faulty strategy?

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faulty strategy?

Unread postby AlphaMale41 » 23 Dec 2009, 15:55

I am new here (even though I pretty much have only played HOMM3 over and over for years) and after reading many of the forum posts, which i like, wonder if my strategy is flawed or not. I THOUGHT I was a good player (HOMM3, that is) but see different opinions on the city build strategy. I always try to get the city built up as soon as possible to give me the most money (Capitol in HOMM3). But it seems others try to get to the end unit ASAP. I am wondering how they get to the end unit that quickly (like week 2/3 ?) if they don't have the money from the Capitol. Is this different in HOMM5 ? Maybe I am too slow at getting to the end units, since I like building my city up and having a decent force first.

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Unread postby Corelanis » 23 Dec 2009, 16:49

I get the capitol asap however I try to get all the main creatures on the way there since you have to have a lvl 14 or 15 town to get the capitol its not hard at all most of the time. But speed is key in H5 more so in my experiance than H3 mostly due to the ai going on a beeline for you very early on. They get to the end units by exploring very quickly and taking any mines or resources they can/need very early on. They also tend to take gold instead of xp in some of the chests (500 xp chest im looking at you). Also focus your build order on what you need for whatever strategy your gonna use stuff like the resoure silo and blacksmith can wait. Having more than 1 hero explore the map also helps I use 2 or 3 normally to get things moving. As a warning heroes cost more to hire the more you have so watch out for that and you can only have 8.
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capitol rush

Unread postby AlphaMale41 » 23 Dec 2009, 17:43

That seems to be different from others strategy on here to get the elite unit ASAP. I'm not sure I understand how they do that without the money generated from the capitol. It seems when I try to build up all the units it takes awhile to get both the town built up and the final end unit. It might have something to do with the fact that I don't like leaving my town unguarded or my hero with just a few low units until the elite unit is attained.

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Unread postby Corelanis » 23 Dec 2009, 18:01

Well I for one tend to make my own strategies as I play so I may be a bit behind the curve so others may know better. I also never said to build them all just the ones important to your strategy eventually you will get them all but at first focus on the creatures you need like arcane archers for sylvan and such. What if anything to leave in your town is always an issue I just grab whatever units I think will survive and leave the rest so I tend to leave thing like djinn or berzerkers behind since they seem to die after the first hit. In the first week or so your normally safe to leave nothing in town so thats what I do. They can afford to get the high teirs by expanding fast so they get more resources which means getting higher teir creatures faster.
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Re: capitol rush

Unread postby Mirez » 24 Dec 2009, 10:43

AlphaMale41 wrote:That seems to be different from others strategy on here to get the elite unit ASAP. I'm not sure I understand how they do that without the money generated from the capitol. It seems when I try to build up all the units it takes awhile to get both the town built up and the final end unit. It might have something to do with the fact that I don't like leaving my town unguarded or my hero with just a few low units until the elite unit is attained.
the point system might be what's confusing you, in h3 in order to get let's say a dragon vault you needed pretty much every other dwelling to build it, in h5 when you can make a dragon vault, you can make a capitol as well

people still go to capitol ASAP but they don't upgrade creatures that don't benefit enough from it, nor do they build forts or citadol because it's expansive, thus resulting in army's with high tier units but low numbers rather then just level 1-4 units upgraded like in h3
Last edited by Mirez on 31 Dec 2009, 12:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread postby AlphaMale41 » 30 Dec 2009, 18:57

So is there some type of generally agreed upon recommended progression chart for each set of units? I am about to start playing this fulltime over h3 and would hate to spend way too much time upgrading units that I shouldn't over getting more important buildings or creature upgrades. Obviously everyone has their own opinions, but maybe some universally agreed upon upgrading tactics?

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Re: So....

Unread postby Macros the Black » 01 Jan 2010, 23:33

AlphaMale41 wrote:So is there some type of generally agreed upon recommended progression chart for each set of units? I am about to start playing this fulltime over h3 and would hate to spend way too much time upgrading units that I shouldn't over getting more important buildings or creature upgrades. Obviously everyone has their own opinions, but maybe some universally agreed upon upgrading tactics?
A short overview per faction:

Academy: get your Gremlins upgraded asap. Get mages (don't need to upgrade them as long as you're just creeping). Get upgraded colusses. Everything else is only needed for actual hero v. hero battles, and all of them are pretty much equal in usefulness.

Dungeon: get upgraded Scouts, use the Stalker types. Take only those with you on your hero once you have enough mana. Divide them in stacks to fill out all unit slots. Once battle commences, stealth with the ones that don't die before they get a turn. Then cast spells while the enemy can't hit you back. After that, Blood Maidens are most important for hero v. hero battles so get their dwelling asap so you have as much as possible to buy up. Then Shadow Witch, Dragon, Hydra. Minotaurs and Dark Raiders are not so important (Minotaurs deal too few damage, Dark Raiders die too quickly).

Fortress: focus on Spearwielders and Rune Priests first (the ranged units). For the rest it doesn't really matter because all Fortress units are great. I like to get my Thanes upgraded asap, but that's just personal preference.

Haven: get upgraded archers first. Then focus on Priests, upgraded Angels, upgraded Cavaliers, upgraded gryphons, upgraded footmen. Then upgrade your priests. And just before the final battle, upgrade all of your peasants that you've been leaving in town with Ellaine to earn you extra gold.

Inferno: get succubi upgraded. Everything else doesn't really matter, because you'll be using gated versions of them to get killed for creeping. For hero v. hero combat, all of the other creatures are pretty much equal, except that imps will be the lousiest of your creature stacks.

Necropolis: Get skeletons (archers) and liches upgraded first. Then focus on upgraded Vampires, Wights and Bone Dragons. Zombies and Ghosts are great at slowing your enemies down/keeping them busy, but they don't need to be upgraded to do that.

Sylvan: Get upgraded Hunters (use the Master Hunter type) ASAP. Get upgraded pixies (use the Sprites). Get upgraded Druids. Unicorns, Treants and Green Dragons are pretty much equally useful. Blade Dancers are least useful.

Stronghold: Get centaurs upgraded, get shamans (shamen? shawomen?) upgraded (use Sky Daughters for creeping and Earth Daughters for hero v. hero), get Cyclops' (Cyclopses? Cyclopsi?) upgraded. Slayers are next to get upgraded. The other creatures don't really matter. Goblins are least important.

For creeping with any faction it's usually good enough to have as much ranged units as possible, and just a weak force of melee units divided among the army slots as much as possible. They only need to stand in the way to prevent your enemy from reaching the ranged units, and even a stack of 1 can accomplish that. Because you're not buying all the melee units, you get more money to spend on upgrading your town.
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and for randomly generated games?

Unread postby AlphaMale » 02 Jan 2010, 22:49

I take it the above still applies if you just play randomly generated games..not campaigns or the others? I prefer the randomly generated games.

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Unread postby Mirez » 03 Jan 2010, 16:02

both I guess, who wouldn't campaign be about using your resources effectively
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