Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

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Unread postby ByteBandit » 31 Dec 2009, 19:44

Kalah wrote:I'm not a moderator, dude; I'm an admin. :slap:


Simple mistake...could happen to anyone....... :rofl:

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Unread postby MadMax » 31 Dec 2009, 22:06

Hey Yurian, do you aslo look forward to work on MoS2? :) I look forward to it ALOT! Gonna be alot of hard work but ooh so exciting :) Prime Suspect has already reached 60 downloads :) And I just updated the sighisoara website a little, more updates will come soon with maps and such, and if anyone feels like it he/she may send in artwork to me and Ill publish it with your CH and or real name on the site :)

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Masters of Sighisoara, Map 3

Unread postby Mamamia » 01 Jan 2010, 23:39

I've really enjoyed the first 2 maps of the Masters of Sighisoara campaign but I'm having trouble with the 3rd map. I manage to kill all the heroes with minimal losses until I get to Maximilian which is ridiculously strong, with 100+ Black Dragons, 200+ Scorpiores, etc. against my 30 Archangels. Even with Cloning and Resurrection is it impossible to defeat him. I am playing at the 'Hard' difficulty. One problem throughout this map is that you never have enough gold to hire your own creatures because you are limited to a Town Hall which only gives you 1000 gold per day. I guess I may be forced to restart the whole map and pick the Endless Bag of Gold as a bonus but I doubt that will be enough. Any good advice?

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Unread postby Salamandre » 02 Jan 2010, 00:02

Yes, pick pathfinding and first scenario.

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Unread postby MadMax » 02 Jan 2010, 18:04

Yes it is indeed a challanging map, I myself cannot get past the second map haha :)
I am very glad to hear that you like the maps mate :) Good Luck on your quest :) Also a hint is to get prayer and bless at expert level, that can help out alot, and always try to save as many shooters as possible since shooters are Yurians speciality :)

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Unread postby Variol » 03 Jan 2010, 12:32

I have copied all of the maps to play the campaign, but I can not run it. Help!

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Unread postby Koni » 03 Jan 2010, 13:55

There is no need to copy all of the maps anywhere. You only have to select the campaign with NEW GAME --> Campaign --> Custom, and you will find the campaign "Masters of Sighisoara" and can start to play, if it is put in your MAPS folder (the one with .h3c). The single maps you need only, if you want to check them in the editor.

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Unread postby Mamamia » 03 Jan 2010, 20:25

Thanks for the advice. I was able to finish the 3rd map by carefully replying every fight and getting to the end of the map much sooner.
I have now completed the campaign. Overall, I really liked it.
However, I found the 3rd map very difficult but the 4th map extremely easy. I played all the maps at the 'Hard' difficulty level.
I look forward to playing the next campaign.

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Unread postby MadMax » 03 Jan 2010, 20:48

Mamamia you can acctually download the prolouge to Campaign number 2 already :) What did you think about the story-line? :)
The prolouge map is Prime Suspect :)
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Unread postby Mamamia » 05 Jan 2010, 01:19

I thought the storyline was good, although perhaps a bit lengthy at times when you just want to get on with the action. :D
I will take a look at your new map.


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Unread postby Koni » 07 Jan 2010, 09:55

Story is the "salt in the soup", and the whole story with about 11,200 words isn't that much. :)
Translation into German has started and will be ready soon. ;)

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New information concerning Campaign II

Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 07 Jan 2010, 23:08

Update early on 8th of January 2010

As seen here in this thread on Thursday morning, Koni is currently translating the "prime Suspect" into German. I wish all the best to him in his project. Let's hope that the German fans out there will embrace the translated map with the same enthusiasm as they greeted the First Sighisoara campaign with.

Team Leader HoP reports working on the Second campaign's general plot and also, on the details of the first part of the aforementioned campaign. Although the pace is set to a little slower than usual due to real life related issues, the Team remains still positive about firmly holding true onto the previously confirmed time schedule by which we promised to release "Masters of Sighisoara II - The Undead of Xerphef" by the end of the current year. So far we've been known to honour our word and we would just hate, darn it all, to reverse that good policy.

