Instant Travel spell?

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Instant Travel spell?

Unread postby Variol » 21 Dec 2009, 00:18

Can someone explain this to me?

It looks like I can actually "walk" further than I can "Instant travel"?

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Unread postby Corelanis » 21 Dec 2009, 00:49

You can walk farther, its for getting over mountians, past really large armies of creeps, and such. Its not like Heroes 3 where you can spam it to cross the map in a turn. I for one like this change and the nerf to town portal. It helps make the game a bit harder.
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Unread postby leginreed » 21 Dec 2009, 09:15

As mentioned by Corelanis it's not a spell to move you very far on the map it's a spell to get past awkward objects like big neutral stacks, border guards walls and even some small rivers

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Unread postby Variol » 21 Dec 2009, 16:13

I see,
..because I tried to get over a narrow mountain range, but it did not work.

Good tip on the border guards etc!

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Unread postby esunotos » 30 Dec 2009, 08:25

I love the way it's in HoMM V. Not too powerfull like in HoMM III

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