Differences between HOMM3 and HOMM5

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Differences between HOMM3 and HOMM5

Unread postby AlphaMale41 » 22 Dec 2009, 22:52

What are the biggest differences b/n HOMM3 and HOMM5? I basically will be playing random maps as I like those best. I am pretty good at HOMM3 but haven't played HOMM5 much and not in awhile. I will understand if there are too many to list, but if someone can go over the biggest ones, and possibly ways you might want to play differently from the earlier version to HOMM5. My usual strategy in HOMM3 is just to try my best to get Town Portal and then be everywhere at once. :)

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Unread postby Corelanis » 23 Dec 2009, 02:37

The biggest differences as I see them are the skill system is far different not only haveing basic skills but perks as well and you can have fewer of them. The way mana is regenerated is now 1 point per knowledge per day. The combat is different with the initiative system, so some creatures move more times than others. The heroes have their own turns in combat instead of just casting 1 spell per round. Building is handled a bit differently with town lvl requirements on most buildings. The addition of unique racial abilities greatly changes how each faction plays out. In TotE there are now 2 sets of potential upgrades on creatures. The AI is ... well crap.
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Unread postby Elvin » 23 Dec 2009, 10:01

Another of the most important changes is that there is an initiative bar for each unit. As for RMG I prersonally find it crap, I'd suggest that you play some custom maps as there are some very beautiful maps out there. if you want I could write you some suggestions.

As for the AI it may be dumb but it rushes you like hell with superior army and upgrades - yes it can see the whole map in expert. Feels like you are playing a cheater, not quite like H3. Of course once you get good at H5 it will be no challenge but initially it's bound to give you some trouble :)
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Unread postby Mirez » 23 Dec 2009, 10:41

I do not like the AI in h5, they keep retreating, after defending my town 1 or 2 times I gather my army and go forward, then when there's supposed to be a big battle he just instantly flees, so when you arrive at his town all you have to do is destroy some leftover level 1/2 units
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Unread postby Variol » 23 Dec 2009, 11:56

I have not found that in my current game. The AI packs the town when it sees me coming.

I do not find the AI "crap". It's not bad in most cases. I am new to the game though, since I played the original a little and TotE is what I play now. I just got it last week though.

The bar at the bottom of the combat screen is a big difference. I pretty much consider it "cheating". I think it would be more challenging if I could only see my own units turns.

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Unread postby AlphaMale41 » 23 Dec 2009, 14:55

I don't mind playing custom maps (have never played them before) but usually I prefer the RMG because it's like a new game each time. I usually play a single game on medium level screen with around 3 opponents. Wouldn't mind trying some other custom ones though if not hard to install. I just got that Tappani RMG working on my machine last night, but need to set it up correctly so all the opponents are computer players. Is there a way to delete the random maps you have put in there? They start to fill up after awhile. I bought TOTE online yesterday and will be getting that soon so that has a built in RMG. Looking forward to trying that out after I get accustomed to HOMM5.

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Unread postby Midas » 08 Jan 2010, 06:27

I think the AI is one that can bring challenge since 3rd... and the difference is how units have an "initiative"... explained from above...

I remember the AI I hate most is in Heroes 2... that so called Opportunist Chicken "AI" drove me mad...
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