Heroes IV CCG Best Seller

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Unread postby protecyon » 07 Oct 2005, 18:02

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:

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Round Table Knight
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Unread postby Lord_Haart » 07 Oct 2005, 18:02

Is it available in Australia? If so where? I don't play many board games, but it sounds really good, and of course it's MM.

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Unread postby Sermil » 07 Oct 2005, 19:17

Might want to have a link to the official site in the links page. Would make it easier for people to get to.

Just sayin'

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Unread postby CloudRiderX » 07 Oct 2005, 20:03

Well, I got the game, and Ill be glad to give some inside info. If anyone needs help with the game, mail me.

The game overall is fun, but very complicated. I suggest it only to players who haven't played HOMM before, and like long, complex board games. I also suggest a paper and pencil nearby.

The cards are very detailed, the resolution of the monsters is better than in-game graphics, and every ability is accounted for. There is every spell and I'm pretty sure evry hero.

I started off with the starter pack, which took 4 weeks to arrive because of back-order. It gives you 100 cards(i think), 7 tile pieces, markers, and a rulebook. The tile boards are small and fit into each other, but instead of playing pieces you play with markers that represent your armies. Do not play this game if you have little ones nearby, for two reasons. First, the pieces are small, and can be swallowed blah blah blah, second because one nudge of the boards and your game is OVER. The markers move, the cards get scrambled, everything gets ruined.

Once i set the game up, i looked at the rules. They can be decieving, read them carefully. If you need a note about what one of them says, ask me and ill tell you. The rules encompass everything, battles, creature buying, moving, turns, and so forth.

There are a few types of cards. Locations can be controlled and may add bonuses to you and your troops.(i.e. Ruby of Offense, Alchemist's Lab, etc.) Units are your monsters and heroes. These fight in battles and move around the map. Your units all have alignments, movement points, haste, base attack, defense, and ranged attack statistics. In addition, their special ability/ies are noted at the bottom.

I had trouble with battles. You follow phases, in which all mosters that move in that phase attack and defend and such. i.e., Pheonixes are Phase 1, so they attack before Trolls, Phase 7. But its difficult to keep track of Specials, Retaliation, Bonuses, and Hero Skills all at once. I made many mistakes, but couldn't really do anything about them because most of the time the battle had been over. Skills are equipped to your heroes to make them and their troops do better in fights, but there is no official way to keep track of what level your hero is. artifacts can be found to improve your heroes as well. And the best thing about the game is the neat 10 sided die.

I guess the game was okay, but I suggest only playing if you really have the time, like a few hours. Booster packs have 20 cards each, but are pre-fitted to have cards that work well together, so you will have lots of certain cards. Once in a while you get a really unique card pack though, i got one with 18 death magic cards, a location and an artifact. Thats really cool. Ill elaborate on the subject if any would like to hear more.
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