Mod to Speed up AI Turns

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Mod to Speed up AI Turns

Unread postby xanatus123 » 07 Dec 2009, 21:20

Does anyone know of any Mod that can speed up the time it takes the AI turns to be processed.
Much more complicated games like Civ4 are almost instant turns while Heroes can take up to 3 minutes with 8 players just waiting for the compluter to decide what to do.

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Unread postby Mirez » 08 Dec 2009, 14:19

did you update the game? there was a bug where the ai's turns would take ages, it had something to do with the instant travel spell iirc
treants are dendrosexual 0_o

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