making all your opponents about as strong as you, not even talking about the full glass-armored bandits, it made it possible for me to become the Grand Champion of the Arena... at level 3
Another annoying thing is the horse. It's great to use as long as there is no enemy nearby, but as soon as one of them appears, you have to get off the horse (about 3 seconds), draw your sword (1.5 seconds) turn around your horse, because the enemy is always on the other side attacking your 5k Septims horse (2 seconds), get the camera back to 1st person view (0.1 seconds unless you meet the "face bug that lets you see your own face frome the inside, then it's 1 more second to fix it) and finally attack the horrible, terrible, armaggeddonible rat that had been following you for about 5 minutes. You can't attack while riding your horse, and can't cast spells either. You can harvest flower seeds and speak to people however...
Now on the good side of things, the game is really immersive and I could play many hours in a row without noticing it. There are some huge dungeons which can take a few hours to complete, and the experience system is just as good as in morrowind. I still can't manage to understand the alchemy and magic systems however, so I keep wandering with my 5ft two handed enchanted sword cutting through everything that tries to approach or flee, and it's great fun