Might and Magic: Heroes6 hinted

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Might and Magic: Heroes6 hinted

Unread postby harry1975 » 02 Feb 2010, 02:35

Heroes and Might and Magic VI hinted at on LinkedIn profile
Kevin Spiess - Monday, November 23rd, 2009 | 11:06AM (PT)

More heroes on the way?

Heroes of Might and Magic, the long running PC turn-based strategy game series, might be gaining a new chapter. This entry was spotted on a LinkedIn profile for artist Liu Yingpin:

Level Artist in the Game Hero(Might and MagicVI)
(Public Company; FR0000054470; Computer Games industry)
June 2009 — November 2009 (6 months)


Fans of the series might find this LinkedIn hint promising, though it is somewhat amibigious. While we can rule out this being a reference to a new Might and Magic RPG (because the last one out was Might and Magic IX) it is possible that this is a short-hand reference to Might and Magic: Heroes Kingdoms (pictured above), which is a new online version of the fantasy strategy game.

This rumor is a tough call. On one hand, the last Heroes game was succesful enough to warrant two expansion packs, and it seems that we should be due for a new entry into the series any day now. On the other hand, there haven't been any hints that work has been started on the new game.

Russian game studio Nival Interactive was responsible for the last game, Heroes of Might and Magic V (plus both expansion packs), and Ubisoft is working on the Heroes Kingdoms game -- and the company referenced in that LinkedIn profile is Ubisoft, so that could mean a few things. First off, Might and Magic: Heroes Kingdoms is already far into its dev cycle, and they are entering beta right now, so it seems unlikely that they would need a level artist that far into the game's production. Second, it was already suspected that Nival would not be working on the next Heroes game, so this matches up with what was rumored before. And lastly, it seems unlikely that Ubisoft would be working on two Heroes of Might and Magic games at the same time.
Source: Superannuation

Section: PC Games

http://www.neoseeker.com/news/12380-her ... n-profile/

New developer(HOMM6): Ubisoft Shanghai?... I don't know ;| ...

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Unread postby Mirez » 02 Feb 2010, 14:09

Heroes 6 is coming all right, several hints have already been leaked.

treants are dendrosexual 0_o

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