Please take the time to download and read the TCC2 Player Installation Guide before beginning game installation.
About the Game.
TCC Part 2 is not your standard RPG-adventure game, nor is it your conventional MM game. Rather it is a game of Discovery and of Exploration. In TCC Part 2, you will enter a world unknown and uncivilized: no maps, no villages, no towns; only Creation in its rawest of forms. A single quest drives you onward through this land, as you gather clues from nature and progress towards the end. Your only guide will be your journal of notes, and your only chance of survival will be your wits, your might, and your magic.
It’s time to boldly go where no man has gone before!!
Be careful out there!
Please note that this is a “Beta Two” release. The game has been both Alpha and Beta tested, but this release does not have the end-of-game video in-place. When this video becomes available, it will be released within a new folder posting on the download site.