As for me, I'm working long hours to build up a good basis for the first map of the second campaign which currently goes under the working title of "Green Grass of Home". It'll be quite an unconventional way of launching a new campaign as the map shall be in the XL format. Furthermore we shall once again release the new campaign on the good ol' Shadow of Death platform as it remains the one that suites our vision the best. WoG is straight out.

Expect the 4 piece campaign to hit the stores errr... the CH's map database by December 31st 2010. More information available from the Team. Invidual Team members shall post updates and their comment on this thread as time progresses.

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Unread postby MadMax » 10 Jan 2010, 23:52

I seem to have fallen into some kind of sickness.. Idk what the hell it is but it has laster for like a week.. It is really god damn frustrating and I hope it will be over soon so I may start the work on MoS2!...
Miss you all! :tired:
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Unread postby MadMax » 16 Jan 2010, 23:27

It seems like the german version of Prime Suspect will be done in a day or two? :)
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Unread postby Koni » 17 Jan 2010, 13:23

Right, the German version is ready by now. I plan to add a kind of Walkthrough written by Yurian to the download zip file. It actually was meant as a report about his newly test run of the German version, which differs from the original one by setting the time limit to 4 months instead of 3. Both Yurian and you, HoP, agreed to this change.
Yurian also declared it as a good idea and agreed, to release his report (a splendid one, I think) to the German version. Maybe it would be quite an equal good idea, to change the time limit and add the walkthrough to an update of the English original as well.
Just now I'm translating his report into German language and am preparing the zip.

Here a little extract sequence of Yurian's report:

I have now completed all the total 5 phases I traditionally have divided the map into. I must say that it was quite a swift journey aided by numerous joined stacks of wandering monsters. Overall the map was fun to play and it offered a good challenge.
Phase V: The Cloak

Time was running out by now. I had wiped out Green's last forces and the city called "The Mine" not too long ago but still I had about 5 days to find the Cloak before Curtis vanished along with the said artefact. This is of major importance! If the player wipes our Green's forces entirely, he is left with the option of finding the Cloak within a week or he can kiss the scenario goodbye. But there's still a chance that he may beat the map as the Sighisoara Team has not disabled the "Defeat All Enemies" option.

I rushed to the underground tunnels both with Sepultun and Nagraelle. He approached from Rojacian main land, while she entered the secret tunnel past "The Mine" after releasing the Prince Jules from his prison which was required to open up the shortcut to the caves. They arrived pretty much the same time and changed some captured artefacts. Sepultun was selected to lead the last attack to capture the Cloak and of course, to defeat its guardian the Druid Curtis. Poor Curtis... He really had no chance against the combined force of more than 4000 Skeleton Warriors and Skeletons. I claimed victory on Month 4, Week 3 Day 7 with all areas cleared, searched trough and firmly under my control.

Final score: 350 with the rank of Naga Queen. (Expert difficulty level.)

Some final thoughts

It is my opinion that with correct choice of skills and strategy it is possible to play the map within the time limit of four months and still explore each and every part and sub section of the single scenario.

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Unread postby MadMax » 17 Jan 2010, 15:07

I thought we said 3 months? :P
I never approved 4 anyways xD
And if I remember right, Yurian said something like 3 months is more correct for story purpose and such and also I think we cannot have 2 different time limits in english/german version.. It kinda mess things up ^^
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Unread postby Koni » 17 Jan 2010, 16:14

I've just sent a pm to clear this up personally with you. ;)

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Unread postby MadMax » 17 Jan 2010, 19:36

solved, 4 months it is ^^
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Unread postby Koni » 18 Jan 2010, 09:58

Thanks. BtPoZ ;) :)

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Unread postby MadMax » 18 Jan 2010, 11:27

Oh yes indeed! By the power of Zelas!
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